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發布時間: 2022-01-12 16:08:14

① KARA在日本真的很火嗎

KARA進軍日本短短1年,音源下載量創下320萬件,打敗了寶兒11年間的紀錄。 記得kara之前在日本開演唱會時,不僅演唱會現場爆滿,而且同時日本有六十家電影院現場直播也坐滿了人。 反正kara在日本很火,應該一線外國明星的感覺吧。就算妮可、智英的離開,kara現在還是在日本的行程很多。

② 將下列文章翻譯成土耳其語

Turkey strange rules: use the wrong letters Q and W were fine with not be

Turkish court on the 25th of 20 Kurds impose fines because they are in the Kurdish New Year celebrations last year at the use of the Q and W, have violated the laws of Turkey.

Soil in 1928 promulgated the "Turkish alphabet adopted Law" stipulates that Turkish alphabet from the original Arabic script read revised edition of the Latin script, and demands that all logos, advertising, newspapers and official documents have to use Turkish letters.

Kurdish including the letters Q and W, but the Turkish did not contain these two letters. Therefore, the 20 Kurds were fined 100 new lira (about 75 U.S. dollars).

As a result of pressure from the European Union, Turkey in 2002 revoked the ban on Kurdish language teaching and broadcasting, but the move was in part e to official agencies not to resist and delay the implementation. Soil state television and radio stations since last year restricting the use of Kurdish, but some have been allowed to use the local channel.

③ kara為什麼在日本那麼紅


④ 伊合拉斯在土耳其語的意思


⑤ 要陪在值得的人身邊,一年又一年。土耳其語怎麼說

摘要 您好,要陪在值得的人身邊,一年又一年。用土耳其語是Borsaya değer insanlara eşlik etmek için bir yıl başka bir yıldır.

⑥ maarrem在土耳其語里是什麼意思

—— 荷蘭文:maarrem 但是剎車( 土耳其文: 我瑪爾 )。

⑦ Kara在日本誰的人氣最高


⑧ 求土耳其語在線翻譯地址


⑨ 哪位懂得土耳其語的能告訴我"TAMAM"在土耳其語裡面是什麼意思

我大學是土耳其語專業畢業,在土耳其還留過學,如果需要土耳其語支持或幫助,聯系我:[email protected]

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