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發布時間: 2022-07-09 05:17:40

Ⅰ 用英語翻譯「今天幾位澳大利亞的中學教師來我們學校參觀」

there are several teachers from australia visiting our school

Ⅱ 歡迎大學來參觀我的學校英語怎麼說

Welcome to visit my school. Our school is located in Academic Building School south, a total of six layers, the third floor has a large reading room, two computer rooms and science laboratories on the three English classes. Reading Room open from Monday to Friday . we often take English classes at the language lab on the second floor . there is a garden behind the building, you can plant flowers there.

Ⅲ 采訪三位同學,寫他們怎麼來學校的(英語作文)

Many students go to school by yellow bus or on foot.And a few of them ride to school.They usually have lunch in school and they don't eat out of school ring school time.They don't have a rest after lunch.And they finish their class in about 3 o'clock.They play basketball,play football and swimming in their free time.And they hold the ball game four times a year.How wonderful the school life is!

Ⅳ 歡迎來到我們的學校,英語怎麼寫

welcome to our school.

Ⅳ 英文翻譯幫幫忙

The students plant trees in school garden every year
Doesthe teacher who comes from England have a black dog?
does the little girl in your class have apple everyday
her mother earn 1000in the conmany every month
does the village between two mountain is your hometown
does your english teacher live at school?
do you have the chance to see your fanther everyday?
the money in the purse which is on the table is own to you ?
does the pretty boy do his homework in classroom
the teacher who comes from england teach us english on the second floor classroom
does the teacher comes from england in near your school`s hospital
I will be the top one in our class
my mother is very beautiful ten years ago
our school have three teacher who comes from england a year ago
my father is very poor 20years
is there sth on the desk
anybody in classroom
how many children does your village has last year
how much money does your father`s purse have yestearday
先採納為最佳我再做剩餘的吧 累死我了
希望對您有所幫助 謝謝

Ⅵ 我是日本人,麻煩哪位幫我翻譯一下!謝謝大家!


「mobile solution fair」はまだ公式な翻訳がないので、英語のままにしておいても問題ないと思うが。

場所は東京のcity build です。


Ⅶ 翻譯:Anna去年來到中國,現在在我們學校教英語

Anna comes to China last year,she is now teaching English in our school.
Tom plays tennis very well.Last month,he had a race with Martin.
Yesterday,Mr Meanwell happened to met one of his old friends on the way to work.They talked a lot.
Last afternoon,Mr Green had been swimming for one hour.He likes swimming very much.
When did you read that book?-The day before yesterday.


Ⅷ 英語作文:你是李華,你所在的學校擬邀請以下三位名人中的一位來校與學生見面並接受采訪

1. Eating fish helps to improve one』s memory and it also can provide energy.
2. No matter how tired she is, she will spare some time every day to read with her daughter together.
3. After discovering his talent for music, Jack』s parents tried every means to send him to a music college of high reputation.
4. Some charity organizations always focus on how to get the helped to get rid of poverty and ignore the mental needs of the helped.
5. Rarely do brides and bridegrooms realize that what is the most impressive is the strong love between them rather than the luxurious wedding gowns or the grand wedding ceremonies.

Ⅸ 英語高手來!!!!


「句型轉換」有兩種形式,一是按要求轉換句型(如:要求將陳述句轉換為否定句或一般疑問句;改為祈使句或感嘆句;對劃線部分提問等);二是「同義句轉換」。本題型在中考中重要是測試我們運用英語「句型」的能力。「四位一體」的「句型轉換」專項訓練,就是為了發展我們這方面的能力。第一類題型的轉換,重點是基本句型的運用,一般都有規律可循。除了熟記基本句式的結構外,還要注意some, any; already, yet 等詞在轉換時的變化。第二類句型轉換(同義句轉換)應該作為我們復習訓練的重點。用不同的句式表達相同的意思,它標志著一個人的外語能力水平。提高此項能力的關鍵是熟悉句型結構,自如運用。通過「專項訓練」,積累一定數量的相關句式,達到脫口而出,信手拈來,出神入化。






1. There are some computers in this school. (be動詞)

There aren』t any computers in this school.

Are there any computers in this school? (Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.)

2. Li Ming』s father can drive the car. (情態動詞)

Li Ming』s father can』t drive the car.

Can Li Ming』s father drive the car? (Yes, he can. / No, he can』t.)

3. She has already finished his homework now. (助動詞)

She hasn』t finished his homework yet.

Has she finished his homework yet? (Yes, she has. / No, she hasn』t.)

第2類句子必須藉助助動詞do; does; did。改為否定句,在行為動詞前加don』t(一般現在時態,主語是除第三人稱單數之外的人稱和數時);doesn』t(一般現在時態,主語是第三人稱單數時);didn』t(一般過去時態)。改為一般疑問句時,在句首加Do;Does 或Did。肯定回答用「Yes」,後面動詞用 do; does或did」;否定回答用「No」,後面動詞用don』t (doesn』t; didn』t)」。如:


1. The children like playing games.

The children don』t like playing games.

Do the children like playing games? (Yes, they do. / No, they don』t.)

2. Mary usually goes to school on foot.

Mary doesn』t usually go to school on foot. (原第三人稱單數改為原形)

Does Mary usually go to school on foot? (Yes, she does. / No, she doesn』t.)

3. Tom went to London yesterday.

Tom didn』t go to London yesterday. (原過去式改為原形)

Did Tom go to London yesterday? (Yes, he did. / No, he didn』t.)


把句子轉換為特殊疑問句,首先要確定劃線部分的「疑問詞」,人、物、時間、地點、數量、原因等分別用:who; whose; whom; what; when; where; why; how; how many; how much; how often; how old; how long等。 將相對應的疑問詞放在句首,其餘部分改為一般疑問句的形式,就是特殊疑問句。改完後要注意檢查句首的首字母大寫和句尾的標點符號。如:

1. His licence number is 573968.

What』s your licence number?

2. Mike watches TV every evening.

What does Mike do every evening?

3. Jim studied in China last year.

Where did Jim study last year?



Lucy is a student, Lily is a doctor. 改為:

Who is a doctor, Lucy or Lily?

反意疑問句的結構是「陳述句 + 簡短問句」,我們必須記住:「前面肯定;後面否定」和「前面否定;後面肯定」的規律和簡短問句的主語必須用代詞的要求。如:

Tom likes playing football, doesn』t he?

Xiao Hong didn』t like singing, did she?

注意:祈使句的反意疑問句,一般都用will you? Let me---打頭的一般用 shall we?


改為祈使句,必須記住:肯定的祈使句,是原形動詞打頭,否定的祈使句是「Don』t」打頭,後跟原形動詞。(主語是I或 we時,句子開頭用let me 或 let』s),如:

1.You should remember his telephone number. 改為:

Remember his telephone number, please.

2. You』d better not tell him the bad news. 改為:

Don』t tell him the bad news.

3. We can go there together. 改為:

Let』s go there together.


The park is beautiful. 改為:

What the beautiful park!

或:How beautiful the park is!

He studies English is very hard. 改為:

How hard he studies English!






用不同的句式表達相同的內容,可以給人清新俊逸,耳目一新,不落俗套的感受。此類句式積累多了,可以擴大我們寫作的視野,增加我們選擇句型的餘地,以便用最恰當的形式表達我們要表達的內容。如:問某人「出了什麼事」或「怎麼不舒服」,我們可以說「What』s wrong with you?」也可以說「What's the matter with you?」;說明「他經常給我打電話」,可以說「He often calls (phone; telephone) me.」,也可以說「He often rings me up.」,還可以說「He often gives me a call (ring).」。這樣的表達形式,我們已學過不少,關鍵的是要學著運用。看看下面這些句式,你都很熟悉嗎?

1. How do you like our school ? 你覺得我們學校怎麼樣?

What do you think of our school?

What do you like about our school?

2. What sport do you like best? 你最喜歡什麼運動?

What』s your favourite report?

3. How is the weather today? 今天的天氣怎麼樣?

What』s the weather like today?

4. It』s time to have supper. 到吃晚飯的時間了。

It』s time for supper.

5. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office? 勞駕,請問到郵局怎麼走?

Excuse me, which is the way to the post office, please?

Excuse me, how can I get to the post office, please?

Excuse me, where』s the post office, please?

6. What』s your name, please? 請問你叫什麼名字?

May I know (have) your name?

Could you tell me what your name is?

7. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day! 祝你中秋節快樂!

Best wishes to you for Mid-Autumn Day!

8. It took my uncle two hours to repair the machine. 我叔叔修那台機器用了兩個小時。

My uncle spent two hours in repairing the machine.

9. I have studied Shaolin Wushu for two years. 我已學了兩年少林武術了。

It』s two years since I began to study Shaolin Wushu

I studied Shaolin Wushu two years ago.


有時為了表達不同的情緒、情感,需要適當變換一下句式,使語言更符合人物身份或當時的喜、怒、哀、樂、驚、恐、悲。最常用的是表示「客氣、委婉」和「強調」。表示「委婉、客氣」常可以藉助「I』m afraid」、「don』t mind」、「please」I』m sorry等,如:

1. I can』t come on time.


I』m afraid I can』t come on time.


2. May I use your bike?


You don』t mind using your bike?



1. Remember to lock the door.


Don't forget to lock the door.


2. You should go there one foot.


Why don』t you go there on foot?


3. These flowers are quite beautiful.


How beautiful these flowers!


What beautiful flowers (these are)!




They are very tired, so they can not walk towards.


They are so tired that they can not walk towards.


They are too tired to walk towards.



1. Jim is clever, I am clever, too.

Both Jim and I are clever.

2. Tom has two cabbages. Mary has only one.

Tom has more cabbages than Mary.

3. We are busy. We aren』t able to go to the cinema today.

We have no time to go to the cinema today.

4. To take a big noise in the library is not polite.

It』s polite to keep (be) quiet in the library.

5. The heavy snow kept the visitors staying on top of the mountain.

The visitors were stopped from leaving the top of the mountain.

6. Tom knows much more about computer than any other students in his class.

Nobody else in our class knows so much about computer as Tom.





The student stood there and didn』t know what he should do next.

The student stood there and didn』t know ______ ______ do next.

本題原句意思是:那個同學站在那兒,不知下一步該做什麼,下一句的兩個空與上句的what he should對應,即用兩個詞表示上句三個詞的意思,再如:

Hurry up, or we』ll miss the early train.

______ we ______ _____, we』ll miss the early train.

本題原句意為:快點,不然我們將要誤早班車了,原句是祈使句,要完成的句子三個空(多了一個主語)必須表明「Hurry up,or」的意思。


上面兩個例子,第1題中know後是賓語從句,轉換後的句子應為「what to(疑問詞+不定式結構;第2題原句中的 「or」 是表示條件的,下一句理應改為條件狀語從句:「If we don』t hurry」,再如:

Their football team is much stronger than the other two.

Their football team is ______ ______ of the ______.

本題原句是個比較級句型,而轉換後的句型根據「of」的標志應是最高級句型,因為從句意上看是有二個足球隊,空格處填the strongest; three,意思與原句相同。



He found the lost bike after Xiao Li arrived.

He ______ find the lost bike ______ Xiao Li arrived.

本題實際測試的是「not---until」這個特殊結構,按第2句話的空位,可填didn』t; before。雖然後者也能表達原句的意思,但不如用until結構更生動;更確切,再如:

Mr Li has been a League member for five and a half years.

Mr Li ______ ______ League five and a half years ______.

本題重點測試的是「參加,加入」的表達方法。「加入共青團」可用 「have been a League member」,也可用「joined the League」,它們的不同點是:前者用於現在完成時,常與for引導的一段時間狀語連用;後者是短暫性動詞,不能與for引導的一段時間狀語連用,要用過去時,時間副詞用ago,而不能用before。





1. Willy didn』t bring out the new coat until the boss made a phone call to Lily.

Willy didn』t bring out the new coat ______ the boss made a phone call to Lily.


2. There』s nobody but a passenger in the bus.

There』s _________ one passenger in the bus.

本題下句只是把「a」換成了「one」,而要求是把「nobody but」換成一個詞,使兩個句子意思基本相同。「nobody but」意思是「除了------外,沒有人」,符合此意的單詞,只有填「only」。

3. Tom was feeling unhappy in the past months.

Tom ______ ______ happy in the past months.

注意:此題轉換後的句子中,「unhappy」改成了「happy」,其它詞和句子結構、詞的數量都沒有變化。「un」是否定前綴,原句謂語動詞形式是肯定的,轉換後應改為否定形式的「wasn』t feeling」。

4. Look at the dark cloud. It looks like rain.

Look at the dark cloud. It ______ ______ ______ rain.

本題轉換只需把兩個詞的「looks like」換為三個詞,且意思不變即可。如果填寫「is going to」,意思恰好與It looks like rain.接近。



1. He didn』t do well in the exam, I think.

I ______ ______ he ______ well in the exam.

根據兩個句子結構,我們應該能想到「think」否定前移的用法。即,think後的賓語從句如果是否定形式時,否定形式應在主句,應填入「don』t think」和「did」。注意主語和從句的時態形式。

2. The match was too late. They were all tired this morning.

The football match was ______ late ______ they were all tired this morning.


3. This bicycle is not as new as that one.

That bicycle is ______ ______ this one.

本題上句是個否定的「as---as」句型。仔細觀察一下,下面的句子「this」和「that」顛倒了位置,並要求把「not as new as」換成兩個詞。思考:轉換後的句子仍然是二者的比較。「as---as」用於二者同級比較,「more than」是用於二者比較的句式。填寫「newer than」,兩個句子意思就相同了。

4. You can only choose one out of the two.

Please take ______ this one ______ that one.

這個小題的兩個句子明顯是兩個不同的句式。前一個句子的意思是「你只能從兩個中選取一個。」第二個小題從句式結構上看,是要求填寫兩個連接詞。聯想到我們學過的並列連詞:both---and; either---or; neither---nor; not only---but also等,用哪一個能准確表達什麼句子的意思呢?當然是「either---or」。


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