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發布時間: 2023-08-28 07:12:23

❶ 持香港特區護照在新加坡逗留期限以及...



1. 持有中國香港特區護照免簽證在新加坡的逗留期限是30天。 /tc/residents/immigration/traveldoc/sarpassport/visafreeaccess 2. 要留90天的話是需要申請的 , 但不要太遲去辦理, 因為如攔虛果不批准就要離境申請辦法: 請看下面網頁, 這是 2008年枝含的資料 新加坡辦理延期相當簡單,只需上移民局網站提交DE卡,也就是白卡號猛衡笑碼還有護照號就可以了,一個多工作日就可以辦理下來。我把辦理程序寫一下: 登陸ica.sg/indexx, 點擊右側的 Extension of Short Term Visit Pass (e-XTEND), 進入後跟著指示填寫相關號碼就好。 blog.sina/s/blog_503ed8560100a3z7 3. 留90天後離境可不可以再一次申請? 你可以申請, 但批准與否由新加坡 *** 決定 。 你亦可以離開新加坡再次免簽證入境 。但新加坡會不會批准你入境要你到達新加坡機場 或其他入境處才知道。 2012-09-03 23:08:49 補充: 這是申請 Online Applications 的條件, 即使批准你延期一次之後不可以再次上網申請延期。 Eligibility for Online Applications ica.sg/pagex?pageid=180&secid=178#Eligibility for Online Applications 2012-09-07 18:40:03 補充: 持有中國香港特區護照免簽證在新加坡的逗留期限最長是30天,但新加坡會不會批准你入境或批准你在新加坡逗留幾耐,要你到達新加坡機場 或其他入境處的新加坡移民局官員決定。

❷ 持新加坡護照免簽國家



Brunei 汶萊30天內免簽


CHINA 中國15天內免簽

GUAM 關島 90天內免簽

HONG KONG 香港 90天內免簽

INDONESIA 印螞敗尼 60天內免簽

IRAN 伊朗 2周內免簽

ISRAEL 以色列90天內免簽

JAPAN 日本90天內免簽

KOREA (SOUTH) 韓國90天內免簽

LAOS 寮國 30天內免簽

MACAU 澳門30天內免簽

MALAYSIA 馬來西亞30天內免簽

MALDIVES 馬爾地夫30天內免簽

MONGOLIA 蒙古 14天內免簽


SRI LANKA 斯里蘭卡 30天內免簽

THAILAND 泰國 1個月內免簽

TURKEY 土耳其90天內免簽


VIETNAM 越南30天內免簽

❸ 請問新加坡護照免簽國家及免簽條件是

Visa Requirements 以下國家公民進入新加坡前需要申請簽證


Foreigners holding travel documents issued by the following countries will require a visa to enter Singapore:
• Afghanistan
• Algeria
• Bangladesh (Except Diplomatic/Official passport holders)
• Commonwealth of Independent States* (Except Diplomatic/Official/Service passport holders for a stay of up to 30 days )
 Armenia
 Azerjan
 Belarus
 Georgia
 Kazakhstan
 Kyrgyzstan
 Moldova
 Russia
 Tajikistan
 Turkmenistan
 Ukraine
 Uzbekistan
• Egypt
• India (Except Diplomatic/Official passport holders)
• Iran
• Iraq
• Jordan (Except Diplomatic/Official passport holders)
• Lebanon
• Libya
• Morocco
• Myanmar (Except Diplomatic/Official passport holders)
• People's Republic of China (Except Diplomatic/Service/Public Affairs passport holders for a stay of up to 30 days)
• Pakistan
• Saudi Arabia
• Somalia
• Sudan
• Syria
• Tunisia (Except Diplomatic/Official passport holders)
• Yemen
In addition, visitors holding Hong Kong Document of Identity, Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Travel Permit, Palestinian Authority Passport, Refugee Travel Document issued by the Middle-East countries and Temporary Passport issued by United Arab Emirates will also require a visa to enter Singapore.
* Nationals of the Commonwealth Independent States may be granted entry into Singapore without visas if they are on transit to a third country. However, they are required to fulfil the following conditions:-
• They are in transit to a third country;
• They hold a valid passport, a confirmed onward air-ticket, entry facilities (including visa) to the third country and have sufficient funds for the period of stay in Singapore;
• They continue their journey to the third country within the 96-hour visa free period granted; and
• They satisfy Singapore's entry requirements. As in all arrivals, the grant of the social visit passes to travellers will be determined by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officers at the Singapore Checkpoints.

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