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發布時間: 2022-06-14 10:46:56

Ⅰ 交換生是什麼意思








提前適應美國生活及學習環境 每一位參加交換生項目的學生同時也肩負著做一名文化交流小使者的重任,培養國際視野,成為世界公民。 中美高中交換生項目最近幾年才正式開展,每年總數在600人左右,分布在北京、上海、廣東、湖南、湖北、江蘇、遼寧、貴州、河南、河北等地區,得到具有國際視野的學校、學生及家長的廣泛關注。


Ⅱ 「交換生」用英語怎麼說

「交換生」的英語是「exchange student」,讀作:英:/iksˈtʃeindʒ ˈstju:dənt/;美/ɪksˈtʃendʒ ˈstudnt/。

I was a government international exchange student in florida.

The chance meeting with Prof.Paul afforded me astonishingly an opportunity as an exchange student to go to their college.

I'm an exchange student from the emerald lsle.

Ⅲ 申請去紐西蘭做交換生要求外貌性格愛好獎勵願望英文作文中文

Hello!My name is Liu Ya Min.I am a Chinese girl.I am fourteen.I am a middle school student.Frankly speaking,Irene is not beautiful.I like autumn,the ground is covered with fallen leaves.I like basketball,but I dislikes sports.I very love sit in the sun.I like sty,sing and shopping,too.I think I am a happy girl.My family is not big.There are my parents,my two brother and I.Being the eldest,I must look after my brothers.My desire was to become a writer.

Ⅳ 交換生用英語說是exchange student還是exchanged student

exchange student專業名詞;
exchanged student可以理解為非專業名詞,翻譯為交換的學生.

Ⅳ 學生們上周為一群來自紐西蘭的交換生舉行了派對 用英語怎麼說

The students held a party last week for a group of exchange students from New Zealand.

Ⅵ 「交換生」用英語怎麽說

exchange student



Ⅶ 英語作文假定你是李華,來自紐西蘭的幾位交換生在你校為期兩個月的學習結束,即

英語作文:假定你是李華,來自紐西蘭的幾位交換生在你校為期兩個月的學習結束, 臨別留言:
Dear all students from New Zealand,
Time flies. Two months goes so fast. It』s time to say goodbye.
We all miss you!
During the two months time, we have learnt a lot from each other. Your friendly and energetic attitude to life and to friends impressed us greatly.
Our English has been improved significantly with your help, even we have a bit New Zealand accent.
Hope you all have very good time and see you soon in the near future.
Your friend
Li Hua

Ⅷ 一個交換生項目用英文翻譯


Ⅸ 交換生用英語說是exchange student還是exchanged student

exchange student專業名詞;
exchanged student可以理解為非專業名詞,翻譯為交換的學生。

Ⅹ 假設你是李華,你班來自紐西蘭的交流學生生病回國治療。請你用英語給他寫封電子郵件,主要內容包括,1...

Dear Phelps,
I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic person.If condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you got.Since Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some help.During the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure proceeding.We took many photos of the activities our class took part in recently.And I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your disease.Finally,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us.
Looking forward to your reply and your recovery news.
yours Li hua

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