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發布時間: 2023-04-23 16:55:25

⑴ 哪裡有泰國歌手ann thitima - 心的旋律(心的聲音)的中文歌詞,謝謝!

mai chai ngao mai chai plaer tee chan nan rak ter yang ngai daai
mai chai chan kae aan wai mai chai faa maa don jai hai rak ter
mai chai ngao mai chai fan tee chan nan tam pai g'o ruu dtuua
bplaaek chai mai tee mai glua mai ruu wa tammai meuuan gan
kae phraw hua jai man bok aat mai kaawy phaaw
dtae chan g'o yang man jai wa dtong chai ter
siang hua jai riak rong bplaaek bplaaek hai ruu sak dee tee meeter
kor cheuua hua jai dtuua-eng kae sak krang nueng
tueng mae wa man u siang tee dtat sin ja
kor cheuua nai kwam rak sak noi mae rak nan aat tam hai chaam jai
aatja rao hark krai mong lae kid mai meuuan krai yang kaopen
dtae tee ruu dtae tee hen mai hen wa krai dee meuuan ter

⑵ 我要找泰國人人都會唱的大象歌泰語歌詞,謝謝

ช้าง ช้าง ช้าง ช้าง ช้าง
น้อง เคย เห็น ช้าง หรือเปล่า
你 曾經 看見 大象 有沒有
ช敬隱睜้าง มัน ตัว โต ไม่ เบา
象 它 身體 大 不 輕
จมูก ยาวๆ เรียกว่า งวง(งวงช้าง)
鼻子亮歲 長長的 被叫做 象鼻
มี เขี้ยว ใต้ งวง เรียกว่า งา(งาช้าง)
有 尖牙 下面 象鼻 被叫做 象牙
มี หู มี ตา หาง ยาว
有 耳朵 有 眼睛 尾巴 長
(有耳朵 有眼睛 長尾巴)

⑶ 求泰國歌曲 請聽我說 Cham Champram歌詞 感謝各位了

yi wei la sang ;song san nati mai;能否給我一點點時間
ta teme yong ha tonight;如果你不是很忙
keceng kuitui song sang come;一起聊聊
meling yo come zaima maiyour mei nan come;心裡藏著千言萬語兆謹舉
youma loulea keceng san;能說的只剩只言片語
keti man sanm can jinjin;只剩那些最感人的話
danuna funfun;chamhei jobjobjob;請你把我的族碧話聽完
liuzang bua zayob ketangzai;無論你如何看待
kate yiweila tuai;op wanla e;如果你有空閑
cuifun kua laizai;supti deng;請仔細聆聽我心裡的聲音
tamda;loko asen na每次一閉上眼就會想起你的笑臉
takeqiam pake qiawa;每天總會發現自己反復不停的想你
iten teyo guimen zaj menko lohey;bahe toqiakam;總會忍不住的分心去尋找你的蹤跡
milutetang youngai;甚至有點不知所措
guagi tellyou jiancome kaie teben kegala bush;很想你能呆在身邊做我最後的愛人
kiti leg minmeketi hatai tebu yao qu zaicai;因為只有你一人能讓我心動
yinwei caitai youngmei mebu yore zaiko hou gandong leb guaisaide; 如果可以,請告訴我你還未心有所屬
zegi tonight gaochan;無論如何
geliao daite我都將誠實面對
diebie nanma zong lun zaiyami藏了太久的愛意在不自覺的流露。
ge keki guateme suaitiyou ;liaoge nui meigla 一直怯懦的認為你已心有所屬。
begela geta zaig lamagua對你的愛越陷越深。
kao by diuglie denma再也隱瞞不住。
diak tawa can enma tai 請不要馬上否晌戚決我對你的愛

⑷ 泰語歌曲歌詞大串燒

多牙呆 闊牙呆那尬 嘔哇 ki你都哈那嗖嘎
啊類那呆 闊類那呆 姨媽 搜古 ki素以帶苦類
我苦哇ki迷路 普啦吶t 嘛哇一子 字改呆
迷字我ki迷路 搜哇呆
伯哭 咯尬搜艾呆 大gi來到
撒有那啦 nang呆 那一喲
Q哦尬亂敏啦你 幾我哈子類哦大嘩飢枝
撒一夠蠻呆你有 古代喲 哎一也嗯一 哈來 艾呆庫嗯大
啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦
多那呆 闊拿呆Q哎 夠不 五多哩 大噶搜那
唔西那呆 趕 足以呆 以哇 薩哇 路多類牙西那
ki迷弄一 那一吧休蠻 透莫哦你苦來達
毛一幾挪一 表苦窩 看嗯幾大尬啊他 呆開來到
一字嘛呆嘛 帶么九呆九
哎哇 巴來買噶那 系米喲 嗎嗯多呆摸 卡米西麥蘭大
ki米哇伯苦油 呆一喲
司麥爹奧 貓牙西 呆該肢凱來到
撒有那啦 nang呆 那一喲
Q哦尬啦你 幾我哈子類哦大
撒一夠蠻呆你有 古呆喲 哎一也嗯一 哈來 艾呆庫嗯大
啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦
借用上樓的 改了一下 適合我自己理解去唱 不好意思哈

⑸ 跪求泰國sara《沒關系》的lrc歌詞!

[by:曉傻瓜貼吧 會員]
[00:05.00] 沒關系 - Sara(泰語)
[00:08.00]製作人:曉傻瓜貼吧 會員:我丶不過愛你
[00:11.52]art me het pon ben roi pun tee ter kit ja poot hai chun dai fung 你也許會有一千個 一百個理由要向我解釋...
[00:23.31]tee nai wun nee dtong lerk ruk gun 為什麼我們的愛到今為止...
[00:30.46]chun gor ker-ee yaak roo yaak taam wa tam mai 我想知道,我想問為什麼...
[00:37.17]dtae ow kao jing gor blian jaimai yaak dai yin toi kam dai... mai jam ben laew 但是當我親眼看到現實的時候,我就改變主意了,我不要再聽到你的任何說話了...你已沒必要告訴我了....
[00:47.43]gor mai sam kun a-rai gup chun laew mai wa yung ngai gor kong jop muean 所以說對大家都已無所謂了,無論它怎麼開始,結局卻是一樣的...
[00:59.35]gor mai dtong poot dtor prow mai sam kun 所以你沒必要再說什麼了,真的,真的沒關系...
[01:05.16]jop baep nai jaak dtorn nai gor muean gun 無論是怎麼結束的,結束了,就是結束了
[01:14.47]hai gee het pon gee roi kam gor mai tam hai kwarm jep cham juea jaang 就算是再多的理由,再多你要對我說的話,都不會態清帶走我的傷,我的痛...
[01:26.35]lae na tee nee mai kor rup fung 現在真的不想聽你再說什麼了...
[01:33.37]mai wa ker-ee yaak roo yaak taam suk piang dai 不管有多少我想知道的,想問的...
[01:40.17]dtae ow kao jing gor blian jai mai yaak dai yin toi kam dai ... mai jam ben laew 但是當我親眼看到現實的時候,我就改變主意了,我不要再聽到你的任何說話了...你已沒必要告訴我了...
[01:50.20]gor mai sam kun a-rai gup chun laew mai wa yung ngai gor kong jop muean gun 所以說對大家都已無所謂了,無論它怎麼開始,結局卻是一樣的...
[02:02.40]gor mai dtong poot dtor prow mai sam kun 所以你沒必要再說什麼了,真的,真的沒關系...
[02:08.43]jop baep nai jaak dtorn nai gor muean gun 無論是怎麼結束的,結束了,就是結束了
[02:13.74](Interlude) 來源:扒枯曉傻瓜貼吧 會員:我丶不過愛你
[02:35.34]gor mai sam kun a-rai gup chun laew mai wa yung ngai gor kong jop muean gun 所以說對大家都已無所謂了,無論它怎麼開始,結局卻是一樣的...
[02:47.49]gor mai dtong poot dtor prow mai sam kun 所以你沒必要再說什麼了,真的,真的沒關系...
[02:53.43]jop dtrong nee jaak dtorn nee ler-ee laow gun 無論是怎麼結束的,結束了,就是結束了.

⑹ 求泰國國歌歌詞

這是泰國的國歌,在泰國人的心裡是很神聖的,樓上 置若世渡擺 請不要亂來,全都抄來的!雖然不是中國國歌,但有句話說:敬人者人恆敬之。我想不難了解。


ประเทศไทยรวมเลือดเนื้อชาติเชื้อไทย - pra thes thai ruam lued nue chart chue thai

เป็นประชารัฐ ไผทของไทยทุกส皮橡稿่วน - pen pra cha rat, pathai kong thai tuk suan

อยู่ดำรงคงไว้ได้ทั้งมวล - yu dam rong kong wai dai tang mual

ด้วยไทยล้วนหมา燃孝ย รักสามัคคี - ei thai luan mai, rak sa mak ki

ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด - thai ni rak sa ngob, tae tueng rob mai klad

เอกราชจะไม่ให้ใครข่มขี่ - Ekkarach ja mai hai krai kom ki

สละเลือดทุกหยาดเป็นชาติพลี - sla lued tuk yad pen chat pli

เถลิงประเทศชาติไทยทวี มีชัย ชโย - tleng pra tes chat thai twi mi chai chayo


⑺ 我要去泰國 歌詞

演唱: 郝雲
聽說過 那裡有很多水果
聽說過 那裡有很多摩托
聽說過 那裡有很多堅果兒
沒見過 那裡著名的妖魔
聽說過 那裡有很多水果
聽說過 那裡純旁有很多摩托
聽說過 那裡有很多堅果兒
沒見過 那裡著名的妖魔
我要去泰國 尋找我的快樂
我要去泰國 唱著我的歌
我要去泰國 尋找我的快樂
我要去泰國 唱著我的歌
跟著我 我帶你逛逛泰國
跟著我 我替你吃些水果
跟著我 我帶你燒香拜佛
跟著我 放鬆你的生活
跟著我 我帶你逛逛泰國
跟著我 我替你吃些水果
跟著我 我帶你燒香拜佛侍拿
跟著我 放鬆你的生活
我要去泰國 尋找我的快樂
我要去泰國 唱著我的做談橡歌
我要去泰國 尋找我的快樂
我要去泰國 唱著我的歌


⑻ 在哪能弄到泰國專輯dem crazy boyz的歌詞

Like ohh better get em back watch dem niggas back
I hear dem boyz come'n derty
Like ohh better get em back watch dem bitches back
I hear dem boyz come'n(repeat 4x's)
[Verse 1: Nelly]
鉛粗散Who am I you ask me you know it's bout that grammar
From any state it don't matter, from here to Montana
From whit girls name Anna, to old ladies name Nanna
凳源They hold'n up they banners, and run'n wit they cameras
Can I get a flick you damn right miss
(Can I take a hit) here boo like this
Chronic sticky like gum, I guess that's how it comes
Don't worry bout my funds, I play around it in one (Like ohh)
When you seen that hummer, but that was last summer
this year I'm more blunter
More up close and personal, it's just gon get worser now
From Prada to Vokal, the Tics are too versatile
Can't worry bout certain sounds, that come out these haters mouths
I realize they can't help it, just stay where you bow'n down
Some more you can't get these pounds, unless you gon smoke it now
If not I suggest you pack yo shit up and head out of town

[Verse 2: Murphy Lee]
They be like hold up, hold up, hold up I know that aint them man
Murp jersey on backwards wit ol' school Tim's and
Kyjuan got on so many colors just like a pimp
Nelly chain so long got him walk'n wit a limp
Ali is throw'n money in the front row
And er' body scream'n Slo Down but where the hell is slo of course
We be them up, close, live, and in person
Might look like the type that be rob'n them purses
But I aint I'm the yung de I be rhyme'n them verses
Worked hard since '93 that's how I got signed to Universal
Now the girlies take they thongs off
槐氏And it be crazy in the club when that Lunatic song go off
I be that pull up right beside you beat'n bad type of Tic
I'm a hold up traffic to touch her ass type of Tic
Lunatic, that's what I am that's what I said I am
I'm try'n to be a millionaire I bet I am, I bet I am
[Verse 3: Kyjuan]
It's dem boyz on dem porches in Air Forces read'n Sources
My choice is ol' school's over dem Rolls Royce's
Of course this Tic shit live like EA Sports is
Dribble in the club I lay up wit two draft choices
Ohh wee oh Lord, she don't want no more
Cutlass is four door, stash for the 4.4
Smokes 1 44, what dem o's go for (Like oh)
350 1 more, 350 stick'n the floor brand new bizare
smashes, g 's and c's all in my glasses
Tics fantastic we get booked more than matches
Imagine, me without those two headbands
Them Vokal t-shirts with some 8 class pants
Feel'n dapper like Dan yes fresh like Mannie
Cutlass candies sit down you know you can't stand me

[Verse 4: Ali]
Andy freeze all his fees, locks, stripy stocks, rocks in the watch
Big shorts, headband to a cross-jersey back Ross
That's that Mid-West talk, I think yo future boss Batter Up
Naw cough, and let you know Caprice Classic on these hoes
Ver big shows tell her best be on they toes
5 country grammar boys in bandana platinum no gold like (Oh)
That's what they say when I pull up on d's in that old Dr.J
Hold a v a, fat laces this world is rat races
Head'n back places but it still seem racist
Got locations so I haul off the wall off if you could fall off
Got a room at the Wada wit a saw that 'll take the wall off
Hit the mall off wit a sag hockey jersey -rag
Fitted still switch'n two different shoes starchy wit tags

Copyrights do not allow these lyrics to be displayed on the net.
You can support the artist by purchasing the sheet music.
A place to buy the lyrics would be SheetMusicPlus.com.

⑼ 泰國Chin<picture of my mind>歌詞

Chin<picture of my mind>

(Verse 1)
I just can't stop watching you
And wipes away my blues, somehow it's true
I can see it in your eyes
This love you have inside, tell me you're mine

You walked into my life
A feeling that I can't hide
If I could have someone like you, baby
I'll be flying high

You are the picture of my mind I know it's true
I've always waited for someone, someone like you
I know this love was meant to be right from the start
Now I know I can hold you close
In my heart you're the one for me

oh baby

(Verse 2)
Let me take you in my hand
I'll make you understand, our love will shine
Baby deep down inside, this love will never die
I know it lasts

You walked into my life
A feeling that I can't hide
You're the sunshine into my sorrow
In my cloudy sky

You are the picture of my mind I know it's true
I've always waited for someone, someone like you
I know this love was meant to be right from the start
Now I know I can hold you close
In my heart you're the one for me

This love will last forever (last forever)
Till the very end I'll be there (I'll be there)

You are the picture of my mind I know it's true
I've always waited for someone, someone like you
I know this love was meant to be right from the start
Now I know I can hold you close
In my heart you're the one for me



⑽ 泰國歌曲bangrajunwanpen

問題是什麼呢?這首歌是Carabao樂隊的《滿月邦拉占》,網路網頁搜索「Bang Ra Jun Wan Pen」試聽即可。


希望迎戰 做惡的緬甸軍隊

邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到
邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到
邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到



邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到
邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到


邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不到

邦拉占 邦拉占
邦拉占 也許撐不圓鍵到

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