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发布时间: 2022-05-15 16:50:29

‘壹’ 新西兰十大必买特产是什么




‘贰’ 新西兰特产

6。 绿玉:南岛的赫基蒂卡(HO6iiika)和格雷茅斯 Greymouth)俱是有名的玉石镇。

‘叁’ 猕猴桃的英文怎么读

猕猴桃 kiwifruit; kiwi fruit 发音为 [?ki:wi:] ,其名“奇异果”即来自此发音。另kiwi也表示几维鸟(同为音译),是新西兰特产,是新西兰的国鸟及象征。

‘肆’ 新西兰的特产

羊皮 sheepskin

木雕和手工艺品 woodcarving
新西兰最为传统的毛利区域是东部海角(East Cape),在那里您能看到令人赞叹的木雕艺术品。毛利木雕选用质量上乘的木材,刻上代表毛利人文化传统和生活方式的各种经典毛利图案花纹。最近几年,新西兰的手工艺品行业日益繁荣。最受欢迎的手工艺品为陶瓷。另外,手织衣物和床上用品、木雕玩具、玻璃制品等也很受欢迎。

绿玉 an emerald

鲍鱼贝壳饰品 seashell of a sea-ear

嗡嗡蜂 a honey-bee

‘伍’ 新西兰特产有哪些


‘陆’ 猕猴桃的英语怎么说

猕猴桃的英文是kiwi fruit。




‘柒’ 新西兰景点及简单的新西兰文化用英语如何介绍



Close to the Southern Alps, it was once famous for its gold rush and is a tourist attraction for New Zealand.

With complete tourism facilities and convenient transportation, it is a good place for fishing, water skiing and rafting. There are various shops, authentic crafts and fine jewelry.

There are many Chinese restaurants, which are very popular among tourists.

2、伊甸山(Mount Eden)


Mount Eden is located about 5 kilometers south of the city center, it is the crater of an extinct volcano.

There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city.

In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city. In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



The Sky Tower is located in the heart of Auckland. At 328 meters high, it is the standard building in Auckland and the tallest building in the southern hemisphere.

It is integrated into other buildings to form the huge SkyCity, home to New Zealand's largest casino, ten restaurants and bars, 4 stars + hotels, theaters and many unique tourist adventures.

It also has a huge underground car park and an intercity bus terminal.



The Harbour Bridge connects Auckland's busiest port, the north and south banks of the Whitimata Harbour, to a total length of 1,020 meters.

It is a spectacular picture with a 10,000-column mast anchored at the Auckland Boat Club.



New Zealand's “Pacific Rim” cuisine is influenced by Europe, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polynesia, Japan and Vietnam.

This combination of local specialties is served in cafes and restaurants across the country. New Zealand's art and culture is derived from all races and combines the qualities of Maori, European, Asian and Oceanian.

Maori have a rich and lively culture that retains their long-standing connection to the spiritual and natural world. They passed on their own family by means of their special "mihi" (greeting).






‘捌’ 猕猴桃的英语怎么说产地是哪里

kiwi fruit
kiwi berry
Actinidia sinensis (有的地区叫羊桃或杨桃)
猕猴桃又名奇异果,英文名为kiwi fruit,其实就是粤语翻译过来的奇异果的意思。很多人以为是新西兰特产,其实它的祖籍是中国,一世纪以前才引入新西兰。



‘玖’ 新西兰的饮食文化特色[英文]版

New Zealand is very keen on their food, and very lucky to have all kinds of rich change of food. Mild climate makes a variety of fruits or vegetables all can in this growth multiplication. Agricultural procts mainly in the economic country means beef, lamb, pork and chicken are can reasonable price for the kid sou have no deceit. In addition, many international food imports, in compliance with the immigration habits and taste, especially from Asian immigrants.
You can from monopoly food such as butcher shop, a fishmonger, fruit shop to buy you need food, and super market, there are a variety of things, and the price is cheap.
Before most of the New Zealand people are eating at home, unless special festival occasions will go to a restaurant. However. With a large number of family, cheap, small restaurants, the rise of change this situation, more and more families together eating out. Not for rare. Market-oriented diet form in New Zealand began to prevail, some are set in the partial static location restaurant, coffee shop, bar on the roadside with seat to customers rest meals, do not have amorous feelings.
New Zealand people love to take out fast food restaurants (takeaways), the traditional take out for fish and chips
(fish and chips), Hamburg and batch (pie) is the traditional snacks.
By the transnational fast food chains such as McDonald's (McDonaIds), KFC (KFC) and Wendy Wendy (" s) changed the introction of New Zealand. Used only on Friday night to eat fast food, and now in almost any one night could eat hamburgers, Fried chicken and French fries. Fast food is usually cheaper and convenient, but fat volume is high.
Traditionally, New Zealand people like to eat lamb, lamb and mutton (mutton), because the number of sheep decline, so other close high protein of food is also popular, more and more New Zealand people habit, eat chicken more than mutton, if this trend continues, then in the end of the 19th century, the proportion of chicken will more than mutton and pork meat, but not the protein also graally by the general public welcome. The traditional meal with a New Zealand meat (sheep, cattle, pigs or chicken), horse eagle potato, and two to three vegetables, such as green (broccoli broccoli), orange (carrot carrots), yellow (turnip Swede) composition. Barbecue supper, the meat and vegetable oil into the oven with roast, usually a week for a time, and are mostly in the weekend.
Barbecue in the summer is very popular, especially in the outdoors, common barbecue food including steak, sausage, horse eagle potato and salad (salad). However innovative cook try grilled fish, shellfish, shrimp especially popular), string barbecue and chicken.
New Zealand people's taste hobby in recent years there has been a remarkable change, also more and more pay attention to. Because loves traveling overseas tourism New Zealand to try many new food, and the introction of back home. New Zealand people like to treat friends, you will also be invited to a friend's house, into the dining in summer, usually in the way of barbecue meals. Most of the guests also need to offer a dish type. Such as salad or some meat (beef steak or sausage), and bring your own beer or wine. If the master to bring a dish come, usually in the invitation at the same time would tell the guest to take the money dishes.
Another common way of hospitality for the party, usually to celebrate the birthday, anniversary, moved into or will only for friendly copolymerization mirth. In such a party wine and dessert are often used to entertain guests.
Dinner is usually a regular, Yu to sit on the dining table to have dinner, the host prepared recipes. And master fete guest in a restaurant is less common, unless it is a business dinner party. Or a wedding banquet. If the invitation in a restaurant meal together, usually go Dutch. To join the dinner party when had better take a bottle of wine or simple gifts to master, if you to wine category is not clear, can be directly ask to sell wine. Group of sealand have advanced wine instry, the proction of some of the unique taste of wine, especially white wine. Usually the New Zealand people don't like wine, unless and dessert are used together, but is not common. Group of sealand people also like to drink beer and spirits.
Again to remind you, you can discuss with the master to get clear guidelines, if your host doesn't like to drink, and you take their own wine to is very impolite. Unless you and they are very well or they suggest you away. However, most of the New Zealand people do like to drink! Available wine license restaurant or marked
BYO. BringYour Own (that is, bring your Own drinks) of the restaurant are everywhere people drink wine, available license restaurant usually sell beer, wine and liquor, and BYO restaurant allow customers bring their Own wine, there are some restaurant water have the two kind of license. And available wine license restaurant (Iicensed) price tendency than BYO type restaurant is relatively high.

‘拾’ 新西兰有哪些特产




靠种猕猴桃成为百万富翁北岛的丰盛湾(Bay of Plenty)地区阳光充足,气候温暖,土壤肥沃,盛产各种水果。当地的主要城市陶朗加(Tauranga)和蒂普基(Te Puke)镇一带是新西兰的猕猴桃种植中心,而仅蒂普基一地就生产了新西兰70%的猕猴桃,故它被誉为“奇异果之都”。


新西兰的主要葡萄栽种地是在干燥、阳光普照的东部地区,其中包括吉斯伯恩(Gisbolne)、霍克湾(Hawke’s Bay)和马尔堡(Mal'lbolough)三个主要地区。




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