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A. 去東南亞旅遊想上網怎麼辦卡



玩轉東南亞 可以選擇這些卡



據 悉,新加坡三大運營商Singtel(新電信)、StarHub(星和)和M1都有各自的SIM卡(包括黑莓手機)出售, SIM卡一般都是3G,自帶一定的上網流量,免費短消息和通話時間(不同的公司有不同優惠項目,旅行者可以仔細詢問售賣者或者閱讀說明),在機場或者路邊 的便利店都可以買到,不過注意購買時需要護照注冊。


馬來西亞主要的手機卡有3種:Maxis的Hotlink卡、Digi卡和Celcom卡。此外還有Tune卡和U Mobile卡。這些電話卡都是單向收費,馬來西亞國內無市話長途之分,即使預存話費為零也可以接聽。買卡有贈送話費,開號時需請店員幫忙換成英文,並開 通上網功能。


在緬甸購買當地的`電話卡很方便,常見的有Ooredoo、Telenor和MPT三家運營商。每張卡購卡費為1500K,建議攜帶護照復印件前往官方營業廳 購買,其他地方可能會存在加價售賣的現象。購卡後再買充值卡進行充值即可。常見的充值卡有3000K和5000K兩種,不過注意自2018年6月1日起, 充值時將被徵收約5%的稅,所以實際到賬的話費會小於充值卡的面值。有3G,但有時會沒有信號。


菲律賓主要的電信公司為Globle和Smart Globle,SIM卡40-50比索一張,裡面沒有話費,需要另外買充值卡,面額分為100/300/500比索等幾種。撥打菲律賓國內電話7.5比索 /分鍾,撥打國際電話0.4美元/分鍾。另外Globe有出品一種tipIDD Card專門用來打長途,類似國內的IP卡,有預付面值和卡號密碼,撥打中國電話5比索/分鍾,按照卡後面的說明就可以充值了,如果不會充,可在以買的時 候讓店員幫忙充上。




越南的通訊運營公司有Viettel、Vinaphone、Mobifone等。SIM每張約65,000盾,內含50000盾國際話費和110,000國 內話費,分別計算不能累計,話費用完可以充值。一般說來Viettel的信號比較好。撥打越南國內電話每分鍾1600盾左右,國際長途每分鍾約4400 盾。SIM卡在河內機場、旅遊信息中心和Sinh Café都能買到,在遊客集中的地區也有很多小店出售。


寮國主要的電話卡有四家營運商:ETL、Unitel、Beeline和M-Phone。四種卡均為單向收費,在寮國境內無漫遊和長途,充值和余額查詢是自 助式,方法都一樣,充值為*121*+充值卡密碼+#,再按撥號鍵即可;余額查詢為*122#,再按撥號鍵即可。主要使用通話功能的推薦用ETL,直撥中 國號碼,1999基普/分鍾,打寮國境內,800基普/分鍾;主要使用數據功能的推薦用Unitel,可以發送3G到209開通包天、包周及包月不同數據 套餐。SIM卡及充值卡在掛有營運商標志的店鋪即可買到,價格15000基普左右。購買後要發送姓名和護照號注冊開通。

租賃「出境隨身WiFi」 隨身嗨

如果覺得辦當地卡麻煩,那麼,你也可以在國內租賃「出境隨身WiFi」。打開淘寶及攜程等網站,消費者輸入「Wifi出境租賃」會發現,目前各互聯網平台上 有各路設備賣家在網路中提供WiFi設備租賃業務。


B. 蘋果小7型號MPT22CH/A

  1. 可以根據型號來判斷,在【手機——設置——通用——關於本機】中查找型號,根據型號最後2位或者1位字母查看。除了國行尾數為CH,其他均為水貨海外版。

  2. 要是想要了解最新的iPhone7港版價格或者日版iPhone7以及蘋果7美版報價的機友們可以多關注一下國內的華強北市場01店手機網的最新動態,9月16日首發上市當天便有港版和行貨現貨,美版和日版會稍晚一些到貨。

  3. iPhone手機型號顯示數據結尾為CH/A。說明手機是行貨版本機型。享受全國一年的聯保服務。

  4. 快用蘋果助手無法安裝軟體解決方法一: 選擇「設置」--「通用」--「訪問限制」--「安裝apps」(這是英文直譯翻譯的),英文是「settings」--「general」--「Restrictions」--「Installing Apps」,將選項置為「on」就可以了。

  5. 快用蘋果助手無法安裝軟體解決方法二: 首先看手機與電腦用數據線接好後,快用左下角會顯示設備型號嗎?如果不行,說明數據線有問題。如果可以,先安裝閃退修復,然後重新安裝一次試試看。



碩士課程主分為兩種,分別是修課式和研究式。 修課式的碩士課程主要有理學碩士(Master of Science,英文短寫為MSc),教育碩士(Master of Ecation,英文短寫為MEd),工程碩士(Master of Engineering,英文短寫為MEng)和文學碩士(Master of Arts, 英文短寫為MA)。另有工商管理碩士(Master of Business and Administration, 英文短寫為MBA)。而研究式的碩士課程有哲學碩士(Master of Philosophy,英文短寫為MPhil)。

修課式碩士一般只需要完成特定的課程,並且達到學院所要求的成績便可以畢業,而大部份哲學碩士課程則除了要求在修學課程上取得優異成績和擔任教學助理(Teaching Assistant)外,還要進行全職學術研究,並且撰寫碩士論文才能畢業。完成修課式碩士課程所需的時間為一年到兩年不等,入學資格一般為學士畢業便可。另一方面,由於哲學碩士需要進行全職研究和擔任教學助理,所以入學資格要求會高很多,通常需要申請者擁有學士學位,並且取得二級榮譽一等,甚至一級榮譽或以上的成績。完成哲學碩士課程所需的時間一般為兩年到兩年半,有些時候也會因為在研究上有困難而延長修業時間,但通常不會超過四年。



副學士學位 (美)

准學士學位 (英)

FdA, FdEd, FdEng, FdMus, FdBus, FdSc, FdTech


B.A. , BAccty, BAdm, BAgrEc, BArch, BBA, BBus, BCom, BComp, BCS, BCL, STB, BD, BDent, B.Ed., BEc, BE, BSBME, BFA, BHE, BHK, BJ, BLibStud, BMath, BMus, BSN, BPE, BPharm, BS, BSA, BSocSci, BTech, LLA, LLB, MB BS, BPhil, BCL


MA, MS, MSc, MSt, MALD, MApol, MPhil, MRes, MFA, MTh, MTS, MDiv, MEd, MBA, MBT, MComm, MPA, MPD, MPS, MSN, MProfStuds, MJ, MSW, MPAff, MLIS, MLitt, MPH, MPM, MPP, MPT, MRE, MTheol, LLM, MEng, MSci, MBio, MChem, MPhys, MMath, MMus, MESci, MGeol, MTCM, MSSc, MA, MLA, MArch





AE, BE, BME, CE, CE, ChE, EE, CpE, ECS, EnvE, MSE, ME, NavE, NuclE, Ocean E, SysE, Eng


AuD, DC, DCM, DDS, DMD, JD, MD, ND, OD, DO, PharmD, DP, PodD, DPM, MDiv, MHL, DVM


PhD, DPhil, EdD, EngD, DBA, DD, DMin, JCD, DCL, SSD, DSc, DLitt, DA, DMH, MD, DMA, DMus, ThD, DrPH, DPT, PsyD, DSW, LLD, LHD, JSD, SJD, JuDr, STD

Applicants must be proficient in the English language. As such, applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraate instruction is not English must complete the TOEFL, IELTS, or pass the Diagnostic English Test (DET, administered by the NUS Centre for English Language Communication).

Other admission requirements may vary depending on the nature of the graate programmes. While the paragraphs below set out the general requirements, more detailed information is available at the respective Faculty』s website.

Research-based Programmes
Candidates must demonstrate readiness for graate study through some specific standard of achievement in a common entry examination (eg: the subject GRE, GMAT), or an admissions test, or an interview.

Admission to a research Master』s programme normally requires a good Honours degree or equivalent. Departments may also admit students with a good Bachelor』s degree with relevant research or working experience on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the Board of Graate Studies (BGS).

Admission into a Ph.D. programme requires a good Master』s degree in a relevant discipline, or at least a Second Class Upper Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline.

There is no limit to transfer of credit for moles that have not been used towards another degree at NUS or elsewhere. For moles that have been credited towards another degree at NUS or elsewhere, up to 50% of the MCs required in the coursework component of the NUS graate research programme into which the candidate seeks admission may be exempted.

Only moles at level-5000 and above, relevant to the degree programme to which the candidate seeks admission, and read less than 5 years before the date of admission may be considered for credit transfer/exemption.

Coursework-based Programmes
Admission to a coursework-based graate programme requires at least a Bachelor』s degree, or equivalent, in the subject or related discipline. In addition, programmes may require candidates to demonstrate readiness for graate study through a specific standard of achievement in:

a common placement examination (eg: the subject GRE, GMAT); or
a programme-administered placement test in the relevant field (which may also consist of a structured interview to test the candidate』s understanding of the field); or
completion of 40 MCs of preparatory moles.
Exceptionally, candidates with other qualifications and experience may be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the BGS.

With the approval of the Senate, programmes may specify relevant work experience as an additional admission requirement.

Generally, only moles that have not been used towards another degree at NUS or elsewhere may be considered for credit transfer (NUS moles) / exemption (Non-NUS moles). Such moles must be at level-5000 and above, relevant to the degree programme to which the candidate seeks admission, and read less than 5 years before the date of admission.

這是郵政地址:Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
National University of Singapore
469C Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 259772

Telephone: (65) 6516 6134
Fax: (65) 6778 1020

General Enquiries and Feedback: [email protected]
Executive Ecation: [email protected]
Master in Public Policy: [email protected]
Master in Public Administration: [email protected]
Master in Public Management: [email protected]
Doctor of Philosophy: [email protected]
Public Lectures: [email protected]
Human Resources: [email protected]
Alumni Matters: [email protected]
Asia Competitiveness Institute: [email protected]
Centre on Asia and Globalisation: [email protected]
Asian Journal of Public Affairs: [email protected]


Programme Introction

Master In Public Policy (MPP)
The two-year MPP programme is specially designed for pre- and early-career professionals with an interest in public affairs. The programme allows students to acquire a sound understanding of the political, social, and economic processes that shape public policy as well as provide them with a rigorous analytical and managerial toolkit. On graation, students are ready to pursue a broad spectrum of rewarding careers in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Master in Public Administration (MPA)
The MPA is a management-centric one-year programme for mid-career professionals who wish to enhance their management effectiveness and fulfil their career potential. Drawing on the strengths of a traditional public policy ecation, the MPA prepares students for the challenges involved in taking on a managerial or leadership position in a variety of public, private and not-for-profit organisations.

Master in Public Management (MPM)
The MPM is an exclusive one-year programme for senior policy-makers with a proven track record in leadership in public service. Developed to intellectually reinvigorate students while equipping them with cutting-edge knowledge and best practices in public policy, the programme also offers students the unique opportunity of observing and participating in the operations of Singapore Government agencies through a six week attachment. In addition, MPM students are introced to American politics, society and culture by spending the second semester of their studies at either Harvard University』s Kennedy School of Government or Columbia University』s School of International and Public Affairs.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The PhD programme seeks to strengthen the capability and effectiveness of public policy research. It will equip students with the necessary theoretical frameworks, research methods and tools to conct scientific inquiry to address contemporary public policy issues. The programme will bolster research capabilities in public policy that will foster a deeper understanding of the complex issues facing public, private and not-for-profit sectors in Asia.

Concurrent and Double Degrees
The NUS Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours, BBA(Hons), and Master in Public Policy (MPP) concurrent degree programme aims to prepare the next generation of policy leaders to apply business principles to social and environmental issues, as well as to address corporate social responsibility and business ethics concerns.

The Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Policy (MBA-MPP) and the Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Administration (MBA-MPA) double degree programmes aim to provide students of business and public policy broad exposure to the issues and challenges that leaders of business and public institutions face.

The concurrent degree programme in Law and Public Policy (LLB-MPP) combines the strengths of the LKYSPPand the Faculty of Law, offering law students, particularly those interested in a career in public service, a unique opportunity to understand the legal, policy, and practical dimensions of governance and national, regional, and international policy-making.

The Master of Laws and Master in Public Policy (LLM-MPP) and Master of Laws and Master in Public Administration (LLM-MPA) double degree programmes aim to provide students of law and public policy broad exposure to the issues and challenges that lawyers and leaders of public institutions face.

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