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发布时间: 2022-02-20 22:51:46

‘壹’ 今天 我要带领大家去新西兰 在这个寒假 我去了新西兰的奥克兰 基督城和皇后镇 在奥克兰我们去了鸭子湖

Today I will lead you all to New Zealand, cause I have been to several places in New Zealand this winter vacation. I have been to Auckland, Christchurch,Queens Town.

When I was in Auckland, I went to a place called Duck Lake, which is located next to the Museum o Transportation. Certainly there were so many cks over there.

And when I was in Christchurch, I stayed with a local family for 1 week. The homestay mother is a police officer, she has 1 dog and 2 cats at home. During that week, I went to language classes everyday in the morning, and in the afternoon, I went to the museum or zoo, taking touring-train or boat.

After that,I went to Queens Town. That is the most beautiful place in New Zealand. I went to Lake Te Kapu, Mountain Cook which was where the Lord of the Ring was filmed. I played Bumgee Jumping, jet, and I went to see the Milford Cliff and so on.... I spent 2 weeks over there, I just feel the people are very friendly, the environment is so beautiful, and it's so relaxed to be a student, though the weather is emothional, but I mean in Queestown, that's the most beautiful place I have never seen, it 's amazing!

‘贰’ 皇后镇属于奥克兰吗


‘叁’ 行去新西兰,想去奥克兰和皇后镇,有什么值得推荐的吗





‘肆’ 我想去新西兰得皇后镇,星空小镇,还有玛塔玛塔小镇,有攻略吗我要怎么去我在奥克兰

第一,Queenstown的话,大部分的好住宿已经full booking了,剩下的都很贵或者很不好的.

‘伍’ 我朋友在外国地震了,我想打去新西兰噶奥克兰皇后镇应该怎样打

如果打手机的话,例如手机号是0212345678 你就打0064 212345678,如果是座机,例如座机号是5226173,奥克兰的区号是9,你就打0064 9 5226173. 皇后镇的区号不知道。 地震的地方是基督城,皇后镇没事。

‘陆’ 新西兰的奥克兰到皇后镇飞机要多久

1小时50 分钟

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