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發布時間: 2022-06-16 14:32:12

㈠ 急需紐西蘭的英文版介紹!!!

紐西蘭 New Zealand。在台灣和香港地區叫紐西蘭。毛利語為Aotearoa,音譯為「奧特亞羅瓦」,即「長白雲之鄉」。



1、天佑紐西蘭 God Defend New Zealand
2、天佑吾王 又稱 天佑女王 god save the queen,如在位的是男性君主,國歌改為 天佑國王 god save the king。天佑吾王是英國的國歌及英聯邦的皇室頌歌。

懷唐伊日 Waitangi Day 2月4日(1840年)


紐西蘭元 New Zealand Dollar(NZ$),由紐西蘭儲備銀行(即中央銀行)負責印製和發行。硬幣有5分、10分、20分、50分、1元、2元,5分硬幣已經不再發行,並把10分、20分及50分的硬幣尺寸改小。鈔票有5元、10元、20元、50元、100元。各主要的信用卡都廣泛被接納。紐西蘭對所有商品和服務徵收12.5%的消費稅。


Country's name
New Zealand New Zealand. Calls New Zealand in Taiwan and theHong Kong area. The gross profit language is Aotearoa, transliteratesis "奧特 the Asian Luo tile", namely "township of the long whiteclouds".

National flag
New Zealand national flag

National emblem
New Zealand national emblem
The national anthem
1, the day blesses New Zealand God Defend New Zealand
2, the god save the king called the day blesses Queen god save the queen, if reigns is the masculine crowned head, the national anthem changes the day to bless King god save the king.The god save the king is England's national anthem and British Commonwealth of Nations's imperial family ode.
National Day
Bosom Tang Yiri Waitangi Day on February 4 (in 1840)

National territory area
270,534 square kilometers, special economic area 1.2 millionsquare kilometers. Row world 73rd.

New Zealand Yuan New Zealand Dollar (NZ $), (namely CentralBank) is responsible by the New Zealand reserve bank to print and therelease. The coin had 5 minute, 10 minute, 20 minute, 50 minute, 1Yuan, 2 Yuan, 5 minute coins already no longer distributed, and 10divided, 20 divides and 50 minute coins sizes changes slightly. Thebill has 5 Yuan, 10 Yuan, 20 Yuan, 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan. Each main creditcard widely is all admitted. New Zealand levies 12.5% excise taxes toall commodities and the service.

English, gross profit language, New Zealand sign language

㈡ 紐西蘭的英文名字怎麼拼寫

New Zealand 開頭字母要大寫

㈢ 紐西蘭的英文

New Zealand

㈣ 為什麼說紐西蘭是世界上最純凈又安全的國家


㈤ 紐西蘭的英語怎麼說

New Zealand,紐西蘭(英語:New Zealand,舊譯鳥施侖;毛利語:Aotearoa,音譯:「奧特亞羅瓦」,意為「長白雲之鄉」,通稱紐西蘭),是個島嶼國家。




㈥ 紐西蘭的英文是怎麼寫

New Zealand

㈦ 安全的英文怎麼寫

safe 形容詞,「安全的」
safety 名詞,「安全」

㈧ 去紐西蘭的英文介紹

The introction of New Zealand【紐西蘭中英文簡介】
紐西蘭(英語:New Zealand),又譯紐西蘭,又稱奧特亞羅瓦(毛利語:Aotearoa),是位於太平洋西南部的一個島嶼國家,首都為惠靈頓,但最大的城市為奧克蘭都會區。紐西蘭主要由兩大島嶼組成,即北島(Te Ika-a-Māui[7])和南島(Te Waipounamu[7]),兩島以庫克海峽分隔,首都惠靈頓即位於北島末端處,除此之外還包含了一些其他小的島嶼。
New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses—the North Island (or Te Ika-a-Māui), and the South Island (or Te Waipounamu)—and around 600 smaller islands. New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.
Because of its remoteness, it was one of the last lands to be settledby humans. During its long period of isolation, New Zealand developed adistinct biodiversity of animal, fungal and plant life. The country's varied topography and its sharp mountain peaks, such as the Southern Alps, owe much to the tectonic uplift of land and volcanic eruptions. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington, while its most populous city is Auckland.
New Zealand is a developed country and ranks highlyin international comparisons of national performance, such as health,ecation, economic freedom and quality of life. Since the 1980s, NewZealand has transformed from an agrarian, regulated economy to a market economy. Nationally, legislative authority is vested in an elected, unicameral Parliament, while executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister, who is currently Bill English. Queen Elizabeth II is the country's head of state and is represented by a governorgeneral, currently Dame Patsy Reddy. In addition, New Zealand is organised into 11 regional councils and 67 territorial authorities for local government purposes.

㈨ 有關紐西蘭的介紹,要英文的,高分懸賞

紐西蘭國旗 New Zealand flag
紐西蘭(New Zealand),又譯紐西蘭,位於太平洋西南部,是個島嶼國家。 New Zealand (New Zealand), also translated New Zealand, located in the southwest of the Pacific island countries. 紐西蘭兩大島嶼以庫克海峽分隔, 南島鄰近南極洲 , 北島與斐濟及湯加相望。 New Zealand's two main islands separated by Cook Strait , South Island, near Antarctica , the North Island and Fiji and Tonga, the sea. 面積26.8萬平方公里。 An area of 268,000 km2. 首都惠靈頓 ,最大的城市是奧克蘭 。 The capital, Wellington , the largest city is Auckland . 紐西蘭經濟蓬勃,屬於發達國家 。 New Zealand's economy is booming and belong to the developed countries . 過去二十年,紐西蘭經濟成功地從農業為主,轉型為具有國際競爭力的工業化自由市場經濟。 In the past two decades, New Zealand's economy from agriculture-based with international competitiveness of instrialized free-market economy in transition. 鹿茸、羊肉、奶製品和粗羊毛的出口值皆為世界第一。 Velvet, lamb, dairy procts, and coarse wool, with an export value of all the world. 紐西蘭氣候宜人、環境清新、風景優美、旅遊勝地遍布、森林資源豐富、地表景觀富變化,生活水平也相當高,排名聯合國人類發展指數第3位。 New Zealand climate is pleasant and fresh environment, scenic tourist destination throughout and rich in forest resources, surface landscape and varied, the standard of living is quite high ranking United Nations Human Development Index 3.

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