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发布时间: 2023-08-25 16:37:12

㈠ 用英语写一篇关于介绍新西兰的小短文,急用五十字左右带翻译,求急!

New Zealand is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands. The official languages are English, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language, with English predominant. The country's economy was historically dominated by the export of wool, but exports of dairy procts, meat, and wine, along with tourism, are more significant today.



㈡ 我第一次做代购、代购一些衣服鞋子之类的、请问开场白要怎么写呢












㈢ 新西兰的介绍


新西兰 New Zealand。在台湾和香港地区叫纽西兰。毛利语为Aotearoa,音译为“奥特亚罗瓦”,即“长白云之乡”。



新西兰有两首地位等同的国歌:天佑新西兰 God Defend New Zealand与天佑吾王。天佑吾王又称天佑女王 God Save The Queen,如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为 天佑国王 God Save The King。天佑吾王是英国的国歌及英联邦的皇室颂歌。不过,现在无论是学校周会还是国家代表队出外比赛,一般都只会用“天佑新西兰”这一首歌。有关新西兰国歌的应用,由新西兰文化及传统部负责管理。

怀唐伊日 Waitangi Day 2月4日(1840年)


英语 English、毛利语 Maori、新西兰手语 The New Zealand Sign Language

新西兰人口4,119,900(2006年3月,世界第122名) 。北岛的总人口为3,102,500(2006年3月),占新西兰总人口的75%,南岛人口为1,013,800(2006年3月),(世界第193名)。欧洲移民后裔占78.8%,%,%。奥克兰地区的人口占全国总人口30.7%。首都惠灵顿地区的人口约占全国总人口的11%。奥克兰市是全国人口最多的城市;南岛基督城是全国第二大城市。官方语言为英语和毛利语。通用英语,毛利人讲毛利语。70%居民信奉基督新教和天主教。新西兰是世界上人口都市化最高的国家之一。

新西兰元 New Zealand Dollar(NZ$),。新西兰元由新西兰储备银行(即中央银行)负责印制和发行。硬币有5分、10分、20分、50分、1元、2元,5分硬币已经不再发行,并把10分、20分及50分的硬币尺寸改小。钞票有5元、10元、20元、50元、100元。各主要的信用卡都广泛被接纳。%的消费税。

银蕨 koru,学名cyathea dealbata

四翅槐 Fourwings Sophora

几维鸟 kiwi

新西兰最早的居民毛利人将这种叫声为“kiwi! kiwi! kiwi!”的鸟命名为奇异鸟 kiwi bird。这种不会飞的鸟大小有如母鸡,有一个细长的喙和细如毛发的羽毛。新西兰人将这种喜欢夜间活动、不会飞的可爱鸟儿做为国家的象征。


惠灵顿 Wellington,是世界上最靠南的都城。人口448,959(2006年3月),市区人口340,719。

奥克兰 Auckland,人口1,318,700(2006年3月)市区人口1,079,304。

奥克兰 Auckland
惠灵顿 Wellington
基督城 Christchurch
达尼丁 Dunedin
哈密尔顿 Hamilton

全国分为12个大区:北地 Northland、奥克兰 Auckland、怀卡托 Waikato、丰盛湾 Bay of Plenty、霍克湾Hawkes Bay、塔拉纳基Taranaki、马纳瓦图-旺加努伊 Manawatu-Wanganui、惠灵顿 Wellington、西岸West Coast、坎特伯雷 Canterbury 、奥塔哥 Otago、南地 Southland。设有74个地区行政机构,其中包括15个市政厅、58个区议会和查塔姆群岛Chatham Islands议会。

总督阿南德·萨蒂亚南德 Anand Satyanand,2006年8月就任,他是新西兰历史上首位亚裔总督;总理海伦·伊丽莎白·克拉克 Helen Elizabeth Clark,1999年12月任职。2005年9月第三次当选连任。

新西兰属温带海洋性气候,季节与北半球相反。夏季平均气温25摄氏度左右,冬季10摄氏度左右,全年温差一般不超过15度。 各地年平均降雨量为400~1200毫米。


新西兰很接近国际日界线,是全世界最早进入新的一天的国家之一,新西兰北岛的查塔姆群岛和吉斯伯恩市,是全世界最先迎接新一天到来的地方。新西兰当地时间比格林威治国际标准时间早12小时,比北京时间早4小时,比伦敦早12小时,比纽约早17小时。夏时制从十月的第一个星期天开始,至次年三月的第三个星期天结束, 时间提前1小时。而新西兰的查塔姆群岛比新西兰早45分钟。

新西兰工人每周工作40小时,。一些商务中心和公司周一至周五每天营业时间为上午9:00至下午5:00,政府部门通常是上午8:30至下午5:00。银行周一至周五营业时间从上午9:30至下午4:00,有些银行周五营业时间延长到晚上8:00。商店周一至周四的营业时间为9:00至下午5:30, 周五为上午9:00到晚上9:00。有些商店周六和周末也照常营业。

新年 New Year's Day 1月1日
国庆节 Waitangi Day 2月6日
复活节 Good Friday 4月6日
Easter Mondy 4月9日 (2007年)
澳新军团日 ANZAC Day 4月25日
女王诞辰日 Queen's Birthday 6月的第一个星期一
劳动节 Labour Day 10月的第四个星期一
圣诞节 Christmas Day 12月25日
节礼日 Boxing Day 12月26日
每个地区还有不同的周年庆, 比如 Wellington Anniversary Day 1月的第四个星期一



新西兰靠路左侧行驶。驾驶人要让自行车或右方来车先行。郊区限速一百公里/小时, 市区限速五十公里/小时。大城市附近有多车道公路或高速公路,大多数道路为双车道。




海外证件的翻译件可以由新西兰的翻译服务,或者一个负有重要使命的外交机构,领事馆或者大使馆授予你海外证件的权威机构(国际驾驶执照可被视为翻译件) 颁发。


新西兰约于一亿年前与大陆分离,从而使许多原始的动植物得以在孤立的环境中存活和演化。除了独特的植物和动物之外, 这里还有地形多变的壮丽自然景观。在数天的行车途中,您可以看到山脉、沙滩、茂密的雨林、冰河和峡湾, 以及活火山。

新西兰的地理景观――多变的山丘、洁净的海滩与翠绿的乡村――本身是一部独特动植物生存的史诗。从冈瓦纳古大陆 Gondwanaland分离之后,这些原始的物种便在这块独立的土地上演化和繁衍,着名的自然学家大卫·贝拉米 David Bellamy称这里是“摩亚方舟”Moa's Ark,此名称来自新西兰所特有的巨大步行鸟“摩亚”(moa,又名恐鸟),但现在已绝种。




新西兰森林的特点是温和、常绿的雨林,其中有巨大的树蕨、藤类和附生植物――看起来很符合一般丛林的模样。巨大的贝壳杉是世界上最大的植物之一, 目前生长在相对较小的北岛凹地与科罗曼德尔半岛。

新西兰是罕见鸟类的天堂。最着名的是不会飞的奇异鸟,新西兰的非正式国家标志。其它不会飞的鸟还有威卡秧鸡(weka)及濒临灭绝的kakapo鹦鹉, 这是全世界最大的鹦鹉,它只能爬到低矮的灌木或较小的树上。


《怀唐伊条约》Treaty of Waitangi被视为新西兰的立国文件,国家成立的基石。该条约是1840年由毛利大酋长与英国王室的代表在岛屿湾的怀唐伊签定的,这

㈣ 介绍新西兰一篇范文。600字左右。


㈤ 关于新西兰的介绍,要英语的,谢谢

New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean consisting of two large islands (North Island and South Island) and many much smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. New Zealand is also known in Māori as Aotearoa, which is usually paraphrased in English as Land of the Long White Cloud.

The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing, but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica).

It is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, some 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.

The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority. Non-Māori Polynesian and Asian peoples are also significant minorities, especially in the cities.

Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the nominal Head of State and is represented, in her absence, by a non-partisan Governor-General; the Queen 'reigns but does not rule', so she has no real political influence. Political power is held by the democratically-elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister who is the Head of Government.


New Zealand is one of the most recently settled major land masses. Polynesian settlers arrived in their waka some time between the 13th century and the 15th century to establish the indigenous Māori culture. New Zealand's Māori name, Aotearoa, is usually translated as "Land of the long white cloud", reputedly referring to the cloud the explorers saw on the horizon as they approached. Settlement of the Chatham Islands to the east of the mainland proced the Moriori people, but it is disputed whether they moved there from New Zealand or elsewhere in Polynesia. Most of New Zealand was divided into tribal territories called rohe, resources within which were controlled by an iwi ('nation' or 'tribe'). Māori adapted to eating the local marine resources, flora and fauna for food, hunting the giant flightless moa (which soon became extinct), and ate the Polynesian Rat and kumara (sweet potato), which they introced to the country.

The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand were led by Abel Janszoon Tasman, who sailed up the west coasts of the South and North Islands in 1642. He named it Staten Landt, believing it to be part of the land Jacob Le Maire had seen in 1616 off the coast of Chile. Staten Landt appeared on Tasman's first maps of New Zealand, but this was changed by Dutch cartographers to Nova Zeelandia, after the Dutch province of Zeeland, some time after Hendrik Brouwer proved the supposedly South American land to be an island in 1643. The Latin Nova Zeelandia became Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch. Captain James Cook subsequently called the archipelago New Zealand (a slight corruption, as Zealand is not an alternative spelling of Zeeland, a province in the Netherlands, but of Sjælland, the island in Denmark that includes Copenhagen), although the Māori names he recorded for the North and South Islands (as Aehei No Mouwe and Tovy Poenammu respectively[1]) were rejected, and the main three islands became known as North, Middle and South, with the Middle Island being later called the South Island, and the earlier South Island becoming Stewart Island. Cook began extensive surveys of the islands in 1769, leading to European whaling expeditions and eventually significant European colonisation. From as early as the 1780s, Māori had encounters with European sealers and whalers. Acquisition of muskets by those iwi in close contact with European visitors destabilised the existing balance of power between Māori tribes and there was a temporary but intense period of bloody inter-tribal warfare, known as the Musket Wars, which ceased only when all iwi were so armed.

Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi

Concerned about the exploitation of Māori by Europeans, the British Colonial Office appointed James Busby as British Resident to New Zealand in 1832. In 1834, Busby convened the United Tribes of New Zealand to select a flag and declare their independence, which led to the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand. This declaration did not allay the fears of the Church Missionary Society, who continued lobbying for British annexation. Increasing French interest in the region led the British to annex New Zealand by Royal Proclamation in January 1840. To legitimise the British annexation, Lieutenant Governor William Hobson had been dispatched in 1839; he hurriedly negotiated the Treaty of Waitangi with northern iwi on his arrival. The Treaty was signed in February, and in recent years it has come to be seen as the founding document of New Zealand. The Māori translation of the treaty promised the Māori tribes "tino rangatiratanga" would be preserved in return for ceding kawanatanga, which the English version translates as "chieftainship" and "sovereignty"; the real meanings are now disputed. Disputes over land sales and sovereignty caused the New Zealand land wars, which took place between 1845 and 1872. In 1975 the Treaty of Waitangi Act established the Waitangi Tribunal, charged with hearing claims of Crown violations of the Treaty of Waitangi. Some Māori tribes and the Moriori never signed the treaty.

New Zealand was initially administered as a part of the colony of New South Wales, and it became a separate colony in November 1840. The first capital was Okiato or old Russell in the Bay of Islands but it soon moved to Auckland. European settlement progressed more rapidly than anyone anticipated, and settlers soon outnumbered Māori. Self-government was granted to the settler population in 1852. There were political concerns following the discovery of gold in Central Otago in 1861 that the South Island would form a separate colony, so in 1865 the capital was moved to the more central city of Wellington. New Zealand was involved in a Constitutional Convention in March 1891 in Sydney, New South Wales, along with the Australian colonies. This was to consider a potential constitution for the proposed federation between all the Australasian colonies. New Zealand lost interest in joining Australia in a federation following this convention.

In 1893 New Zealand became the first nation to grant women the right to vote on the same basis as men; however, women were not eligible to stand for parliament until 1919.

New Zealand became an independent dominion on 26 September 1907, by Royal Proclamation. Full independence was granted by the United Kingdom Parliament with the Statute of Westminster in 1931; it was taken up upon the Statute's adoption by the New Zealand Parliament in 1947. Since then New Zealand has been a sovereign constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth of Nations.

In 1951, Australia, New Zealand and the United States formally became allies with the signing of the ANZUS Treaty. In 1985, New Zealand declared itself a nuclear-free zone. As a result, US warships could no longer enter New Zealand ports without declaring themselves to be free of nuclear weapons or power. As such a declaration would be against US Government policy, effectively the ships were banned from New Zealand. The United States suspended its obligations to New Zealand under the ANZUS Treaty.


New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Under the New Zealand Royal Titles Act (1953), Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of New Zealand and is represented as head of state by the Governor-General, Anand Satyanand.

New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women, between March 2005 and August 2006 - The Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II, Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Prime Minister Helen Clark, Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives Margaret Wilson and Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias.

The New Zealand Parliament has only one chamber, the House of Representatives, which usually seats 120 Members of Parliament. Parliamentary general elections are held every three years under a form of proportional representation called Mixed Member Proportional. The 2005 General Election created an 'overhang' of one extra seat (occupied by the Māori Party), e to that party winning more seats in constituencies than the number of seats its proportion of the party vote would have given it.

There is no written constitution: the Constitution Act 1986 is the principal formal statement of New Zealand's constitutional structure. The Governor-General has the power to appoint and dismiss Prime Ministers and to dissolve Parliament. The Governor-General also chairs the Executive Council, which is a formal committee consisting of all ministers of the Crown. Members of the Executive Council are required to be Members of Parliament, and most are also in Cabinet. Cabinet is the most senior policy-making body and is led by the Prime Minister, who is also, by convention, the Parliamentary leader of the governing party or coalition.

The current Prime Minister is Helen Clark, leader of the Labour Party. She is serving her third term as Prime Minister. On 17 October 2005 she announced that she had come to a complex arrangement that guaranteed the support of enough parties for her Labour-led coalition to govern. The formal coalition consists of the Labour Party and Jim Anderton, the Progressive Party's only MP. In addition to the parties in formal coalition, New Zealand First and United Future provide confidence and supply in return for their leaders being ministers outside cabinet. A further arrangement has been made with the Green Party, which has given a commitment not to vote against the government on confidence and supply. This commitment assures the government of a majority of seven MPs on confidence.

The Leader of the Opposition is National Party leader Don Brash, formerly Governor of the Reserve Bank. The ACT party and the Māori Party are both also in opposition. The Greens, New Zealand First and United Future all vote against the government on some legislation.

Major political parties:
Labour Party (50 seats)
National Party (48 seats)

Minor political parties (in Parliament):
ACT New Zealand (2 seats)
Green Party (6 seats)
Jim Anderton's Progressive Party (1 seat)
Māori Party (4 seats)
New Zealand First (7 seats)
United Future (3 seats)

The highest court in New Zealand is the Supreme Court of New Zealand, which was established in 2004 following the passage of the Supreme Court Act 2003. The Act abolished the option to appeal Court of Appeal rulings to the Privy Council in London. The current Chief Justice is Dame Sian Elias. New Zealand's judiciary also includes the High Court, which deals with serious criminal offences and civil matters, and the Court of Appeal, as well as subordinate courts.

Foreign relations and the military
Main articles: Foreign relations of New Zealand, Military of New Zealand, and Military history of New Zealand

New Zealand maintains a strong profile on environmental protection, human rights and free trade, particularly in agriculture.

New Zealand is a member of the following geo-political organisations: APEC, East Asia Summit, Commonwealth of Nations, OECD and the United Nations. It has signed up to a number of free trade agreements, of which the most important is Closer Economic Relations with Australia.

For its first hundred years, New Zealand followed the United Kingdom's lead on foreign policy. "Where she goes, we go; where she stands, we stand", said Prime Minister Michael Savage, in declaring war on Germany on 3 September 1939. However New Zealand came under the influence of the United States of America for the generation following the war (although New Zealand does still have a good working relationship with the UK).

New Zealand has traditionally worked closely with Australia, whose foreign policy followed a similar historical trend. In turn, many Pacific Islands such as Western Samoa have looked to New Zealand's lead. The American influence on New Zealand was weakened by the disappointment with the Vietnam War, the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior by France, and by disagreements over environmental and agricultural trade issues and New Zealand's nuclear-free policy.

New Zealand is a party to the ANZUS security treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In February 1985 New Zealand refused nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships access to its ports. In 1986 the United States announced that it was suspending its treaty security obligations to New Zealand pending the restoration of port access. The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act 1987 prohibits the stationing of nuclear weapons on the territory of New Zealand and the entry into New Zealand waters of nuclear armed or propelled ships. This legislation remains a source of contention and the basis for the United States' continued suspension of treaty obligations to New Zealand.

In addition to the various wars between iwi, and between the British settlers and iwi, New Zealand has fought in the Second Boer War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency (and committed troops, fighters and bombers to the subsequent confrontation with Indonesia), the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Afghanistan War, and briefly sent a unit of army engineers to help with rebuilding Iraqi infrastructure.

The New Zealand military has three branches: the New Zealand Army, the Royal New Zealand Navy, and the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand considers its own national defence needs to be modest; it dismantled its air combat capability in 2001. New Zealand has contributed forces to recent regional and global peacekeeping missions, including those in Cyprus, Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Sinai, Angola, Cambodia, the Iran/Iraq border, Bougainville and East Timor.

Local government and external territories

The early European settlers divided New Zealand into provinces. These were abolished in 1876 so that government could be centralised, for financial reasons. As a result, New Zealand has no separately represented subnational entities such as provinces, states or territories, apart from its local government. The spirit of the provinces however still lives on, and there is fierce rivalry exhibited in sporting and cultural events. Since 1876, local government has administered the various regions of New Zealand. In 1989, the government completely reorganised local government, implementing the current two-tier structure of regional councils and territorial authorities.

Today New Zealand has 12 regional councils for the administration of environmental and transport matters and 74 territorial authorities that administer roading, sewerage, building consents, and other local matters. The territorial authorities are 16 city councils, 57 district councils, and the Chatham Islands County Council. Four of the territorial councils (one city and three districts) and the Chatham Islands County Council also perform the functions of a regional council and thus are known as unitary authorities. Territorial authority districts are not subdivisions of regional council districts, and a few of them straddle regional council boundaries.

Regions are (asterisks denote unitary authorities): Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne*, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui, Wellington, Marlborough*, Nelson*, Tasman*, West Coast, Canterbury, Otago, Southland, Chatham Islands*.

As a major South Pacific nation, New Zealand has a close working relationship with many Pacific Island nations, and continues a political association with the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. New Zealand operates Scott Base in its Antarctic territory, the Ross Dependency. Other countries also use Christchurch to support their Antarctic bases and the city is sometimes known as the "Gateway to Antarctica".


New Zealand comprises two main islands (called the North and South Islands in English, Te-Ika-a-Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Māori) and a number of smaller islands. The total land area, 268,680 square kilometres (103,738 sq miles), is a little less than that of Italy and Japan, and a little more than the United Kingdom. The country extends more than 1600 kilometres (1000 miles) along its main, north-north-east axis, with approximately 15,134 km of coastline. The most significant of the smaller inhabited islands include Stewart Island/Rakiura; Waiheke Island, in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf; Great Barrier Island, east of the Hauraki Gulf; and the Chatham Islands, named Rēkohu by Moriori. The country has extensive marine resources, with the fifth-largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering over four million square kilometres (1.5 million sq mi), more than 15 times its land area.[2]

The South Island is the largest land mass, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps, the highest peak of which is Aoraki/Mount Cook at 3754 metres (12,316 ft). There are 18 peaks of more than 3000 metres (9800 ft) in the South Island. The North Island is less mountainous than the South, but is marked by volcanism. The tallest North Island mountain, Mount Ruapehu (2797 m / 9176 ft), is an active cone volcano. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the proction of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The climate throughout the country is mild, mostly cool temperate to warm temperate, with temperatures rarely falling below 0°C (32°F) or rising above 30°C (86°F). Conditions vary from wet and cold on the West Coast of the South Island to dry and continental in the Mackenzie Basin of inland Canterbury and almost subtropical in Northland. Of the main cities, Christchurch is the driest, receiving only some 640 mm (25 in) of rain per year. Auckland, the wettest, receives almost twice that amount.

Flora and fauna

Because of its long isolation from the rest of the world and its island biogeography, New Zealand has extraordinary flora and fauna. About 80% of the New Zealand flora occurs only in New Zealand, including more than 40 endemic genera.[3] The two main types of forest have been dominated by podocarps including the giant kauri and southern beech. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grasslands of tussock and other grasses, usually in sub-alpine areas, and the low shrublands between grasslands and forests.

Until the arrival of humans, 80% of the land was forested and, barring three species of bat (one now extinct), there were no non-marine mammals. Instead, New Zealand's forests were inhabited by a diverse range of birds including the flightless moa (now extinct), and the kiwi, kakapo, and takahē, all endangered e to human actions. Unique birds capable of flight include the Haast's eagle, which was the world's largest bird of prey (now extinct), and the large kākā and kea parrots. Reptiles present in New Zealand include skinks, geckos and tuatara. There are four endemic species of primitive frogs. There are no snakes and only one venomous spider, the katipo, which is rare and restricted to coastal regions. However, there are many species of insects, including the weta, one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world.

New Zealand has led the world in clearing offshore islands of introced mammalian pests and reintrocing rare native species to ensure their survival. A more recent development is the mainland ecological island.

楼下好像也是和我的回答相同,可是没有标明引用出处 :)

㈥ 新西兰景点及简单的新西兰文化用英语如何介绍



Close to the Southern Alps, it was once famous for its gold rush and is a tourist attraction for New Zealand.

With complete tourism facilities and convenient transportation, it is a good place for fishing, water skiing and rafting. There are various shops, authentic crafts and fine jewelry.

There are many Chinese restaurants, which are very popular among tourists.

2、伊甸山(Mount Eden)


Mount Eden is located about 5 kilometers south of the city center, it is the crater of an extinct volcano.

There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city.

In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city. In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



The Sky Tower is located in the heart of Auckland. At 328 meters high, it is the standard building in Auckland and the tallest building in the southern hemisphere.

It is integrated into other buildings to form the huge SkyCity, home to New Zealand's largest casino, ten restaurants and bars, 4 stars + hotels, theaters and many unique tourist adventures.

It also has a huge underground car park and an intercity bus terminal.



The Harbour Bridge connects Auckland's busiest port, the north and south banks of the Whitimata Harbour, to a total length of 1,020 meters.

It is a spectacular picture with a 10,000-column mast anchored at the Auckland Boat Club.



New Zealand's “Pacific Rim” cuisine is influenced by Europe, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polynesia, Japan and Vietnam.

This combination of local specialties is served in cafes and restaurants across the country. New Zealand's art and culture is derived from all races and combines the qualities of Maori, European, Asian and Oceanian.

Maori have a rich and lively culture that retains their long-standing connection to the spiritual and natural world. They passed on their own family by means of their special "mihi" (greeting).






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