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發布時間: 2022-12-25 01:21:19

Ⅰ 城堡用英語怎麼說

schloss [ʃlɔs]

Ⅱ 秘密城堡用英語怎麼說

都不對,應該是mysterious Castle

Ⅲ 各國建築 英語加漢語

英國:國會大廈(The Capitol),大本鍾(Big Ben),倫敦塔橋(Tower Bridge),倫敦斷橋(London Bridge),聖保羅大教堂(Sallo Paulo cathedral),大英博物館(British Museum),白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace),西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)
法國:埃菲爾鐵塔(Eiffel Tower),星形廣場(Star Plaza),凱旋門(法語為the Arc de Triomphe),盧浮宮(The Louvre),巴黎聖母院(Notre Dame de Paris),凡爾賽宮(Versailles Palace),楓丹白露宮(fontainebleau Palace)
德國:科隆大教堂(The Cathedral of Cologne),勃蘭登堡門(Brandenburg Gate),亞琛大教堂(Aachen Cathedral)
義大利:聖馬可廣場(St. Mark's Square),米開朗基羅廣場(Piazzale Michelangelo),比薩斜塔(Leaning Tower of Pisa),花之聖母大教堂(Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore Firenze),古羅馬斗獸場(Rome Colosseum)
西班牙:馬德里皇宮(el palacio real),郵政宮殿(casa de correo),太陽門廣場(la puerta Sol),大布拉多博物館(museo de Prado),索非亞王後博物館(Museo de la reina Sofía),科龍廣場(plaza colón),勝利門(arco de triunfo),Agbar塔(Torre Agbar )
奧地利:維也納國家歌劇院(State Opera Theatre of Vienna),薩爾茨堡(Salzburg),舍恩布龍宮又譯美泉宮(Schonbrunn Castle)
捷克:布拉格城堡(Prague Castle),聖維特主教座堂(St. Vitus Cathedral),聖喬治修女院(Romanesque St. George´s Basilica),白塔(White Tower),查理大橋(Charles Bridge),聖尼古拉教堂(St. Nicholas Church),聖多馬教堂(Church of st Thomas),金斯基宮(Goltz-Kinsky Palace),聖彼得和聖保羅教堂(The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul)
俄羅斯:紅場(Red Square),克里姆林宮(Moscow Kremlin),聖母升天大教堂(Assumption Cathedral)
美國:大都市藝術博物館(Metropolitan Museum of Art),自由女神像(Statue of Liberty),時代廣場(Times Square),白宮(The White House),五角大樓 (The Pentagon)
加拿大:聖安妮大教堂(Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre Basilica),蒙特貝婁城堡(Le Chateau Montebello),議會大廈(Parliament Building),CN塔(CN Tower),加拿大廣場(Canada Place)
澳大利亞:悉尼歌劇院(Sydney Opera House)

Ⅳ 英語castle in the air.是中文空中樓閣的意思.可是castle in Spain.也是中文空中樓閣的意思.

中世紀某一時期,西班牙是一個頗富浪漫色彩的國家,這句成語是和Castle in air(空中城堡)相齊名的。

Ⅳ 中世紀歐洲建城堡的目的,意義,及重要性,只要英文的

Military, was born from the castle, to the prosperity has been the demise of the main line running through the castle's development has always been. The birth of the castle, from which its political environment, in general, the castle is a political division, a proct of the separatist forces. Such as the Middle Ages in Europe, as the fief of the implementation of the system, making the ownership of land was distributed among the nobility that, in the hands of the Cavaliers, politically divided and the Empire, the Kingdom, Monaco, Knight territory, and so diverse, large and small feudal political entities Everywhere. No one has a clear border between them, and no one can fully sort out a clear link between them. The level of the feudal aristocracy among various reasons, often caused by the outbreak of war, they always prepare, often taking part in the war. All of the aristocracy are the equivalent of high-ranking military officers and their client will constitute its own officers and men at all levels. It is these all over Europe every corner of the size of the war, making the castle to highlight the role of defense. For example in Germany, only the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the existing ancient castle have 15,000 fully reflected Germany's medieval feudal state torn apart.Another war in the Middle Ages and the technical concept of war has also decided to war in the Middle Ages is a defensive war, at the time, the castle is the most reliable way of defense, the Rangers quickly enough to ward off attacks, will be the surprise-Su Juezhan into a war of attrition. As a result lords are widely repair the castle in order to ensure that their estate and property shall be inviolable.
So the castle is to protect the personal property of the Territory and the birth of the defensive architecture. Castle of the role of the military, has been around a castle. In general, the authority's view that it is of the view that the castle is a major development ring the 9th century AD from the mound - the castle wall-14th century to the emergence of gunpowder weapons and the emergence of a period of time, it was also a period of time in the Middle Ages military experts known as the "castle period . "

Ⅵ 城堡 用英語怎麼說

例如:那城堡現在已成了一片廢墟了。The castle now lies in ruins.

Ⅶ 城堡的英文











The mist eddied round the old castle.












There are many flocks of tourists in the palace.


Ⅷ 求這幾個古堡的英文正確寫法,萬分感謝

德國新天鵝城堡 New Swan Stone Castle
法國聖米歇爾山城堡 Saint Michael's Mount
法國盧瓦爾河香波城堡 Château de Chambord Castle
德國霍亨索倫城堡 Hohenzollern Castle
西班牙塞哥維亞城堡 Alcázar of Segovia
葡萄牙佩納城堡 Pena National Palace
蘇格蘭愛丁堡 Edinburgh Castle


Ⅸ italian hand為什麼是暗中干預

關於italian hand,應該是出自一戰,很多英文中的俚語都是與一戰二戰有關的,義大利在一戰中途改變立場,所以後來人們就把italian hand指暗中干涉了。


至於greek gift,是出自荷馬史詩奧德賽。

Greek gift(s)直譯是「希臘人的禮物」,出自荷馬史詩《奧德賽》以及古羅馬傑出詩人維吉爾(Publius Virgilius Maro,公元前70-前19年)的史詩《伊尼特》(Aeneis)中關於特洛伊城陷落經過的敘述。


維吉爾的史詩《伊尼特》,寫的是特洛伊被希臘攻陷後,王子伊尼斯從混亂中攜家屬出走,經由西西里、迦太基到達義大利,在各地漂泊流亡的情況。史詩第2卷便是伊尼斯關於特洛伊城陷落經過的敘述,其中情節除了模擬荷馬史詩的描述外,還做了更詳細的補充。當特洛伊人要把大木馬拖進城的時候,祭司拉奧孔(Laocoon)勸說不要接受希臘人留下的東西。他說:「我怕希臘人,即使他們來送禮。」這句話後來成了一句拉丁諺語:"Timeo Danaos,et dona ferenteso."(原文的達奈人Danaos,即泛指希臘各部族人)譯成英語就是:I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts. 其簡化形式就是Greek gifts.可惜特洛伊人不聽拉奧孔的警告,把木馬作為戰利品拖進城裡。木馬里藏著希臘的精銳部隊,給特洛伊人帶來了屠殺和滅亡。

由此,Greek gift成為一個成語,表示a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemy; one given with intent to harm; a gift sent inorder to murder sb等意思,按其形象意義,這個成語相當與另一句諺語:When the fox preaches, take care of your geese;也與漢語「黃鼠狼給雞拜年——不安好心」十分類似。


He is always buying you expensive clothes, I'm afraid they are Greek gifts for you. 他總給你買很貴的衣服,我懷疑他沒安好心。

Be on guard against the Greek gifts! 小心黃鼠狼給雞拜年!

關於spanish castle:
英語習語中spanish athlete字面意思為"西班牙運動員",而真實意思是"胡說八道的人,吹牛者". 英語國家的人認為西班牙人spaniard好吹牛,由來已久.16世紀前後是西班牙航海事業的鼎盛時期,當時西班牙國王的支持下,哥論布從西班牙出航繞地球航行,第一次發現了美洲.西班牙建立了世界上最強大的海軍,其"無敵艦隊"the armada,號稱天下無敵,堅不可摧.不料1588年該艦隊被英國一舉打敗.從此英國人開始嘲笑西班牙人好吹牛,愛說大話.隨後又嘲笑西班牙運動員最能吹牛.健壯勇猛,野心勃勃的運動員,常在賽前誇下海口,發誓奪冠軍,可有時常以失敗告終,終於落下"愛吹牛皮"的罪名. spanish castle =castle in the air 空中樓閣,白日做夢


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