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發布時間: 2023-06-28 00:08:32

① 墨西哥的英文

英文:Mexico (國名, 位於拉丁美洲西北部); [電影]Mexico City
英文:The United States of Mexico
墨西哥合眾國(西班牙語:Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos),簡稱墨西哥,為北美洲的一個聯邦共和制國家,北部同美國接壤,南側和西側濱臨太平洋,東南為貝里斯、瓜地馬拉和加勒比海,東部則為墨西哥灣。其面積達近二百萬平方公里(超過760,000平方英里),為美洲面積第五大和世界面積第十四大的國家。其總人口超過1.2億,為世界第十一人口大國,西班牙語世界第一人口大國及拉丁美洲第二人口大國。墨西哥為聯邦國家,包括三十二個州;其首都和最大城市墨西哥城亦為一州。

② 關於墨西哥地理的介紹(英文)

The United Mexican States is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the North Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. The United Mexican States is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a federal district, the capital Mexico City, whose metropolitan area is one of the world's most populous.

Covering almost 2 million square kilometers, Mexico is the fifth-largest country in the Americas by total area and the 14th largest in the world. With an estimated population of 109 million, it is the 11th most populous country and the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world.

The United Mexican States are a federation of thirty-one free and sovereign states which form a Union that exercises jurisdiction over the Federal District and other territories. Each state has its own constitution and congress, as well as a judiciary, and its citizens elect by direct voting, a governor (gobernador) for a six-year term, as well as representatives (diputados locales) to their respective state congresses, for three-year terms. The 31 states and the Federal District are collectively called "federal entities", and all are equally represented in the Congress of the Union.

Mexican states are also divided into municipalities (municipios), the smallest official political entity in the country, governed by a mayor or "municipal president" (presidente municipal), elected by its residents by plurality. Municipalities can be further subdivided into non-autonomous boroughs or in semi-autonomous auxiliary presidencies.

Constitutionally, Mexico City, as the capital of the federation and seat of the powers of the Union, is the Federal District, a special political division in Mexico that belongs to the federation as a whole and not to a particular state, and as such, has more limited local rule than the nation's states. Nonetheless, since 1987 it has progressively gained a greater degree of autonomy, and residents now elect a head of government (Jefe de Gobierno) and representatives of a Legislative Assembly directly. Unlike the states, the Federal District does not have a constitution but a statute of government. Mexico City is conterminous and coextensive with the Federal District.

Situated in southern North America at about 23° N and 102° W, Mexico comprises much of Middle America. Physiographically, the lands east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec including the Yucatán Peninsula (which together comprise around 12% of the country's area) lie within Central America; geologically, the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt delimits the region on the north. Geopolitically, however, Mexico is commonly considered a North American country.

Mexico's total area is 1,972,550 km², making it the world's 14th largest country by total area, and includes approximately 6,000 km² of islands in the Pacific Ocean (including the remote Guadalupe Island and the Islas Revillagigedo), Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of California. On its north, Mexico shares a 3,141 km border with the United States. The meandering Río Bravo del Norte (known as the Rio Grande in the United States) defines the border from Ciudad Juárez east to the Gulf of Mexico. A series of natural and artificial markers delineate the United States-Mexican border west from Ciudad Juárez to the Pacific Ocean. On its south, Mexico shares an 871 km border with Guatemala and a 251 km border with Belize.

Mexico is crossed from north to south by two mountain ranges known as Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental, which are the extension of the Rocky Mountains from northern North America. From east to west at the center, the country is crossed by the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt also known as the Sierra Nevada. A fourth mountain range, the Sierra Madre del Sur, runs from Michoacán to Oaxaca. As such, the majority of the Mexican central and northern territories are located at high altitudes, and the highest elevations are found at the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: Pico de Orizaba (5,700 m), Popocatépetl (5,462 m) and Iztaccíhuatl (5,286 m) and the Nevado de Toluca (4,577 m). Three major urban agglomerations are located in the valleys between these four elevations: Toluca, Greater Mexico City and Puebla.

③ 墨西哥用英語怎麼說

Gulf of Mexico

墨西哥灣(Gulf of Mexico) 因瀕臨墨西哥,而得名墨西哥灣。位於北美洲大陸東南沿海水域,部分為陸地環繞。透過佛羅里達半島和古巴島之間的佛羅里達海峽與大西洋相連,並經由猶加敦半島和古巴之間的猶加敦海峽與加勒比海相通。這兩個海峽均寬約160公里(100里)。墨西哥灣東西向和南北向的最遠距離分別為大約1,800公尺和1,300公尺,總面積約155萬平方公尺(60萬平方呎)。其西北、北和東北面為美國南部海岸,西、南和東南面為墨西哥東部海岸。


④ 墨西哥英語怎麼讀


短語搭配:墨西哥人:Mexican;墨西哥城:Mexico City (capital of Mexico);墨西哥灣:Gulf of Mexico;Gulf of Mexico;新墨西哥州人:New Mexican;墨西哥合眾國:United Mexican States。


墨西哥合眾國(西班牙語:Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos),北美洲聯邦共和制國家,是美洲面積第五大和世界面積第十四大的國家。位於北美洲南部。北鄰美國,南接瓜地馬拉和貝里斯,東臨墨西哥灣和加勒比海,西南瀕太平洋。


⑤ 墨西哥的介紹(英語)


The United Mexican States, referred to as Mexico, is a federal Republican country in North America. It borders the United States in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the South and west, the Caribbean Sea in the southeast, Belize and Guatemala in the east, and the Gulf of Mexico in the east.


With an area of 1964 375 square kilometers, it is the fifth largest country in the Americas and the fourteenth largest country in the world.

人口 1.23億(2017年),為世界第十一人口大國,西班牙語世界第一人口大國及拉丁美洲第二人口大國。墨西哥為聯邦國家,包括三十二個州;其首都和最大城市墨西哥城亦為一州。

With a population of 123 million (2017), it is the 11th most populous country in the world, the largest population in Spanish and the second largest population in Latin America. Mexico is a federal state, including 32 states; its capital and largest city, Mexico City, is also a state.


一、 區域位置





⑥ MEXICAN翻譯成中文


墨西哥合眾國(英語:The United States of Mexico,西班牙語:Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos)位於北美洲,北部與美國接壤,東南與瓜地馬拉與貝里斯相鄰,西部是太平洋和加利福尼亞灣,東部是墨西哥灣與加勒比海,首都為墨西哥城。

⑦ 用英語介紹墨西哥(中英文對照)只要4條 初二水平

Mexico, is located in North America, the northern borders with the United States, southeast and Guatemala and Belize adjacent, west Pacific, the eastern gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are cut off.

墨西哥是拉美第3大國,位於北美洲南部,拉丁美洲西北端,是南美洲、北美洲陸路交通的必經之地,素稱「陸上橋梁」。Mexico is the first 3 superpower, Latin America, Latin America in the south of North America, South America, north-west of land traffic outside North America, SuChen "land Bridges".

Capital Mexico City. 1027 square kilometers and a population of 20 million , Is the largest population in Mexico City.

Mexico is in the home, cactus cacti 2,000 varieties, more than half of Mexico, consequently enjoy "cactus kingdom" reputation.

⑧ mexico是什麼國家


墨西哥合眾國(西班牙語:Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos),簡稱墨西哥,是北美洲的一個聯邦共和制國家,北部同美國接壤,南側和西側濱臨太平洋,東南瀕臨加勒比海,與貝里斯、瓜地馬拉接壤,東部則為墨西哥灣。









⑨ 有關墨西哥的英文介紹


Mexico is an ancient country of civilization of America, once the 蘊 taught the Maya, 阿 pedestal gram, give the 爾 especially gram,, the plum of 奧爾 add and especially the 奧蒂 華 hole etc. the thou print Anne's culture.The 瑪 benefit 雅 strange music and the 薩巴s especially the 奧 danced to blend Spain and print the special features that Anne's music dance, become the special race art form of Mexico.
There are already 21 historic monuments in Mexico were declared to behave a culture and natural inheritances by United Nations.


Mexico was the Americas ancient nation, Zeng Yunyu the Maya, the Ards Taiwan gram, Tuoerteke, Aoermei added with especially Otey Hua Kan and so on ancient Indian culture. The Mary elegant wonderful music and the Sabah special Olympics danced fused Spanish and the Indian music dance characteristic, became the Mexican unique nationality artistic form. the Mexico had 21 historical sites to announce by the United Nations for the human culture and the natural heritage.

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