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發布時間: 2022-04-11 03:26:28

㈠ 三文魚,壽司,生魚片英語分別怎麼說




㈡ 日本料理英語單詞

雪頂咖啡蛋糕:snow-top coffee cake , 卡布基諾:cappuccino , 巧克力布朗尼:chocolate brownie , 雙色巧克力蛋糕:dicolor chocolate cake

㈢ 日本料理 韓國燒烤 標准英文說法

日本料理就是 japanese food料理只是中國人音譯過來的
韓國料理就是korean barbecue

㈣ 日本料理菜單翻譯成英文

魷魚生魚片 Cuttlefish
海膽 Sea urchin
金槍魚生魚片 Tuna
鰤魚生魚片 Shi fish
鯛魚生魚片 Bream sashimi
生魚片拼盤(品) Fillet Assorted sashimi
三文魚籽 Salmon me
左口魚薄切 flatfish
三文魚生魚片 Salmon
北極貝生魚片 Polar shell
醋浸青花魚生魚片 Vinegarish mackerel
飛魚籽 FLying fish me
章魚生魚片 Octopus
活左口魚薄切生魚片一條 Fresh Flatfish
生魚片拼盤(品) Fillet Assorted sashimi
甜蝦生魚片 prawn
活魚薄切一條 Sliced fresh fish
壽司拼盤(品) Assorted sushi fillet
金槍魚壽司 Tuna sushi
北極貝壽司 Polar shell sushi
三文魚壽司 Salmon sushi
鰤魚壽司 Shi fish sushi
鯛魚壽司 Bream sushi
醋青花魚壽司 Mackerel sushi
魷魚壽司 Cuttlefish sushi
豆腐皮壽司 Tofu sushi
鰻魚壽司 Eel sushi
章魚壽司 Octopus sushi
蝦壽司 Prawn sushi
雞蛋壽司 Egg sushi
左口魚壽司 Flatfish sushi
三文魚籽壽司 Salmon roe
飛魚籽壽司 Flying fish roe
海膽壽司 Sea urchin sushi
壽司拼盤(品) Assorted sushi fillet

金槍魚卷 Tuna roll
三文魚卷 Salmon roll
加州卷 California Roll
蘆筍卷 Asparagus roll
新香卷 Tasty roll
梅肉卷 Japanese apricot roll
黃瓜卷 Cucumber roll
粗卷 Big roll
鰻魚黃瓜卷 Eel and cucuber roll
納豆卷 Fernent soybean in seaweed
干瓢卷 Dried gourd shavings roll
罐裝金槍魚手卷 Tuna hand roll
海膽手卷 Sea urchin hand roll
飛魚籽手卷 Flying fish hand roll
蘆筍手卷 Asparagus hand roll
三文魚手卷 Salmon hand roll
三文魚籽手卷 Salmon roe hand roll
金槍魚手卷 Tuna hand roll
加州手卷 California hand roll

㈤ 日語用英語怎麼說


Japanese 讀法 英 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz] 美 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz]

adj. 日本(人)的;日語的

n. 日本人;日語


1、Japanese Girl 日本女孩

2、Japanese cuisine 日本料理


Japanese proction methods have been transplanted into some British factories.




Japan 讀法 英 [dʒəˈpæn] 美 [dʒəˈpæn]

n. 日本(東亞國家名)


1、Bank of Japan 日本銀行

2、Made in Japan 日本製造


The volume of trade with Japan has increased.


㈥ 日本料理,或者是料理,翻譯成英文,怎麼翻譯

日本料理 == "Japanese food", "Japanese cuisine"

料理 == food, cuisine ;cooking full

票務中心==ticket business center/office

室外長廊==outside long corridor

㈦ 西餐的吃的東西分別用英語怎麼說

menu 菜單

French cuisine法國菜

today's special 今日特餐

chef's special 主廚特餐

specialty 招牌菜

continental cuisine 歐式西餐

aperitif 飯前酒

dim sum 點心

French fires炸薯條

baked potato烘馬鈴薯

mashed potatoes馬鈴薯泥

omelette 簡蛋卷

pudding 布丁

pastries 甜點

紅酒 red wine

白酒 white wine

白蘭地 brandy

葡萄酒 sherry

㈧ 壽司用英語怎麼說



/s/ 雙唇微開,上下齒接近於合攏狀態,舌尖抵住下齦,氣流從牙縫送出。

/u:/ 雙唇成圓形,牙床近於半合,舌尖不觸下齒,自然而不用力,發 「屋」之長音。 是字母oo或ou在單詞中的發音

/∫/ 雙唇微開,向前突出,舌尖升近上齦,用力將氣息送出來。

/i:/ 舌抵下齒,雙唇扁平作微笑狀,發「一」之長音。 是字母ea、ee、ey、ie、或ei在單詞中的發音,此音是長母音,一定注意把音發足。


用作名詞 (n.)

The restaurant is famous for its delicious sushi.


We tried eating sushi as an experiment.








另外,日本家庭也會在特殊的場合,自製壽司款待宴客;但作法大都比較簡單,並可在卷米飯的同時加入烤紫菜或雞蛋片,鹹菜之類。 壽司在日本以外地區也十分流行,世界各地回轉壽司式的壽司店也多不勝數。不過外國人有時會誤把「壽司」與「刺身」(sashimi,生魚片)混為一談,這也是日本料理典型的印象之一。

㈨ 求在日本料理店點菜的對話,要英文版的

Japanese cuisine
Japanese cooking
雲海日本料理 Unkai Japanese Restaurant
四季日本料理 Shiki Japanese Restaurant
竹村日本料理 Takemura Japanese restaurant
1. I'm going to treat you to this delicious Japanese dinner this time.
2. If you like Japanese cooking, I'll bring you some sushi.
如果您喜歡吃日本料理, 我會為您拿些壽司來.
3. Kaiseki - ryori would not be complete without a serving of fresh sashimi.
4. Let's go celebrate. Japanese food is on me tonight.
我們去慶祝一下 吧. 今晚我請吃日本料理.
5. We could eat Chinese, Japanese or Indian food - do you have any preference?
我們這有中國烹飪 、日本料理和印度食品,你想吃什麼?
6. I hope you will find Japanese cuisine quite satisfactory.
7. The hottest thing to happen to Japanese fare since Wasabi.
8. KAMPACHI is a high class Japanese restaurant at sixth floor.
9. What is your favorite Japanese dish?
10. The food in that Japanese restaurant is incredible.
11. Welcome to Japanese Cuisine Restaurant.
12. There is a nice Japanese restaurant near here.
13. The food in Japan is strange at first, but you'll soon get used to it.
一開始吃日本料理的時候你會覺得很奇怪, 不過你很快就會習慣的.
14. Kam Sau mei is a Japanese restaurant, on the Internet is recognized as very good atmosphere.
秀味錦是一家日本料理店, 在網上被公認為氛圍很好.
15. Says Tsukiji scholar Ted Bestor ,'Tsukiji reveals as much about Japanese culture as itabout Japanese cuisine.
研究築地的學者泰德貝斯特說:「築地就像日本料理一樣,凸顯了很多日本文化. 」

㈩ 日本料理的「英文」介紹


Cooking culture introces Japan

Mention food and drink , be that food , vegetable , fish and flesh are that Japanesque non-staple food meal burns, and the Western Europe Chinese meal popularizes also very much like not only give first place to rice, before Japan can sample to rich various meal food. Japan is a very rich countries of high grade water resource , hygiene facilities improves and perfects also very much , drinks therefore running water is in any Japanese place being able to. Modern Japan culture is furthermore colorful. Girls are in the culture studying time-honoured Japan tradition, if sado , the ikebana simultaneous, also jump disco. The scene bordering but building the browse downtown area , antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock.


That Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result commonly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food. The Japanese cuisine is particular about the plain taste keeping food very much , does not encourage have added a condiment, use delicate give first place to. The color to cooked food has the very good request especially face to face, not only using all kinds of form , arrangement , colour collocation that the very delicate vessel does load food, to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of , sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful.


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