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發布時間: 2023-01-04 10:01:10

⑴ 墨西哥地震與民眾歡慶進球跳躍有關嗎





⑵ 美國數萬名球迷跳動引發地震,那如果全球人一起跳動會怎樣





為什麼人們團體跳躍非常容易引發地震?不要說,這個問題還真有些人科學研究過,有看法覺得,這是由於在我們跳躍的情況下,大家為了更好地能夠 跳得高些,通常會用腳來去蹬路面,這樣一來,就會造成一個往下的工作壓力,而路面則會對腳造成一個有利於大家跳起來的反沖力。






⑶ 墨西哥跳豆明明是種子,為什麼會跳動




⑷ 聽說墨西哥有一種魔豆會跳跳豆是怎麼個原因為什麼會跳,怎麼得到它


這是由於這種豆子里一般隱藏著一條蟲子——一種類似小蛾的幼蟲。由於幼蟲肥大,最後一對腹足牢牢抓住種子內壁,而當它的身子快速向上弓起時,種子的重心就會隨著它的身子上移,因此,種子就跳了起來。溫度越高,種子跳得也越高。不過,它跳動兩個月以後就不再跳了,因為幼蟲重新結繭了。這里也有一個謎——豆子一點沒有變壞,那幺蟲子又是如何鑽進豆子里去的呢?經過人們長期細心地不斷觀察,發現在植物開花最盛的時候,昆蟲通常就把卵生在花的子房裡面。當花的子房長成了果實之後,蟲卵也會逐漸孵化成幼蟲。這樣一來果實(豆子)上其實並沒有什麼洞,但蟲子卻住在豆子里邊了。http://hanyu.iciba.com/a/20090617/453.shtml 來源:愛詞霸漢語

怎麼得到 買唄。

⑸ 有趣的豆子成群結隊跳個不停,墨西哥跳豆為什麼會跳動



⑹ 墨西哥跳豆是怎麼回事的呢


這些小豆子其實是盛產在中美洲一帶的Sebastiana Pavoniana矮灌木的種子。每逢春季,跳豆飛蛾便會在這類矮灌木的花朵上產卵。幼蟲孵化後,鑽進種子莢膜里,吃光果實、在里頭蛹化。



⑺ 墨西哥跳豆為什麼會一直跳



⑻ 墨西哥跳豆英文介紹謝謝了,大神幫忙啊

Mexican jumping bean From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Mexican jumping beans) Jump to: navigation, search A Mexican jumping bean is a phenomenon native to Mexico, where it is known as a brincador ("hopper"). Physically, Mexican jumping beans resemble small tan to brown beans. They are a type of seed in which the egg of a small moth has been laid. It is the moth's larva which makes them "jump". The beans themselves are from a shrub of the genus Sebastiania (S. palmeri or S. pavoniana), itself often referred to as the jumping bean, while the moth is a member of the genus Cydia, called a jumping bean moth. Contents [hide] 1 Life cycle 2 Playing with/testing the beans 3 Maintenance — "watering" and storage of the beans 4 Source of the beans 5 Jumping beans in popular culture 6 References 7 See also 8 External links [edit] Life cycle Five Mexican jumping beans Recording of a Mexican jumping bean in motion. Bean showing the "trap door" and discarded pupal casing After the egg hatches, the larva eats away the inside of the bean, making a hollow for itself. It attaches itself to the bean with many silk threads. The larva may live for months inside the bean with varying periods of dormancy. If the larva has adequate conditions of moisture and temperature, it will live long enough to go into a pupal stage. Normally, in the spring, the moth will force its way out of the bean through a round "trap door", leaving behind the pupal casing. The small, silver and gray-colored moth will live for only a few days. The larvae jump as a survival measure in order to protect themselves from the heat, which can cause them to dry out. The ultraviolet rays from the sun stimulate them to jump, even in cool temperatures, but leaving the beans in the sun for extended periods will dehydrate and kill them. [edit] Playing with/testing the beans Jumping beans are still widely available for sale in the United States (see links below). In the UK they were a common novelty item in the 1970s. They are a popular scientific and classroom project even now.[citation needed] When the bean is abruptly warmed, for instance by being held in the palm of the hand, the larva twitches and spasms, pulling on the threads and causing the characteristic hop. "Jump" is often an exaggeration, but the beans do noticeably move around. The beans should become active if one holds them in the hand (out of the box) for a few minutes. The beans should also appear to be a very slight shade of green on the side (as shown in the bean in the top picture, on the right). If the bean starts to turn brown (top picture, bean on the left), that indicates it is dying. If one shakes a bean near one's ear and hears a rattle inside, the larva inside has died. A plastic toy under this name was manufactured and sold in packages containing several devices in the 1960s. It resembled a "time release" capsule and had a metal ball inside. When the surface on which the capsule was laid was tilted, the ball would roll to the other end and make the capsule twitch. [edit] Maintenance — "watering" and storage of the beans To rehydrate the beans, they need to be soaked not submerged for a three-hour period in chlorine-free water once or twice a month. The chlorine found in tap water in some locales will kill them. Alternatively, one may let chlorinated tap water stand in an uncovered glass for about six hours before using, to let the chlorine dissipate. Just spraying the beans with a little water is ineffective in maintaining the larvae's lifespan.[1] Beans should be stored in a cool dry place, but freezing will kill them. [edit] Source of the beans The Mexican jumping bean (Laspeyresia Saltitans) comes from the mountains in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua; indeed, lamos, Sonora styles itself the "Jumping Bean Capital of the World". They can be found in an area approximately 30 by 100 miles where the Sebastiana pavoniana host tree grows. During the spring, moths emerge from last year's beans and deposit their eggs on the flower of the host tree. [edit] Jumping beans in popular culture Jumping beans were used as a recurring gag in many cartoons from the 1930s to the 1950s, wherein eating the beans would cause a character's whole body to bounce out of control and land on something painful.[2]

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