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發布時間: 2022-07-11 18:01:02

1. 關於去紐西蘭的英語情景對話。兩個人的。大約兩分鍾。或者不去紐西蘭。國外的城市都可以。

A: Hi, Sue. You see, the winter vacation is around the corner. Do you have any plans?

B: I am not so sure at this moment. Maybe i will go travelling with my parents. But we have not decided where we should go.

A: Have you watched the popular reality show Dad, where are we going? In the last episode, they went to New Zealand. I have to say i was totally impressed by the beautiful scenery there. The sky is so blue and the people there seem to be very friendly and hospitable. What is more, my friend went to New Zealand to further her study last year, and she speaks highly of that country. She even sees the country as a paradise, feeling totally satisfied with everything there.

B: Wow, that is so fantastic. With no doubt, I will take New Zealand into consideration. You know, you make this trip and the contry more fascinating and charming.

A. Glad to hear that. And there is one thing you should never forget.

B: What?

A: It is summer in New Zealand right now, which means you can escape into the dreamy world full of sunshine. I do hate the cold and wet weather in our city. It tortures me to death.

B: Running away from the winter in our city is also a dream of mine. Got you! I will discuss this with my parents at home. I need to know the budget and make sure the everything will run smoothly there.

A: Yes, budget is always the key to a pleasant trip.

B: Do you have any suggestions?

A: Maybe you can go to a travel agency and know some basic details about the trip plans it offers. If the price is acceptable, you can book at the agency directly, cause this can save you a lot of time and energy. What you need to do is look forward to this amazing jounery.

B: What if we cannot afford the fee?

A: If the price is not so cheap as you expect, you need to surf the Internet and try to create your own travelling plan arrcoding to the plans posted by the enthusiastic people who went there before or who are local. It is time-consuming, but it is quite worthy, if you can save a large sum of money by doing this.

B: Alright, I will follow your advice. Thanks a lot. Still, I have to talk to my parents about this.

A: Ok, enjoy yourself in the vocation. Bye.

B: Bye. And if I go to New Zealand. I will send you some beautiful postcards.

A: Ok. Now, it is my turm to say Thankyou. Bye.

自己編了一段對話。搞得我都很想粗去玩了= =。

2. 我很感謝你邀請我到家裡做客在我上個月紐西蘭旅遊期間英語

To whom it may concern,
I hereby delightfuly invite my friends Mr. and Mrs. XXX come to Auckland and stay with me for a month. They will come here for sightseeing and visiting and hopefully we will have a good reunion. Their schele is listed as below-
First day, xxxxx
Second day, xxxx
I will be fully responsible and guarantee their wellbing and stay in New Zealand.
My contact detail is... (你的聯系方式)
Your kindly help is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards!

3. 紐西蘭人用英語怎麼說


new zealanders;kiwi


  • 華裔紐西蘭人Chinese New Zealander;華裔紐西蘭人;New Zealand Chinese

4. 去紐西蘭的英文介紹

The introction of New Zealand【紐西蘭中英文簡介】
紐西蘭(英語:New Zealand),又譯紐西蘭,又稱奧特亞羅瓦(毛利語:Aotearoa),是位於太平洋西南部的一個島嶼國家,首都為惠靈頓,但最大的城市為奧克蘭都會區。紐西蘭主要由兩大島嶼組成,即北島(Te Ika-a-Māui[7])和南島(Te Waipounamu[7]),兩島以庫克海峽分隔,首都惠靈頓即位於北島末端處,除此之外還包含了一些其他小的島嶼。
New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses—the North Island (or Te Ika-a-Māui), and the South Island (or Te Waipounamu)—and around 600 smaller islands. New Zealand is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.
Because of its remoteness, it was one of the last lands to be settledby humans. During its long period of isolation, New Zealand developed adistinct biodiversity of animal, fungal and plant life. The country's varied topography and its sharp mountain peaks, such as the Southern Alps, owe much to the tectonic uplift of land and volcanic eruptions. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington, while its most populous city is Auckland.
New Zealand is a developed country and ranks highlyin international comparisons of national performance, such as health,ecation, economic freedom and quality of life. Since the 1980s, NewZealand has transformed from an agrarian, regulated economy to a market economy. Nationally, legislative authority is vested in an elected, unicameral Parliament, while executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister, who is currently Bill English. Queen Elizabeth II is the country's head of state and is represented by a governorgeneral, currently Dame Patsy Reddy. In addition, New Zealand is organised into 11 regional councils and 67 territorial authorities for local government purposes.

5. 我直飛紐西蘭,飛機上是中國空姐嗎我英語不是很好,最好給我找一篇飛機用英語,以及可能的對話




6. 企鵝英語《紐西蘭歷險記》全文翻譯

薩拉和傑西卡打算到紐西蘭度假。他們感到非常興奮。傑西卡是靠窗口的。 '瞧!她說,'有奧克蘭!我們在這里! '但是我們晚了,'薩拉答案。 '當是我們的車?' '在1點鍾,'傑西卡說,'我們可以從機場乘坐計程車到汽車站。

在機場,女孩找的士。 '瞧!傑西卡說。 '這男孩的我們揮手! '對不起!你晚了嗎?'男孩要求他們。 '你希望此車?我可以等。 '非常感謝你!'的女孩回答。 '要在公共汽車站,請你,'薩拉說給司機。她微笑的男孩,他們趕走。

該輛的士停在巴士站。突然,傑西卡的士上看到地板上的手機。 '這是你的手機?'她問司機。他看著它。'沒有,'他回答。 '這是男孩的移動。莎拉帶著它去。 '也許我能找到他的地址,'她說。 '是的!他的名字叫邁克爾。明天,他在90英裏海灘的。我們可以把它送給他。'

女孩們等候尼內特英裏海灘。他們吃飯,看車。巴士是不是在道路上駕駛,他們是在長灘駕駛。 '查詢邁克爾!傑西卡說。不過,莎拉是看海。突然,他看到傑西卡。 '他!上,巴士'她說。她浪潮。邁克爾波她,但巴士不會停止。

姑娘們登上巴士。 '我們能追上他嗎?傑西卡問。 '我不知道,'薩拉答案。 '我看不到他的車現在。突然,他們聽到嗶嗶聲。薩拉看移動。 '有一個邁克爾消息,'她說。她讀取信息。 '這是重要的,'她說。 '也許我們可以發現他在奧克蘭天空塔在明天。

在摩天塔,女孩看不到邁克爾。 '他不在這里,'薩拉說。一個女人的笨豬跳塔。 '我能做到這一點,'她說。 '你來,傑西卡?' '不'傑西卡回答,'但我可以從這里看你。 '請注意我的包,也'薩拉說。她給她的袋子傑西卡和她去了塔。

莎拉跳躍。這是非常跳遠。她來到了附近的街道,她看到邁克爾。傑西卡認為他太。 '邁克爾!回來!我們已經有了您的手機!她叫他。但邁克爾走開。她經營著他。她未拿莎拉的袋子。 '傑西卡!我的包!莎拉電話。

傑西卡和莎拉感到非常不滿。大公無法找到邁克爾,他們無法找到薩拉的bag.Sarah沒有錢了。 '對不起,'傑西卡說。 '但我已經有了一些錢,我們已經擁有的螢火蟲洞窟門票。 '好.Let氏明天去那裡,'薩拉說。 '邁克爾是太過分。我們可以從他那裡。

姑娘們繼續把船從黑暗cave.The發光燈蠕蟲很漂亮,這是非常安靜。突然,有一個由科瓦奇的移動聲響。燈光暗去。在船上的人感到非常憤怒。 '沒有手機!他們說。 '很抱歉,'薩拉說。她看到了邁克爾的新信息。 '也許我們可以在羅托魯瓦他。

'羅托魯瓦是非常有趣的,傑西卡說。 '就像熱水我。 '是的,'薩拉答案',但我看不出邁克爾。 '他是明天在哪裡?'傑西卡問。莎拉在移動看來,'他在南島的,'她說。 '該船的非常昂貴。我們可以去了? '是的,'傑西卡說。 '我這里有票的錢。

薩拉和傑西卡駕舟南島。這是非常寒冷,但咖啡是昂貴的。突然,有一個從邁克爾的手機聲響。 '哦,不!不會再!莎拉說。她讀取信息。 '邁克爾的母親和父親都擔心他,我們無法找到他。讓我們把他的手機在凱庫拉警察局。

女孩們採取手機警察局。然後,他們下到海中。 '讓我們去看鯨魚,'傑西卡說。 '我們不能'薩拉答案。 '昂貴的門票。突然,傑西卡看到邁克爾。她跑到他。 '你的手機在警察局的,'她說,'和你有在家的消息。

邁克爾很快給家裡打電話。他笑著說。 '我的母親和父親都很好,'他說,'他們已經得到來自彩票100,000!他們派出一些錢,我為我的假期。現在,我可以給你一個驚喜。 '什麼驚喜?'傑西卡問。 '等等看,'邁克爾說。他走的鯨魚觀賞售票處。

'謝謝你對我的移動,'邁克爾說的女孩。 '謝謝你大吃一驚!傑西卡說。她非常興奮。 '你喜歡的鯨魚你嗎?邁克爾說。 '我愛他們!傑西卡回答,'他們是美麗的。 '是的,是美麗的紐西蘭也'薩拉說。 '這是一個冒險!

7. 我要去紐西蘭上學的英語作文


8. 紐西蘭的英語怎麼說

New Zealand,紐西蘭(英語:New Zealand,舊譯鳥施侖;毛利語:Aotearoa,音譯:「奧特亞羅瓦」,意為「長白雲之鄉」,通稱紐西蘭),是個島嶼國家。




9. 「紐西蘭的」用英語怎麼說


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