① 漁網是怎樣捕魚的原理是什麼有哪些分類最好介紹詳細些,我搜不到答案!
② 朋友說藍魚水泵比一些傳統的普通水泵省電很多,是什麼原理
③ 漁網怎麼捕魚的
由單絲、復絲捻線(有結網)或單絲經編織(raschel,屬無結網)、一次熱處理(固定結節)、染色和二次熱處理(固定網目尺寸)加工而成。可以用於流網捕魚、曳網捕魚、撈魚捕魚、誘餌捕魚和定置捕魚。 或成為網箱,漁籠等捕捉用品製作製造原料。
④ 自翻:捕撈船種類
【Puse Seiner】
Purse seiners catch primarily pink salmon and herring by encircling them with a long net and drawing (pursing) the bottom closed to capture the fish. The net is first stacked on the stern of the boat and then played into the water while the boat travels in a large circle around the fish. The far end of the net is attached to a power skiff, which holds the net while the seiner completes the circle. The top of the net stays on the surface of the water because of its float line—thousands of colorful floats—and the bottom of the net falls vertically because of its weighted lead line. As a result, the net hangs like a curtain around the school of fish. The vessel crew then purses its bottom with a purse line. The lines and the net are pulled up with a hydraulic power block (winch). Once most of the net has been retrieved, with the remainder of it lying in a bag alongside the vessel, the fish are dipped from the bag and into the vessel』s hold. For large catches of herring, a buying vessel or tender comes alongside the fishing vessel and lowers the end of a fish pump into the bagged purse seine. The herring are then brought aboard the tender and into its hold without ever going aboard the seiner. Sometimes referred to as limit seiners, purse seiners are sleek, cabin forward vessels that are limited by Alaska law to 58 feet in order to more precisely manage their fishing effort. They are recognized by their long, clean decks, the boom with its power block, the net stacked on the back, and the power skiff that is often seen riding piggyback aboard the vessel』s stern while it is traveling. When fishing, of course, the circle of floats on the surface of the water, and the power skiff assisting with the operation, are sure giveaways. Seine-caught salmon are delivered in-the-round (whole) to buying stations and canneries where they end up as canned and frozen procts. Herring are delivered to processing plants where they are either stripped of their roe (eggs), or packaged as t for other commercial fisheries; e.g., the longline fisheries and the crab fisheries. Salted herring roe, called kazunoko, is shipped to Japan where it is a high-priced delicacy.
有一種「限制性圍網船」,船型圓滑,船艙朝前,長度被阿拉斯加法律限制為58英尺(17.68米),以便更精確的管理捕魚效率。船的特點為甲板長而整潔,吊桿上裝有動力滑車,漁網堆積在船後方,船行駛時會看到小動力艇被馱在船尾甲板上。 進行捕撈作業時當然也是很容易識別的,水面飄著一圈浮球,有小動力艇協助作業。
Gillnetters catch salmon—primarily sockeye, chum, and coho—by setting curtain-like nets perpendicular to the direction in which the fish are travelling as they migrate along the coast toward their natal streams. The net has a float line on the top and a weighted lead line on the bottom. The mesh openings are designed to be just large enough to allow the male fish, which are usually larger, to get their heads stuck, or gilled, in the mesh. Much larger fish and the smaller females are not so readily gilled. Gillnets work best in silty or turbid water which makes them difficult for the fish to see. Gillnet vessels are usually 30 to 40 feet long. They are easily recognized by the drum on either the front, a bow picker, or the stern, a stern picker, on which the net is rolled. Net retrieval is by hydraulic power which turns the drum. Fish are removed from the net by hand, picking them from the mesh as the net is reeled onboard. Gillnet-caught salmon are usually iced and delivered to buyers and cold storages. Historically, their ultimate destination was the canned market, though a growing market for frozen proct has developed overseas.
Setnetting is a small-scale type of gillnetting done by hand from a skiff or from shore, usually by local families. There are no hydraulics. Nets are fixed and are held onshore or offshore with anchors.
Skiffs are used to set nets—one end on shore, other anchored off shore. Sometimes both ends are in the water most of the time and when a cork bobs the fish is pulled out. After salmon are picked from nets they are iced down and delivered to large collection boats, called tenders.
刺網船一般30到40英尺長,船頭或船尾有一個滾筒,上面卷著漁網,很容易辨認。滾筒在船頭的船叫做"bow picker",滾筒在船尾的叫"stern picker"。這種船靠液壓動力轉動滾筒來收網。網收到船上後,需手動把魚從網眼上摘下來。刺網捕撈的三文魚一般被冰凍後發給買家和冷庫。以往這些魚最後會被送到罐頭市場,盡管冷凍產品市場已擴展到海外。
Troll vessels catch salmon, principally Chinook, coho, and pink salmon, by 「trolling」 t or lures through feeding concentrations of fish. The word troll comes from a medieval German word, trollen, and refers to the revolving motion of the t or lures used in this type of fishing. Typically, four to six main wire lines are fished, each of which may have up to a 50 pound lead or cast iron sinker or cannon ball on its terminal end, and 8 to 12 nylon leaders spaced out along its length, each of which ends in either a lure or ted hook. To retrieve hooked fish, the main lines are wound about small, onboard spools via hand crank (hand trollers) or with hydraulic power (power trollers), and the fish are gaffed when alongside the vessel. The leaders are then reted and let back down to the desired depth(s). Troll vessels come in a variety of sizes and configurations, ranging from small, hand troll skiffs to large, ocean-going power troll vessels of 50 feet or more in length. Troll salmon fishermen operate throughout Southeast Alaska in both state and federal waters. The troll salmon fishery proces a low-volume, high-quality proct. Troll-caught salmon are dressed at sea and sold either as a fresh or frozen proct. High-end grocery stores and fine restaurants are the final destination.
拖釣船用於捕捉鮭魚,主要為奇努克鮭,銀鮭和粉鮭。捕撈方式是拖著魚餌穿過魚群集中進食處。"Troll"這一單詞來源中世紀德國詞語"trollen",指的是這種捕魚方式中,誘餌旋轉的動作。一般來說,拖釣船用到四到六根主鋼絲繩。每根鋼絲繩末端有重達50磅的鉛錘或鐵錘(像加農炮彈一樣),每根繩上沿縱向間隔放置8至12條尼龍導線,每條導線末端是誘餌或餌鉤。通過手搖曲柄或液壓動力轉動船上的小卷軸,把主繩捲起來,以回收上鉤的魚。手搖的叫hand trollers,液壓的叫power trollers。魚到船邊時就被釣上來了。之後給導線重新裝上魚餌,放回到需要的深度。拖釣船有各種尺寸和結構,小到裝有手搖卷軸的小動力艇,大到50英尺或更長的大型液壓卷軸遠洋船。漁民拖釣鮭魚的海域遍及阿拉斯加東南部,在阿拉斯加水域和其他聯邦的水域都進行作業。鮭魚拖釣業生產的產品數量少但質量高。拖釣捕撈到的鮭魚在海上就加工好,之後會作為生鮮或冷凍產品出售到高端食品雜貨店和高級飯店。
Trawlers are sometimes confused with trollers e to their similar sounding names. Trawlers typically catch large quantities of midwater species such as pollock or pink shrimp, and bottomfish such as flounder, by towing a large, cone-shaped net. Most trawl nets have doors on either side of the net』s opening to help hold it open, and some that are fished near the bottom have a heavy chain strung along the bottom of the opening to hold it close to the sea floor. The net is retrieved using huge winches and a power drum upon which the net is rolled as it is brought aboard. The end of the net, the bag or cod end, holds the fish and is usually pulled right up into the back of the vessel on a slanting stern ramp. Trawlers are generally large vessels; the largest in the ocean pollock fishery are factory trawlers that possess onboard processing facilities. These can be up to 600 feet in length. Catches are often enormous, with a two-hour tow of the net yielding up to 100 tons or more depending on the fishery, the size of the vessel, and the concentration of fish in the area. The trawl fishery may process its catches into either fillets destined for the fresh and frozen market, or minced fish called surimi, which is manufactured into fish sticks and similar procts such as artificial king crab. Shrimp fishermen sort their catches by size and species and sell the proct as either a whole frozen proct, or as a headed frozen proct.
拖網船和拖釣船因英文發音相似,有時會被人混淆。拖網船一般用於大批量捕撈中層魚,如鱈魚和北極甜蝦(pink shrimp),還有底層魚,如鰈魚。捕撈方式是拖著一個大型圓錐型網。大多數拖網兩頭的開口處都有裝有一個「門」,幫助漁網保持張開狀態。有些在水底使用的拖網,開口的底部會捆上一條很重的鏈子,使網底在海床上保持關閉狀態。收網時,大型絞機和動力滾筒把網帶到船上,再卷到滾筒上。拖網末端叫做「袋子(bag)」或者「網囊(cod end)」的部分裝著魚,一般會被拖上來,放到船後方傾斜的船尾滑道上。拖網船通常為大型船。海洋鱈魚業中最大的拖網船是拖網工船,配有船載加工設備。這種拖網工船長度能達到600英尺(182.88米),捕撈量非常大。根據漁場、船的尺寸和作業區域魚聚集情況的不同,每兩小時拖網作業的產出量可達100噸或更多。拖網漁場會把捕獲的魚加工成生鮮或冷凍市場所需的魚片,也可加工成魚糜,英文叫"surimi"。魚糜可以製成魚條和類似產品,比如人工帝王蟹。捕蝦的漁民會根據尺寸和品種把捕到的蝦分類,製成整條凍蝦或去頭凍蝦進行出售。
【Jig Fisher】
Commercial jig fishing, also known as automated handlining, is a method of fishing using hooks with lures which are jigged up and down in the water. Jigs create a jerky, vertical motion, unlike spinnerts which move through the water horizontally. The jig is very versatile and can be used in both salt water as well as fresh water. Jig fishing techniques have been used for centuries by European vessels fishing Icelandic, Newfoundland and North Sea fishing grounds. Many of the techniques used then are still in use today. In recent years however, the advent of hydraulic or electric automated jigging machines has eliminated much of the manual labor required to haul fish from great depths. Modern automated jigging machines are equipped with a computerized motor which enables the machine to automatically haul in the catch when a specified weight of fish is hooked. This improves the efficiency and accuracy of the fishing system, and also reces bycatch and discards. You are effectively catching a quality fish straight from the sea. Jig fishing is also extremely beneficial in the face of increased fuel costs as boats actually fish with the engine switched off.
商業滾鉤捕撈,又稱自動化捕撈船??(automated handling),是一種在水中上下快速震動餌鉤的捕撈方式。滾鉤能創造出垂直方向上的快速運動,不像旋轉餌一樣在水中水平運動。滾鉤比較全能,即可用於海水也可以用於淡水。歐洲漁船在冰島,紐芬蘭和北海漁場中使用滾鉤捕撈技術已有好幾世紀了。當時的許多技術現今仍在使用。
Crabbers target Dungeness, king, and snow crab using twine or wire-meshed steel pots (traps). Baited with herring or other fresh t, the pots are left to soak for several days. A line extends from each pot to a surface buoy that marks its location. There are several configurations for the pots, though in general, the smaller round pots are fished for Dungeness in shallow bays and estuaries, and the large, heavy, rectangular pots are fished in waters deeper than 100 feet for king and Tanner crab. A power winch is used to retrieve the pots. Once aboard, a pot is opened and the catch sorted. Females and undersized males are discarded alive over the side and legalsized males are retained in aerated seawater tanks. Crab boats come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from aluminum skiffs with outboard motors that fish the inside waters for Dungeness, to seagoing vessels of 100 feet or more that ply the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska for king crab. Unless one happens to see a crabber headed for the fishing grounds with its decks stacked with pots, identification of a vessel as a crabber might be difficult for the casual observer. Crabs are delivered live to shore stations where they are cooked and then either canned or sold as a fresh or frozen proct. A small number are sold live in local markets through retail outlets that have circulating seawater holding tanks.
Longliners catch bottomfish, primarily halibut, blackcod, lingcod, and rockfish, via a long line that is laid on the bottom. Attached are leaders or gangions with ted hooks. Each longline can be up to a mile in length and have thousands of ted hooks. The lines are anchored at each end of each set. Lines at the ends run to the surface and are marked with a buoy and flag. A longline vessel typically sets several lines for a 24-hour soak. The lines are retrieved over a side roller with a power winch, and the fish caught are bled or dressed and then packed in ice in the vessel』s hold. Longliners are typically large vessels, 50 to 100 feet in length, with a weather cover on the stern to protect the crew. The longlines are coiled and stacked on deck in tubs when not in use. Most vessels in this fishery can pack 20 to 40 tons or more of iced proct before returning to port. Longliners are readily identified by their weather cover and, when not fishing, by the numerous orange buoys and flags that are tied along their rails. This fishery delivers its catch whole and bled (rockfish), or whole and gutted (halibut), or headed and gutted (blackcod and lingcod) for subsequent sale to fresh and frozen markets.
⑤ 變頻水泵的工作原理
⑥ 養魚水泵有什麼作用
⑦ 海鮮魚的捕撈方法
主要方式有:燈光漁船 燈光魚排 以及燈光小船
⑧ 吸魚泵是干什麼的
⑨ 藍魚水泵談水泵知識,說說關於水泵的哪些事
⑩ 5指三層漁網多大魚,附漁網的原理
1、漁網原理:漁網上有鉛,當網扔入水中時,網散開,落入水中,因鉛比較重豎直向下,魚就被關進去 ,魚觸網後會本能掙扎,致使魚尾、魚鰭或魚鰓插到網絲中被纏住導致魚不能動彈。