當前位置:首頁 » 看新加坡 » 我准備去新加坡工作英文怎麼寫


發布時間: 2023-05-19 00:24:06

1. 英語翻譯 我想去新加坡

why you want to go to Singapore? Singapore has "garden city" the laudatory name,it is a very beautiful and developed country, I was full of curious about it since the childhood, if i have the opportunity to have to look at,that would be great , but also can improve their English, why not?what are you doing In Singapore?First of all want to improve my English, after all, i can improve my english to be the fastest in this environment, of course I will learn some more.

2. 我要去新加坡幫忙把這些翻譯成英文

Dear Commissioner of immigration officer:
I have to give you more trouble Liu Baoqiang after lessons and my reflectionI know wrong regret I really want to go to Singapore to work now
Hope sir for giving me the opportunity to work in Singapore
I will take the work of law-abiding will not give you any trouble
希望能夠幫到你 祝你在新加坡能有個好收成 而且新加坡也說漢語 去那隻要會一兩句的日常英語 其實就夠了

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