當前位置:首頁 » 看新加坡 » 新加坡零錢找零英語都是什麼


發布時間: 2023-05-21 17:03:10

1. 你好 你的新加坡英語面試資料給我發一份好么 我最近也有個面試 謝謝你


Would you please introce yourself? 自我介紹

(範例)本人叫***, ***年**月出生, **學校畢業, 來自**省**市,現在XX公司工作,主要從事XX等工作,擔任XX(如銷售員/收銀員等等)職位, 本人非常榮幸(高興)地參加此次面試 ,謝謝貴公司給我提供此次機會,謝謝…..

Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***, born in **, ** year. I graated from ** school, I come from **city, ** province. After my graation/ I left my school, I work in ** company as ** position(eg. I work in Liqun Plaza as a customer service staff .). My resposibility is ……. I am honoured to attend the interview today, thank you for providing me this chance. Thank you!


How old are you ? 年齡

Why do you want to apply for the position? 為什麼想應聘這個職位

Why do you want to go to Singapore? 為什麼想到新加坡工作

How much do you know Singapore? 對新加坡有多少了解

Whether your family support you or not? How many people in your family?

你的家人支持你嗎? 家裡有幾個人?

What is your major? 你的專業

Do you have sales experience before? 有沒有銷售經驗?

What was your responsibility for the work? 你目前工作中的職責是什麼?

What is your advantage and disadvantage? 你的優點與缺點

Can you describe your character? 可以描述你的性格嗎?

How to you handle customer complain? 如何處理顧客的投訴?

問候語:Welcome , may I help you? \what I can do for you? \which color is your favorite? \ how can I help you? \What size do you want? \

商品名: Cloth \ shoes \bags \cosmetics\house articles\electronic things\ bed linen etc(衣服、鞋子、包包、化裝品、家居用品、電器、床上用品等)

顏色Color: 淺或深 light or dark -----

black \ red \ yellow \ brown \ grey \ pink \ blue \ orange etc.

尺寸 Size : may I have size 34\36\39\43 可以給我34碼嗎?

找零: The change\balance is 302.70 ( three hundred two dollar and seventy cent)


[1] 你在單位里主要做什麼

----What do you do?/ What』s your job?

----I work in **Plaza/Shopping Center as a salesperson/ cashier.


----What』s your resposibility?

1. Do paper work for the company daily operation.(做日常文書工作)

Conct promotion to maintain outstanding achievement.


2. Achive sales target(達到營業額), responsibility for daily and monthly inventory(負責貨庫的清點工作)

Responsible for ***sales(銷售**產品),Perform the regular promotion to achive target.(開展促銷活動以提高銷售額)

Handling all the vip client service(負責貴賓服務), good response for vip client complaint and other matters.(解決貴賓的投訴及其他問題)

Maximize sales in the **counter(最大限度地提高**櫃台的銷售額);

consistently achieve monthly sales plan(不斷的提高月銷售計劃)

1. Introce procts we are selling. (介紹我們銷售的產品)

2. Able to communicate with customers well.(跟顧客很好的溝通)

3. Help customers to choose and encourage them to buy.(幫顧客挑選及鼓勵他們購買)

4. Check messages from manager; Sort new arrived goods.(向經理查詢信息,分類新到的產品)

5. Handle customers』 complaint and helping the other department to deal with.


Recommend Proct(推薦產品) and Interacted with customers(與顧客配合), stress improved customer service(注重提高顧客服務水平) and follow through, ensure greatest customer satisfaction(確保顧客滿意)


你是哪裡人?(where are you from?)--I』m from ***.

家裡有多少人?(How many people in your family?)—There are **members in my family.They are my father, mother, sister/brother and I.

他們主要做什麼?(What do they do? )

會不會想家?(Will you be homesick?)--Yes,but now it』s very convenient to contact through telephone or computer.When I miss my family, then call them.

父母支持自己出國工作嗎?(Will your parents support you to go abroad to work or not?)---They support me to go because they hope me to earn more money and develop myself.



能不能經受長期加班貨輪班工作?(Can you undertake over-time work or shift work?)—Sure. I can undertake, I want to earn more money to give back my family.

是否服從公司的安排和管理?(Can you follow company』s arrangement and manager』s direction?)--- I will follow.

[4]你為什麼去新加坡工作?(Why do you want to go to Singapore to work?)

你對新加坡的了解如何?一般說新加坡是個風景非常優美,法制比較健全,也比較公平的國家等等贊譽之詞。(It is known that Singapore is a very beatuiful and clean country, its legal system is healthy.)

想去新加坡工作的目的最好說在國內的工資不高,主要是想到國外好好工作,拿更多更高的薪水等等。(I want to make more money meanwhile enrich my working experience. )

[5]有什麼業余愛好等(What』s your hobby / interest?)

---play basketball/football, listen to music, travel,reading……


1)、帶誇張飾物 2)、頭發亂或過多摩絲 3)、手指甲長或很臟



b、回答問題用英語回答(pls try to speak English),如果專業性比較強的英語盡量避開,不要使用地域性很強的方言和簡稱或俗語,尤其是企業名稱和工作內容等,會影響外方的理解.一般僱主問什麼問題,你回答什麼問題,不要自己拚命提出問題,讓僱主回答你的問題,搞的僱主對你的印象非常不好。


d、如果沒有聽清問題,可以有禮貌的請對方重復一次,(Sorry, can you repeat? )但一定要注意力非常集中,盡量避開環境比較嘈雜的地方上網。

e、回答問題時,注意力要集中,不要東張西望或抓耳撓腮。實在聽不懂的情況下,可以有禮貌的講一句:(Sorry,Sir/Madam, I can not understand, do you mind speaking Chinese at this point?)
f、問及薪水問題,最好不要說對方的工資不算很高,自己一定要拿到多少薪水才合適;應該說接受工資待遇,過去後自己也會更加積極努力工作,以好的工作表現爭取更高的薪水。(I can accept the salary. But I believe I will get higher salary through my good performance ring work.)

g、面試結束後,要非常有禮貌地向僱主道謝,並且可以表達自己希望能被僱主看中,有為僱主效勞的機會。(Thank you for providing me this chance, Looking forward to your good news. Thanks! / Thank you, see you!)

2. 關於超市收銀員用的英語

1. I am afraid we can not accept your Visa card here and you can apply for Yinlian card at all Banks in China.
2. Please pay in cash. 3. Here is your change.
4. Welcome to (後接商場名字)
5. Thanks for coming, and we are looking forward for your next coming.

to do some shopping; to go shopping 買東西
shopping centre 商業中心區
department store 百貨商店
children's goods store 兒童用品商店
antique shop 古玩店
second-hand store 舊貨店
counter 櫃台
stall, stand 售貨攤
show window 櫥窗
show case 玻璃櫃台
shelf 貨架
cash desk, cashier's desk 收銀處
price tag 標價簽
prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定價
discount 打折扣
change 零錢
to keep the bill 留發票
to wrap up 包裝
free of charge 不收費
to deliver 送
be al sold out, out of stock 售空
shop assistant, salesman 售貨員
saleswoman 女售貨員
glassware counter 玻璃器皿部
enamel ware 搪瓷器皿
haberdashery 男子服飾用品
confectionery 糖果糕點
cosmetics 化妝用品
stationery 文具
fabrics 紡織品
dry goods 服裝
ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,現成服裝
men's wear 男服
women's wear 女服
underwear 內衣褲
sports goods, athletic equipment 體育用品
sundries 零星小物
toilet articles 盥洗用品
towel 毛巾
handkerchief 手帕
toilet soap 香皂
shampoo 洗發香波
soap 肥皂
laundry soap 洗衣皂
soap powder 肥皂粉
soap flakes 皂片
medicated soap 葯皂
detergent 洗衣粉
cleanser 去污粉
tooth paste 牙膏
tooth brush 牙刷
toilet mirror 梳妝鏡
hair brush 發刷
hair vaseline 發蠟
cosmetics 化妝品
lipstic 口紅, 唇膏
face powder 粉
compact 粉盒
powder puff 粉撲
cold cream 香脂
vanishing cream 雪花膏
perfume, scent 香水
perfume spray 香水噴子
coat hanger 掛衣架
clothes-peg, clothes pin 曬衣夾
string bag, net bag 網兜
thermos bottle 熱水瓶
cap, cork 熱水瓶瓶蓋
travellers' water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壺
lunch box, canteen 飯盒
thread 線
needle 針
button 鈕扣
zipper 拉鏈
key-ring 鑰匙圈
torch, flashlight 手電筒
bulb 燈泡
battery 電池
lock 鎖
watch, wrist watch 表, 手錶
watch band 表帶
watch chain 表鏈
clock 鍾
alarm clock 鬧鍾
electric clock 電鍾
umbrella 雨傘
parasol, sun umbrella 陽傘
knapsack 背包
handbag 女手提包
briefcase, portfolio 公事包
travelling bag 旅行包
suitcase 手提箱
trunk 大衣箱
magnifying glass 放大鏡
binoculares 望遠鏡
hot-water bottle 熱水袋
smoking set 煙具
lighter 打火機
jewelry, jewels 首飾, 珠寶
jewel case 首飾盒
antique, curio 古玩
ornaments 裝飾品
ring, finger ring 戒指
signet ring 印章戒指
necklace 項鏈
brooch 胸針
pendant 墜子
bracelet 鐲子
chain bracelet 手鏈
ear ring 耳環
trinket 小飾物
safety-pin 別針
cuff-link 袖扣
diamond 鑽石
gold jeweleries 金飾
silver jeweleries 銀飾
pearl 珍珠
imitation 仿製品
genuine 真的
fake 假的
baby's cot, crib 嬰兒床
cradle 搖籃
diaper, napkin 尿布
feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶
teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴
mmy, comforter 假奶嘴
perambulator 兒童車
go-cart, walker, babywalker 兒童學步車
rocking-horse 搖馬
scooter 踏板車
child's tricycle 兒童三輪車
razor 剃刀
safety razor 保險剃須刀
electric razor 電剃刀
razor blade 刀片
shaving brush 剃須刷
shaving cream 剃須膏
comb 梳子
hair-brush 發刷
hair-net 發網
hair pin 發夾
hair oil, brilliantine 發油
hair lotion 生發水
pomade 發膏
hair drier 吹風機
hair-curler 卷發夾
electric clippers, electric shears 電推子
nail scissors 指甲剪
nail clipper 指甲夾
nail file 指甲銼
nail varnish, nail polish 指甲油

3. 超市收銀員需要掌握的英文

1、讓改買完東西告訴他:It comes to 165 yuan, sir. (先生,一百六十五襪滑脊元)
2、給完錢找零時說:告滲Here's your change.(找你的零錢)
3、外國人有給小費的習慣,有時會說:Keep the change!(零錢不用找了)
4、welcome again!(歡迎再次光臨)


4. 找零錢英語

要蠢慧旦我說我會說:Sorry,I dont have the change at the moment,could you follow me to get it.

5. "零錢"用英語怎麼講


3.I want some change.
4.Do you have some charge?
5.Have you got small change?
6.I've got plenty of change.
7.Give me some small change, please.
8.How much have you got in change?
9.I want to have some small change.

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