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發布時間: 2023-02-03 12:54:56

① 泰國人的的英語水平好嗎


② 為什麼泰國人都講英語













③ 泰國人說英語標准嗎

不過老實說,一開始我也不是很適應,畢竟相比母語是英語的國家來說差距還是比較大的. 但是後面發現,當你自己的英語到了一個高度以後,其實這些口音都已經不會是障礙了,反而成為提高你英語的另外一種途徑. 因為泰國是個很開放的國家,世界各地的人都有,這也意味者你將會接觸到世界各地不同的口音,比如說印度口音(個人感覺印度的說英語的口音比泰國口音難懂多了),還有韓國口音,日本口音,非洲口音等等等等. 不過也會遇到純正的英英,美英,澳洲口音. 現在的我差不多那些難聽的口音都基本聽得懂了,感覺不錯呵呵,至少以後有機會環游世界的時候不在需要從新學習其他英語.

④ 英語介紹泰國(翻譯一下啦

Thailand is the multinational country which is composed by more than30 nationalities, 泰族 accounts for the population total 40%, theold race accounts for 35%, the Malaya race accounts for 3.5%, theCambodian race accounts for 2% and so on. In addition also has theseedling, precious, the cassiabarktree, 汶, the crown, brushes offand so on the mountainous region nationality. Thai is a nationallanguage. Buddhism is Thailand's national religion, 90% aboveinhabitant believes Buddhism, the Malaya race believes in theIslamism, but also has minority believes in the Christianityprotestantism, Catholicism, Hinism and 錫克教. Several forhundred years, Thailand's manners and customs, the literature, art andthe building and so on nearly all have the close relation withBuddhism. To the Thai traveling, the clergy which everywhere obviouslythe body throws over the decadent cassock, as well as splendid temple.Therefore, Thailand also has "yellow gown India" fine reputation.Buddhism has molded the moral standard for the Thai, caused it to formthe advocation, to exercise forbearance, is peaceful and likes peacethe spiritual style.

⑤ 英語介紹泰國

Thailand,officially the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern extremity of Burma. Its maritime boundaries include Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand to the southeast, and Indonesia and India in the Andaman Sea to the southwest.

The country is a constitutional monarchy,, is the world's longest-serving head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history.The king of Thailand is titled Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, the Upholder of the Buddhist religion, and the Defender of all Faiths.

Thailand is the world's 51st-largest country in terms of total area, with an area of approximately 513,000 km2, with around 64 million people. The capital and largest city is Bangkok, which is Thailand's political, commercial, instrial and cultural hub.
The country's official language is Thai. The primary religion is Buddhism, which is practiced by around 95% of the population.

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