『壹』 急求各國美食的英文小介紹
1 South Korea's kimchi practice :
The world-renowned Korean kimchi, Korea has become basically the signs.
韓國泡菜的韓國語讀音:「聽其」 South Korea's kimchi Korean pronunciation: "listen to his"
配料:大白菜、蒜、鹽、魚露、辣椒粉、糖。 Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, garlic, salt, fish sauce, chili powder, sugar.
注意:魚露是最必不可少的東西,也是為什麼中國的酸辣泡菜和韓國泡菜最不同的地方,在韓國幾乎家家自己做魚露,中國人不吃這個東西,不過在大的超市裡面有賣的,大約8-10元一瓶,多半是泰國的魚露。 Note: The sauce is the most essential thing is the reason why the Chinese hot and sour kimchi and Korean kimchi to the greatest difference, almost every family in South Korea to do their own fish sauce, Chinese people do not eat this thing, but in the big supermarkets inside There are sales of about 8-10 yuan a bottle, most of the fish sauce in Thailand.
准備材料: To prepare materials:
1.白菜 1. Cabbage
白菜綠葉多,表皮薄,葉子密實,沒有過多需要去除的外層葉子,看起來既干凈又新鮮的為上選。 Chinese cabbage leaves, thin sheet, leaf density, there is no need to remove too much of the outer leaves, it looks clean and fresh for the last election. 儲藏白菜以有綠葉,看起來新鮮的白菜為宜,新產的白菜越大越好,秋季白菜以大小適中,結球程度好,重量重的為好。 Storage Empoasca have to cabbage, Chinese cabbage fresh look is appropriate, the new proction of the better Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage in the fall to size, the degree of cabbage, heavy weight for good. 白菜不僅含有豐富的維生素或礦物質,還含有各種具有多種葯理作用的成分。 Chinese cabbage is not only rich in vitamins or minerals, but also contain a variety of pharmacological effects with a variety of ingredients. 據學術論文發表,白菜中含有的methyLmethionine是蛋氨酸的生物活性物質,對動脈硬化症具有療效,而methyLsysteinsuLfoxid具有強化膽固醇的效果。 According to published academic papers, cabbage contains methyLmethionine the Met is the biological active substance, with effects on atherosclerosis, and methyLsysteinsuLfoxid have to strengthen the effectiveness of cholesterol.
2. 蘿卜 2. Radish
蘿卜主要由水分組成,含有豐富的維生素C和消化酶—澱粉糖化酶素,若生吃,則有助於消化。 Radish by water, rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes - starch-glucoamylase, if raw, it helps digestion. 與蘿卜心相比,維生素C主要分布在蘿卜皮上,因此最好不要削皮,洗凈後食用。 With the heart radish, vitamin C mainly in the Luobu Pi, so best not to peel, wash after eating. 蘿卜以粗大而均勻、無疤痕、新鮮、色澤光潤、肉質結實柔軟、不太辣、有甜味的為上選。 The big carrot in uniform, no scars, fresh color Guangrun, succulent fruit is soft, not too spicy, sweet as the last election.
3.辣椒 3. Pepper
辣椒除胡蘿卜素和維生素C之外,還含有多種成分。 In addition to the chili carotene and vitamin C, also contains a variety of ingredients. 辣椒素具有殺菌及除菌作用,能夠促進唾液或胃液的分泌,促進消化。 Capsaicin has a role in sterilization and disinfection, saliva or be able to promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote digestion. 此外,還具有提高體內各種代謝作用。 In addition, it has to raise all kinds of body metabolism. 腌制泡菜時使用的辣椒面宜選用在陽光底下曬乾的色澤鮮紅、肉質厚、表皮光潤的尖椒。 Kimchi pickled pepper powder used in the selection should be dried in the sun under the bright red color, thick flesh, skin Guangrun Pepper's.
4.大蒜 4. Garlic
大蒜的源產地是中亞地區,是屬於百合科的蔥類,蒜頭在地下。 Garlic is the source of origin in Central Asia, belongs to the Liliaceae onion category, and garlic in the ground. 蒜頭被淡褐色的蒜皮包圍,內部有5~6個小蒜瓣。 The garlic was light brown skin surrounded by garlic, there are 5 to 6 small Suanban. 普通農家栽培的代表性的土產品種是作為晚熟品種的六瓣蒜和多瓣蒜,以及長莖蒜。 The General cultivation of farm procts represented as a late-maturing varieties are 6 species of garlic and garlic Duoban, as well as the long stems and garlic. 製作泡菜時多使用味道辛辣的多瓣蒜,而製作咸蒜或使用蒜葉時多使用長莖蒜。 Making more use of kimchi, when Duo Ban spicy garlic flavor, and the proction of garlic salt or garlic when the leaves to make more use of long-stem garlic. 蒜中的主要刺激成分— 丙亞硫酸鹽的殺菌力為碳酸的15倍,具有促進新陳代謝,鎮痛、便秘、解毒等各種作用。 Garlic in the main components of stimulus - C sulfite sterilization of the force carbonate for 15 times, with the promotion of metabolism, pain, constipation, such as the role of detoxification.
5.蔥 5. Onions
普通蔬菜是鹼性,但蔥含有豐富的硫磺,屬於酸性食品。 Ordinary vegetables are alkaline, but the onions are rich in sulfur, acidic foods belong to. 蔥是難以儲藏的蔬菜,含水量為80%左右。 The green is difficult to store vegetables, the water content of 80%. 蔥的綠色部分還含有豐富的維生素A和C。 Green onions also part of the rich in vitamins A and C. 因為蔥的刺激成分中含有硫磺和丙化合物,具有殺菌、殺蟲效果。 Onions because of the stimulating ingredients containing sulfur compounds and C, with sterilization, the effects of pesticides. 大蔥挑選根莖粗大而新鮮的,細蔥挑選葉子短而新鮮的。 The selection of roots and thick green onions fresh, fine selection of green leaves and fresh short. 兩種蔥同以蔥白部分長而粗,有光澤的為宜。 Two very light blue to green onions with some of the long, thick, shiny appropriate.
6.生薑 6. Ginger
生薑與食醋、醬油、鹽、蜂蜜等相合,不損傷食品固有的味道。 And ginger vinegar, soy sauce, salt, honey, such as consistency, does not damage the natural flavor of food. 水分佔80%左右,含有豐富的無機物。 Water accounts for about 80%, rich in inorganic substances. 具有特有的香味和辛辣味道,其中辛辣味出自名為生薑素的物質,具有健胃發汗的特效,還有助於減肥。 Has a unique aroma and taste bitter, pungent flavor from the ginger-known material with Jianwei effects of sweating, but also contribute to weight loss. 瓣粗大、曲折不多,表皮薄而透明,纖維少的生薑不辛辣、水分多而柔軟。 Large valve, not many twists and turns, the thin transparent skin, and less fiber of ginger is not hot, water and more soft.
7.刺海松 7. Thorn Haisong
是寄生在淺海邊的綠藻類,整體呈深綠色,觸感較光滑,鈣和磷的含量比適中。 Is a parasitic in the shallow sea of green algae, and the overall dark green, smooth touch than that of calcium and phosphorus content than moderate. 腌制儲藏白菜時使用。 Used to store pickled cabbage.
8.鹽 8. Salt
鹽在人類至今所利用的調味品中歷史最悠久、最重要的。 Salt in human so far with the use of spices in the oldest, the most important thing. 因為鹽不僅調節食品的鹹淡,在營養或生理等方面都是其他物質無法代替的。 Salt not only because of the brackish regulation of food, nutrition and physical and so can not be replaced by other substances. 人體吸收的鹽轉化為鈉和氯氣,進入血液、消化液、組織液發揮滲透壓作用,並參與酸度調節和神經肌肉的興奮性調節。 The human body to absorb the salt into sodium and chlorine, into the blood, digestive juice, tissue fluid play the role of osmotic pressure, acidity and participate in the regulation of muscle and nerve excitability regulation.
9. 魚蝦醬汁 9. Fish sauce
是一種儲藏發酵食品,儲藏期間蛋白質分解為氨基酸,生成固有的味道和香氣。 Is a kind of fermented food storage, storage period for the decomposition of protein amino acids to proce the inherent flavor and aroma. 鮮魚的刺分解為易於吸收的鈣,脂肪轉化為揮發性脂肪酸,生成醬汁特有的味道和香氣。 The fish gill broken down into easy-to-absorption of calcium into volatile fatty acids to proce sauce unique aroma and taste. 魚蝦醬汁作為優質的蛋白質和鈣、脂肪質的供應源,是鈣含量高的鹼性食品,具有中和體液的重要作用。 Fish and shrimp sauce as a high-quality protein and calcium, fat quality of the source of supply is high calcium content of basic foods, and has an important role in the body fluids. 使用最普遍的蝦醬,因脂肪少,所以清淡,鳳尾魚醬的脂肪和所需氨基酸的含量和熱量最高。 The most common use of shrimp paste, as a result of less fat, so light, anchovy sauce and fat content of the amino acid requirements and the highest heat.
步驟: :
第一步:買5斤大白菜,分成一片一片的,用適量的鹽腌起來,放大約15-24小時,白菜萎縮了以後最初步的的材料就好了。 The first step: 5 to buy Chinese jin, into a piece, with the amount of salted, put about 15-24 hours, cabbage after the initial contraction of the material would be enough.
第二步:找一個能翻得轉的大鍋,把蒜磨細(多一點,五斤大白菜大約3兩蒜),辣椒粉(根據自己口味而定),然後放糖,魚露(就像放醬油那樣多),根據自己的口味還可以再放一些鹽。 The second step: to find a big turn of a switch, ground garlic (a little more, about 3 Wujin two Chinese garlic), chili powder (according to their tastes may be), then sugar, fish sauce (on the Put as many as soy sauce), according to their own tastes can also add some salt. 把這些調料放在一起摻和攪和,就像和餃子餡一下就可以了。 These blending together seasoning mix, like mplings and filling about it.
第三步:發酵發酵要密封,發酵的時間視溫度而定,一般春天4-5天,夏天3天,冬天就需要一個星期了 The third step: to seal fermentation fermentation, the fermentation time as the temperature may be generally 4-5 days in the spring, summer, 3 days a week in winter on the
第四步:品嘗美味的佳餚,注意的是請不要放得太久,建議單身的朋友做好以後一定要與朋友一起分享,要不然一個人吃不完放壞了就可惜了。 Step four: a taste of delicious food, noted that for too long, please do not put the proposed single friends to do a good job after we must share with friends, or else a person could not finish eating take pity on the bad.
Traditional French foie gras proction methods to make a brief introction: gras (about 1300 grams) on the surface of the skin divisible, cut open and remove the blood vessels gras, sprinkled salt (12 grams), pepper (amount), Sugar (4 grams), cardamom powder (amount), about half an hour after applying brandy (a spoon), pickled to be about 2 hours later, into Pan, into the oven baking (oven temperature control 140 or so) take about 1 hour later, another home in the Pan-Pan air, the heavier objects will be top-down pressure-foie gras, the to be cooled into the refrigerator freezer, the food section when the mold. 這里需說明的是鵝肝醬並不是將鵝肝製成糊醬類的調味料,法式料理中的「鵝肝醬」是類似於我國的「糕」或「凍」之類,如「豬耳糕」、「水晶餚蹄」在成形上與它有相似之處。 Here take note of the foie gras is not gras will be made of class miso paste sauce, French cuisine in the "foie gras" is similar to China's "cake" or "cold" and the like, such as "fournieri Cake, "" crystal shoe confusion "in the shape it with similar. 一般來說,鵝肝醬用於煎菜最多,也常與麵包或土司一起搭配食用。 In general, pan-fried foie gras for most dishes, often with bread or toast along with food. 目前在市場上的鵝肝醬有鐵罐裝和玻璃裝兩種,保質期約在2—3年,選擇時以鵝肝醬中的塊狀愈大愈結實的愈好。 In the current market canned foie gras iron and glass mounted two in the shelf-life of about 2-3 years, the choice of foie gras in order to block the more solid the more the better. 需注意的是,市面上有許多產品並非是單純的鵝肝醬,而是雜有其他成分的「雜肝醬」 It must be noted is that there are many procts on the market is not a simple foie gras, but there are other miscellaneous components of the "miscellaneous liver sauce"
Turkey's popular barbecue, with a special sauce for beef, mutton, pork, chicken marinated for soaking, use a thick iron bar a piece of meat to flee, causing a tower of meat, brush Oil, fire in the barbecue, Mnjikaning taste of life. 經過歐美美食家的獨特改良,現今出現了旋轉式烤肉機,烤熟的肉從肉塔上一片片削下。 Europe and the United States through the unique gourmet improved, appeared in today's rotary barbecue, Kao Shu meat from the tower on a piece of meat under the cut. 佐以沙拉,配料夾面餅食用。 Accompanied by salad, ingredients of food cake folder. 美味多滋,色澤鮮亮。 Zi and more delicious, bright color.
『貳』 土耳其烤肉英語介紹,簡單的兩句就行可以,英漢翻譯都有的~
Doner kebab (/ˈdɒnər kəˈbæb/, /ˈdoʊnər/; Turkish: döner or döner kebap, [døˈneɾ̝̊ ceˈbap]) is a Turkish dish made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, normally lamb but also a mixture of veal or beef with these, or sometimes chicken. The dish is also widely known by its Arabic name "shawarma" (from Turkish çevirme) or the Greek name "gyros".
The sliced meat of a Doner kebab may be served wrapped in a flatbread such as lavash or pita or as a sandwich instead of being served on a plate. It is a common fast food item not only in Turkey but also in the Middle East, Europe and Australia. Seasoned meat in the shape of an inverted cone is turned slowly against a vertical rotisserie, then sliced vertically into thin, crisp shavings. On the sandwich version, the meat is generally served with tomato, onion with sumac, pickled cucumber and chili.
土耳其旋轉烤肉(土耳其語:döner kebap),即「旋轉烤肉」,在德國通常簡稱döner,döner即「旋轉」,而土耳其語「烤肉」即kebap,又音譯作「卡巴」。這是一種把旋轉烤羊肉、牛肉或雞肉削下來,加上配料而成的土耳其菜式(英語:Turkish cuisine)。有人把土耳其烤肉和沙威瑪及希臘旋轉烤肉相提並論,因為數者皆用類似的肉類製成,但實際的作法及形式則有些分別。
『叄』 土耳其食物介紹英文版
Taken as a whole, Turkish cuisine is not homogeneous. Aside from common Turkish specialities that can be found throughout the country, there are also many region-specific specialities. The Black Sea region's cuisine (northern Turkey) is based on corn and anchovies. The southeast—Urfa, Gaziantep and Adana—is famous for its kebabs, mezes and dough-based desserts such as baklava, kadayıf and künefe. Especially in the western parts of Turkey, where olive trees are grown abundantly, olive oil is the major type of oil used for cooking.[3] The cuisines of the Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean regions display basic characteristics of Mediterranean cuisine as they are rich in vegetables, herbs, and fish. Central Anatolia is famous for its pasta specialties, such as keşkek (kashkak), mantı (especially from Kayseri) and gözleme.
A specialty's name sometimes includes that of a city or region, either in or outside of Turkey, and may refer to the specific technique or ingredients used in that area. For example, the difference between Urfa kebab and Adana kebab is the use of garlic instead of onion and the larger amount of hot pepper that kebab contains.
『肆』 火雞的英文名為什麼叫Turkey呢和土耳其有沒有關系
『伍』 土耳其keskek飲食傳統中的keskek 怎麼讀,還有翻譯成中文是什麼,要權威!
『陸』 土耳其菜英文
Turkish dishes Middle East and western diet culture fusion,serving as western food,way of soup,salad,main course,dessert order
『柒』 我要介紹的是土耳其美食用英語怎麼寫
I want to introce is the Turkish cuisine
『捌』 土耳其的食物和建築(英文哦)
Turkish Architecture
『玖』 「土耳其」的英文縮寫怎麼寫
「土耳其」的英文縮寫是TUR 。
土耳其共和國(土耳其語:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti,英語:The Republic of Turkey),簡稱土耳其,是一個橫跨歐亞兩洲的國家,北臨黑海,南臨地中海,東南與敘利亞、伊拉克接壤。
土耳其共和國(The Republic of Turkey)。「土耳其」一詞由「突厥」演變而來。在韃靼語中,「突厥」是「勇敢」的意思,「土耳其」意即「勇敢人的國家」。