當前位置:首頁 » 觀紐西蘭 » 幾維鳥只住在紐西蘭用英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2022-01-22 10:33:00

⑴ 她住在紐西蘭這個英語單詞怎麼寫


1、She lives in New Zealand. 一般現在時,說明事實:描述她現階段住在紐西蘭的情況;
2、She is living in New Zealand. 現在進行時,強調進行:描述她目前正居住在紐西蘭。

⑵ 關於幾維鳥

  • 大斑幾維 Apteryx haastii ,僅分布於紐西蘭南島。卵巨大,僅次於鴕鳥蛋,重量達體重的1/4,在所有鳥類中是最高的。晝伏夜出。

⑶ 求短文翻譯,謝謝了

幾維鳥只生活在紐西蘭.這是一個非常奇怪的鳥,因為它不能飛. 幾維鳥的大小和雞一樣.它沒有翅膀或尾巴.也沒有像其他鳥類的羽毛. 它有體毛、每隻腳有四個腳趾,它的嘴巴是很長的. 幾維鳥喜歡很多樹圍繞著它.它在白天睡覺,因為陽光會傷眼睛. 它可以用鼻子聞事物,它是世界上唯一能聞到東西的鳥. 在紐西蘭的雞蛋是非常大的.只有少數在紐西蘭獼猴桃了.人們再也看不到它們. 政府說,人們不能殺幾維鳥. 有一個對紐西蘭人民的錢來自紐西蘭奇異果圖片有時被稱為獼猴桃.

⑷ 英語短文翻譯。急!!!!!!!!!!!!




人教版 英語課文啊這是 希望有所幫助

⑸ 紐西蘭的英語怎麼說

New Zealand,紐西蘭(英語:New Zealand,舊譯鳥施侖;毛利語:Aotearoa,音譯:「奧特亞羅瓦」,意為「長白雲之鄉」,通稱紐西蘭),是個島嶼國家。




⑹ 求英語大神翻譯一下、謝謝、

當很多人聽到「獼猴桃」這個詞的時候,他們就會想到奇異果。 但在紐西蘭, 單詞「kiwi"也是有很多其他意義的。紐西蘭種植很多奇異果,住在那裡的人會叫它們」kiwis"。那同時也是一種只有那個國家有的鳥種的名字---奇異鳥。
奇異鳥是褐色的,大約有小雞那樣的大小。 鳥通常是會飛的, 但奇異鳥不會飛。 它們視覺並不好但嗅覺是很不錯的。晚上,奇異鳥就是用它們的嗅覺外出尋找食物。
奇異鳥在紐西蘭是很重要的,而它們的數量正在縮減。以前在這個國家,奇異鳥是很多的,而現在數量只有大概 70000左右。紐西蘭正嘗試保護這種鳥。他們為奇異鳥打造特殊的環境,保護他們不被其他動物傷害。奇異鳥每年下蛋數量不多,所以保護小奇異鳥寶寶非常重要。奇異鳥經常會被其他動物吃掉,像貓,狗, 所以人們通常會讓自己的寵物遠離那個區域。

⑺ 誰能幫我翻譯一下這篇文章

父親像其他鳥類。發改委晉發改其body.Each腳頭發4 toea.Its嘴很長。
一個獼猴桃喜歡在白天去想它傷害的sunlinght eyes.It鼻子可以聞到它的東西約it.It睡眠很多樹。它是世界上唯一的東西可以聞鳥。紐西蘭元的雞蛋大。

⑻ 「紐西蘭的」用英語怎麼說


⑼ 求助,寫一篇關於紐西蘭的英語短文

New Zealand is a small country situated in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of about 4 million.It consists of two principal islands, the North Island and the South Island, full of scenic contrasts which will definitely take any visitor』s breath away. The natural features of both islands include rolling hills, beautiful lakes, golden beaches and mountains cloaked in forest. The country is mostly hilly, with some peaks covered with snow most of the year, but more than half of its land is suitable for farming and animal husbandry.

New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. As it is an island country, it』s humid all year round. Sometimes, a wisp of cloud comes with a spell of rain. So it』s better to take an umbrella when you go out. New Zealand is renowned for the pristine, natural beauty of its environment beyond compare. Many people regard it as the last piece of clean land on the earth. Due to its geographical isolation, New Zealand is home to some unique plants and animals, say the flightless Kiwi birds. Interestingly, however, there are no dangerous animals in New Zealand except some rare poisonous spiders, so you can safely walk anywhere all by yourself. Most animals are protected here. Two years ago, it was reported that an Asian student had been deported for killing wild cks.

New Zealanders, or rather the Kiwis, are friendly and hospitable. The early settlers, the Maori, are thought to have originated from the Pacific islands or Asia over 1,000 years ago. European migration began in the mid-18th century. Today, the majority of New Zealanders are of European descent. In recent years, many people from different parts of the world, such as China, India, etc., have come to live here. New Zealand is now becoming a multicultural society. In the city of Christchurch where I live, the Chinese are estimated to be in the region of 11,000.

New Zealand enjoys advantageous social welfare and developed economy reputed for top-quality fruit, meat and dairy procts. Service instries, particularly those relating to tourism and ecation, are also of great significance to its economy. Every year many Chinese tourists and students come to New Zealand to enjoy what it can offer. New Zealanders lead an easygoing, relaxed lifestyle. It seems that joie de vivre is well engrained in the national psyche. Rather than falling victim to the busy tempo of modern life as in other developed countries, they have stood their ground retaining all that is old and natural. They enjoy peace in solitude and hate the hustle and bustle of modern life.

In short, New Zealand is an idyllic, beautiful place which seems to be a legendary Land of Peach Blossoms in the eyes of the Chinese. The sheer magic of its beauty is attracting an increasing number of people from around the world.

Certainly not all is for the scenery, also has the very many movie work also to be born in here, for instance< Jin'gang> (KING.KONG), for instance< accepts the Nepali Asia legend> (The Chronicles of Narnia), again for instance< monster history Leica> (Shrek), most is worth mentioning is the Hollywood throughout history biggest manufacture< finger ring king> (The lord of the Rings) the trilogy, his first two have altogether won 6 item of Oscar prizes.

⑽ 高一英語課文NEW ZEALAND的翻譯


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