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發布時間: 2023-06-07 00:58:32

1. 雲南瑞麗一寨兩國賣的糕點有哪些


1. 瑞麗糯米糍:這是瑞麗地區最有名的糕點之一,由糯米粉和豆沙餡製成,外面裹上了一層芝麻糊,口感軟糯香甜,非常好吃。

2. 椰汁糕:這是一種用椰汁製成的糕點,口感清香甜潤,非常受大家的喜愛。

3. 緬甸春卷:這是一種用蔬菜和肉類製成的春卷,口感鮮美,非常適合作為小吃。

4. 瑞麗糖葫蘆:這是一種用葫蘆製成的糕點,外面裹上了一層糖霜,口感甜脆可口。

5. 瑞麗豆腐腦:這是一種用豆漿和石膏製成的豆腐腦,口感細膩柔滑,非常受當地人的歡迎。

6. 瑞麗小米糕:這是一種用小米叢隱粉製成的糕點,口感松軟綿密,非常適合作為早餐食品。

7. 緬甸花捲:這是一種用麵粉製成的花捲,口感松軟香甜,非常適合作為下午茶點。

8. 瑞麗糯米飯團:這是一種用糯米和各種餡料製成的飯團,口感軟糯香甜,非常適合作為午餐食品。


2. 德昂族的風俗習慣









3. 緬甸食物英語介紹








多數緬甸快餐由米或糯米、牛奶或者椰子製成被磨碎的細片和糖(或者棕櫚糖)作為糖精。 緬甸人喜歡快餐或者早餐項目,作為快餐或和在下午茶時間。 雖然有一定數量的傳統快餐,最普遍是Mohinga或米線服務用魚小湯。

另一個聞名項目是Ohnnoh Khauk Swe或面條服務用濃椰子湯調味與雞。Kyarsan Chet或細面條在辣雞湯是另一頓喜愛快餐。

並且普遍是Khauk Swe Thoke或面條沙拉、安培小時Kyaw或被分類的油炸物,Bein Mont或米薄煎餅,Mont Sein Paung或被蒸的米糕,Mont孤立Gyi或米餃子與椰子裝填,Kauk Nyin Paung或蒸的糯米,和Shwe Yin贊成或椰子奶油色果汁牛奶凍。


主菜在一頓典型的緬甸膳食可以被分類作為肉或魚、菜或者沙拉和湯。 在肉或魚類別,盤例如雞,鴨子、豬肉、羊肉、魚和大蝦和蛋。



緬甸人在正常飯食期間,如果是家居請客,總不食用點心,這也是一種習慣,當招待客人或給慈善宴餐時,除各種各種果子外,最共同的是如爛泥的茶葉沙拉、烤芝麻籽和花生、油煎豆、大蒜和一個小量的干大蝦。 Shwe Kyi或濃粗麵粉,是另一種在宴餐和在非凡的場合供食的普遍點心。

Kyauk Kyaw或海草果凍,主要在上面鋪椰奶。Thagu或Thagu Byin,也許它名字的獲取是從馬來人那裡來的,所以材料是西米、珍珠粉、棕櫚糖,豐富的話還會用椰子。但是,最謙遜緬甸傳統點心還是棕櫚糖,在緬甸膳食中提供的一個也是唯一普遍存在於農村家庭的點心。


在傳統服務,沒有開胃菜或酒。 一頓典型的緬甸膳食主要包括一塊板材布滿米,盤布滿不同用咖哩粉調製成的湯,煮沸的菜用魚子醬。 一碗額外米為第二helpings也提供在桌。一塊被折疊的餐巾是為在膳食以後抹嘴唇和手指,而不是為了保護衣物。叉子和匙子可以應要求提供。


Burma's traditional food
Because of Burma and favorable seasonal water, soil fertility of the geographical characteristics different from other regions that it proces various fruits and vegetables, and with the rich variety of all necessary food supply.

Soups and salads

Most people love soup dietary Burma, probably because the Burmese usually don't drink, smooth and swallowed solid food. Delicious meal is to promote the hot soup, stimulate eat one's appetite. Sometimes, when the soup is not available, can use the diet of a cup of hot tea instead.

There are many different styles of soup. Have ll and contains meat, fish or some food sweet soup. There is also included chilli pepper and the bitter soup, usually with salad as fast. Some soup is agreed to in ROM WangZi clung thick liquid material or trees with the help of tomatoes taste of a sour.

Salad in Burma is relative to the European tradition of different foods. Burma salad is not in the food processing, boil, cooked meats can be high, fish, Onions, luo WangZi tree juicy, chili powder, caviar, Fried garlic, cooked oil and was beaten by combination of dry prawns, under the hand of all thoroughly mix materials. Due to the material, the wonderful taste is definitely and salad, a cocktail disk in tables can bear a bowl of hot and spicy taste for all of the soup.

The traditional four main types: soup soup, and sweet spicy, acid and bean soup.

Fast food

Most of the Burma by meters or food, milk or coconut rice made by grinding up XiPian and sugar (or the palm of sugar) as saccharin. Burmese like fast food or food or as breakfast projects, and in the afternoon tea time. Although there are a number of traditional food, the most common Mohinga is well or with fish soup. Small service,

Another famous Khauk Ohnnoh project is Swe or noodles in soup flavored with coconut service with chickens. Chet or thin noodles Kyarsan in hot soup is another's love fast food.

And the common Swe Thoke or Khauk is noodle salad, ampere Kyaw hour or by classification, Fried rice Bein Mont or pancakes, Mont Sein Paung or steamed rice cakes, rice mplings Mont isolated Gyi or with coconut easly Kauk Nyin Paung or steamed, of glutinous rice, Yin Shwe and approve or coconut cream blancmange juice.

The main

In a typical main meal can be classified as Burma, meat or fish soup or salad and. In meat or fish don't, such as chickens, cks, pork, mutton, fish and other and eggs.

But usually not for eating beef. Food is opened in a wide variety of ways and cooking, usually by with a small amount of oil and other improve taste. Salad, mainly by raw cooked or preserved vegetables, meat, fish or sometimes, it must be ingredients are great taste rich.


Burmese in normal ring the meal, if it is not always treat, household consumption, this is a snack, or used to entertain guests when charity banquet, besides, the fruit of various common is like mud tea baking sesame seeds and salad, peanut, Fried beans, garlic and a small amount of dry prawns. Shwe Kyi or thick coarse flour, is another kind of extraordinary meal and banquet on occasion for food-procing universal snacks.

Kyauk Kyaw or above, major in seaweed jelly spread coconut milk. Thagu or Thagu Byin, maybe it's name to obtain from the Malay, material is pearl powder, Northumberland, sugar, rich also palm with coconut. However, the traditional snacks or humble Burma in Burma, palm sugar diet provides a is the only universal existence in rural families snacks.

Traditional service

In traditional service, not an appetizer, or wine. A typical of the Burma plate mainly includes a full meal, with different dish with curry powder mingled with the soup is made with the dishes, boil caviar. A bowl of rice for second helpings is extra in table. A folding table napkin after meals for anointed is in the lips and fingers, not to protect the clothes. Forks and mixed can be requested.

Provide food for the guests have dinner, and their curry and plate, guests can ask for help in dietary, snack include fresh fruit.

4. 切糕國家不管嗎


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