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發布時間: 2022-06-05 19:38:14

Ⅰ 青花瓷英文版歌詞諧音

你好有一版紐西蘭小夥子叫Laurence Larson中文名字叫羅藝恆,翻唱成英文版的相當不錯,可以去聽聽看。
Your touch like brush strokes you hold colour in my skin
The deep blue and pearl white glow like porcelain.
As I stare clear through the window that I』m locked within
I count the seconds to see you again.
Possessions reach cannot hold beauty such as yours
Yet still its clouds shroud your light so your petals fall
Your flowers kiss I reminisce, now I only see in picture frames.
The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides
I see your shadow outlined through
The sky still dark as I make my way to you
White moon light guides our way, fields of morning dew
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling.
Perfection locked and untouched trapped behind this glaze
The shining white holds its shape so elegantly
Beautiful blue hides entwined hold its secrets tight
All of its mysteries subed beneath
These eyes have only one mind, set upon us two.
My present, past and the future reside in you
Although the Ink has come to fade.
Its art and meaning still remain.
The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides
I see your shadow outlined through
The sky still dark as I make my way to you
White moon light guides our way, fields of morning dew
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling.
The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you
The fire in my heart burning white and true
Our world is greener on the other side so free
The time is calling.

Ⅱ 中學生容易學唱的英文歌。

FireFly - The A-Teens 這首不錯噠

When I said go I never meant away (當我說離開時我從不打算離開 )
You ought to know the freaky games we play (你應該知道我們玩的任性游戲 )
Could you forgive and learn how to forget (你可以原諒而且學習該如何忘記嗎 )
Hear me as I'm calling out your name (聽到我呼喚你名字的時候 )

Firefly come back to me (螢火蟲飛回我身邊 )
make the night as bring as day (使夜晚像白天一樣明亮 )
I'll be looking out for you (你輕輕的告訴我 )
Tell me that your lonely too (告訴我你也很孤單 )
Firefly come lead me on (螢火蟲過來指引我 )
follow you into the sun( 跟隨你接觸太陽 )
that's the way it ought to be( 我們應當這樣做 )
Firefly come back to me (螢火蟲飛回我身邊 )

You and me( 你和我 )
we shared a mistery (我們分享朦朧的感覺 )
We were so close (我們是如此接近 )
like honey to the bee (像是一對親密的蜜蜂 )
And if you tell me how to make you understand (而且如果你告訴我該如何使你了解)
I'm minor in a major kind a way ( 在主要的前提下我使用次要的)

Firefly come back to me (螢火蟲飛回我身邊
make the night as bring as day( 使夜晚像白天一樣明亮 )
I'll be looking out for you( 你輕輕的告訴我 )
Tell me that your lonely too (告訴我你也很孤單 )
Firefly come lead me on (螢火蟲過來指引我 )
follow you into the sun( 跟隨你接觸太陽 )
that's the way it ought to be( 我們應當這樣做 )
Firefly come back to me( 螢火蟲飛回我身邊 )

Fly firefly through the sky (螢火蟲飛越天空 )
come and play with my desire (過來與我的渴望嬉戲)
Don't be long,don't ask why( 不要太久,不要問為什麼)
I can't wait another night (我不可以等到下一個夜晚 )
Wait another night (等到下一個夜晚 )
Don't be long (不要太久 )
Fire...fly( 螢火...蟲 )
Firefly come back (螢火蟲飛回我身邊 )

Firefly come back to me (螢火蟲飛回我身邊)
make the night as bring as day (使夜晚像白天一樣明亮 )
I'll be looking out for you (你輕輕的告訴我)
Tell me that your lonely too (螢火蟲過來指引我 )
Firefly come lead me on( 螢火蟲過來指引我 )
follow you into the sun (跟隨你接觸太陽 )
that's the way it ought to be (我們應當這樣做 )
Firefly come back to me( 螢火蟲飛回我身邊)

Ⅲ 阿布,哈日,哈布演唱的一首關於母親的歌曲名字叫什麼

我這些歌有很多你肯定聽過,但叫不上名字的,尤其是學友的很多歌歌,比如總有一天等到你(如果你看過超級學校霸王的話) 李香蘭 說的上經典,吻別不能少,還有 每天愛你多一些 我真的受傷了 為什麼你背著我愛別人都挺好挺好的

Ⅳ 邁克爾學搖滾的四個成員的名字各是什麼

最終成為繼ABBA、Roxette、Ace of Base之後,倍受世
界矚目的歐洲超級巨星。由於他們非常喜歡John Lennon、
Elton John式的古典搖滾,於是給自己的樂隊起了一個非
常謙虛的名字Michael Learns To Rock(邁克學搖滾)。

姓名:Mikkel Lentz
出生時間/地點:1968-12- 20/丹麥,Esbjerg
體重:74 kg
買的第一張唱片:甲克蟲的「Abby Road」
在音樂方面影響你的人:Rolling Stones

姓名:Jascha Richter
身高:183 cm 體重:75 kg
參加的第一場音樂會:10 cc
買的第一張唱片:ABBA 的「Arrival」
在音樂方面影響你的人:Elton John,Supertramp,BeeGees,Eagels,ABBA

姓名:Kare Wanscher
出生時間/地點:1969-06- 14/丹麥,Arhus
體重:72 kg
買的第一張唱片:Bob Marley 的 「Live」
在音樂方面影響你的人:Stewie Wonder, Bob Marley

Ⅳ 網上有個紐西蘭帥小伙翻唱周傑倫的《我不配》,求英文歌詞啊~~

一樓回答是正確的 採納吧親

Ⅵ 有什麼好聽的英文歌適合女生學唱的

1.Unchained Melody
2.As long as you love me
3.My heart will go on
4.Country roads take me home
5.Big big world
6.Pretty boy
7.Yesterday once more
8.The day you went away(王心凌翻唱的第一次愛的人的原版就是這個)
9.That's why you go away
10.Take me to your heart(吻別英文版)
11.Dying in the sun


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