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發布時間: 2023-01-23 13:10:30

⑴ 去新加坡開車怎麼樣


⑵ 在中國有機動車駕駛證如何能在新加坡開車


⑶ 新加坡是不是全市的車方向盤都在右邊,是不是有些道路行駛設計在靠右手邊行駛


⑷ 在中國有機動車駕駛證如何能在新加坡開車


中國駕照在新加坡可以使用 , 但是需要公正翻譯 ,同時攜帶原件和公證書。一年之內可駕。

超過一年 必須考取新加坡駕照。如果中國駕照的獲得日期早於來新加坡6個月,只需要通過基礎理論考試即可。 否則 需要從頭考試。非常難。

最後不要聽從別人說的 國際駕照。中國駕照是不能申請國際駕照的。申請了也是沒有用的。因為中國不是該組織的成員國。


Conversion of Foreign Driving Licence

General Guidelines

Any person holding a licence to drive a particular class of motor vehicle by the competent authority of a country other than Singapore , may apply for conversion to a Singapore driving licence to drive the equivalent class of motor vehicle. This is provided that the particular class of licence is not granted automatically without the need of test and on the merit of attaining of another licence, example a motorcycle licence granted with class 3 licence without going through a test that is practised in some countries.

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may only drive in Singapore with a Singapore licence. They have to seek conversion of their foreign driving licence upon returning to Singapore and upon obtaining PR status respectively.

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may convert a foreign driving licence if they can show proof that they have reason to be staying in a foreign country for a period of 1 year or more e to study or work, and have a total stay of 6 months within the one year period.

New PRs who already have a 5-year Singapore driving licence will have to replace it with a lifetime driving licence that reflects their new NRIC number.


A foreigner above 18 years of age and holding a Work Pass/Dependent Pass/Student Pass may drive in Singapore with a valid class 3, 3A or 2B foreign licence, for a period of not more than 12 months. A Singapore driving licence is required after 12 months. Those on short term social visit may drive with their foreign licence for up to 12 months each time they enter into Singapore . For licence not written in English language, an International Driving Permit or translation is required as explained below.
持有工作證的外國人,可以以外國駕照 駕駛 與其駕照列出的同級別的車(小車大車),12個月.12個月後需要轉為新加坡駕照.短期進入新加坡的外國人可以駕駛最多12個月從每次進入新加坡的時間算起.非英語的駕照必須有翻譯或者持有國際駕照.

⑸ 在新加坡開車

國內駕照(不是英文)是無法在新加坡開車的,必須有國際駕照International Driving Permit或者offical翻譯才可以。如果你已經換了國際駕照而且只准備在新加坡待『一年以內』,理論上是可以直接用國際駕照開車。但是如果你變成PR或者待超過一年,你還是得換成新加坡駕照,這就需要考Basic Theory Test - 交規



Conversion of Foreign Driving Licence

If you hold a foreign driving licence and intend to remain in Singapore for less than twelve months, you are not required to convert your foreign driving licence to a Singapore driving licence. You may drive in Singapore with a valid foreign driving licence. However, if your licence is not in English, in addition to a valid foreign driving licence, you are required to have an International Driving Permit. If an International Driving Permit is not available, an official translation of your driving licence in English is required.

If you are holding an Employment Pass/Dependent Pass/Student Pass/or Work Permit and are likely to reside in Singapore for more than twelve months and you wish to continue to drive in Singapore, then you are required to convert your foreign diving licence to a Singapore driving licence before the end of your twelve months stay.

To convert to a Singapore driving licence, you are required to pass the Basic Theory Test (BTT) which will familarise you with traffic rules and Singapore's Highway Code pertaining to traffic related issues peculiar to Singapore. A Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) who wishes to drive in Singapore is required to convert his foreign driving licence after becoming a PR.

Application for conversion of foreign driving licence for Singaporeans and PR are not normally granted unless:

they have stayed in the foreign country continuously for at least six months after the date of first issue of their foreign driving licence
the foreign driving licence at the time of application for conversion must have been issued for a period of six months or more
for PRs, the driving licence was obtained before the applicant became a PR.
Your application for conversion of driving licence must be made in person at any of the following driving test centre :

Singapore Driving Test Centre 3, Ang Mio Kio, St 62
Bukit Batok Driving Centre 815, Bukit Batok West Ave 5
Comfort Driving Centre 215, Ubi Ave 4
Please bring along the following documents:

Result slip to prove that you have passed the Basic Theory Test
Passport and NRIC/Entry Permit/Employment Pass/Dependent Pass/Social Visit Pass/Work Permit, etc (whichever is applicable)
A passport-size colour photograph with white background
A matt/semi-matt finish and a fee of $50
For overseas students, please proce proof of six months' stay in the country e.g. ecational transcripts or Letter of Acceptance into the Ecational Institution (120) and the relevant visa in the passport
For those employed overseas, please proce Letter of Employment or Income Tax Returns or supportive documents from employers and the relevant Employment Pass in the passport
A valid Qualified Foreign Driving Licence
An official translation of the driving licence if it is not in English
Extract of Driving Licence from the Licensing Authority that indicates the date of first issue of Driving Licence if this date of issue is not indicated on your driving licence
For Malaysian licence holders, an extract from Jabatan Pengangutan Jalan (JPJ) is compulsory

⑹ 新加坡開車是左邊還是右邊


⑺ 為什麼新加坡是靠左行駛












⑻ 新加坡開車靠哪邊行駛


⑼ 在中國有機動車駕駛證如何能在新加坡開車


⑽ 新加坡的交通是左行還是右行


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