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发布时间: 2022-05-17 16:10:24

㈠ 六年级英语小作文

My favourite great city
Beijing is the capital city of China, is a very beautiful and important city. It is one of the most ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park and so on. Beijing is also the centre of politics, economy and culture of our country. Owing to the open-door policy, great changes have taken place since 1978. Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere. The living condition of Beijing citizen is getting better and better. Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. I'm sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few years. I love China!I love Beijing!
北京是 中国的首都的是一座非常美丽和对重要城市。它是在中国中的最古城之一。有很多出名奇迹和美丽 spots, 例如伟大 Wall, 夏天 Palace, Beihai 禁止 City, 等等停放车子。北京是也我们国家的 politics, 经济和文化的心。由于门户开放 policy, 伟大从的改变成已经从1978起发生在。很多对是新房子和高建筑物能被看见每一处。北京公民的生活状况正变得更较好和较好。北京已经成功是在她的为2008奥林匹克运动会命令中。我是确信在下几年中较大从的改变成将发生在北京。我喜欢 China!I 对的爱北京!

my favourite city is my home town--- GuangZhou. GuangZhou is one of the most dynamic city in China. Guang Zhou as my birthing place i love its unique culture and living style. people are having friendly and counteous personalities as well as good manners. Guang Zhou is also a big size city with large population and has best convenience in living. There are many shopping malls and food stands in GuangZhou providing convenience to residents. Transportaions are also providing convenience for workers and student like me in our daily life. Therefore GuangZhou as a famous city with much dynamic and conveniences made it my favourite city.

我也六年级 希望这个答案可以接受 有些词你自己翻吧! 我也没办法帮你了!

㈡ 作文:我最喜欢的城市(英文)

My favorite city in the world is Auckland, New Zealand. It is one of the world's best cities for living, also known as the "City of Sails" and the Queen City. There are many harbors, beaches, oceans and mountains, among which is the famous Rangitoto volcano.
If you like history, you can visit the Auckland Museum, the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on. If you like shopping, then go to the Queen Street, Parnell Road, and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself. If you like nature, One Tree Hill, which is named for its lone tree on top of the hill will not disappoint you.At the foot of the hill,there are crowds of sheep and green grass.All is truly the Newzealand countryside style.
If you want to learn about Auckland's ecation, you can visit the University of Auckland.It's one of the most famours universities in the world.Founded in 1883,it has two campuses,sometimes you have to take a bus to go to different colleges
Auckland is an English-speaking country, so if you want to visit there, you'd better learn some English, or you‘ll have to take a transator with you.

㈢ 帮我翻译一个新西兰的地址

Room 4, Level 10, 109 Queen St., Ancklan, New Zealand

㈣ 新西兰的英文是怎么写

New Zealand

㈤ 谁知道新西兰奥克兰的皇后大街是在奥克兰的哪个区

就是市中心,Auckland city centre,没分区

㈥ level 5369 Queen Street,Auckland,New zealand

这个地址不全,在5369中少了一个逗号,level 是楼层的意思。

㈦ 她居住在皇后街这边词语英文

1.Among four boys which is the oldest?
2.Your bag is newer than hers.
3.Come over to my house to have Mid-autumn Day.
4.We often take morning exercise in the open air.

㈧ 关于我最喜爱的城市英语作文带翻译70字

我最喜欢的城市是新西兰(New Zealand)的奥克兰(Auckland) 。它是世界上最适合居住的城市之一。
如果你喜欢历史,你可以参观奥克兰博物馆(Auckland Museum)、奥克兰战争纪念博物馆(Auckland War Memorial Museum、新西兰国立海事博物馆(New Zealand National Maritime Museum)等。如果你喜欢购物,可以去皇后街(Queen Street)、帕奈尔大道(Parnell Road)、庞森比路(Ponsonby Road)。

My favorite city in the world is Auckland, New Zealand. It is one of the world's best cities for living。
If you like history, you can visit the Auckland Museum, the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on. If you like shopping, then go to the Queen Street, Parnell Road, and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself.
Auckland is an English-speaking country, so if you want to visit there, you'd better learn some English, or you‘ll have to take a transator with you.

㈨ 新西兰奥克兰皇后街

在皇后街和海关街垂直的两个街口的Downtown Shopping Centre、OK Gift Shop精品店很多。附近的Queen's Arcarde有各种各样的古董、收藏品等。
皇后街四季皆宜旅游。奥克兰市有温暖温和气候,以温暖的夏天和轻微地更加凉快但长的冬天。1月温度平均21-24 °C (2月和3月比1月典型地温暖的,然而),和7月温度平均为14-16 °C。高水平降雨量发生几乎全年(1000mm 每年),特别是在冬天。

㈩ 有没有人去过新西兰的Waiheke island(激流岛)可以告诉我那里关于顾城的事情吗

顾城在新西兰的故居位于奥克兰附近的一个名叫Waiheke(中文名叫激流岛,或怀希基岛)。顾城故居的具体地址是: 124 Fairview Cres., Rocky Bay, Waiheke Island.顾城是上世纪80年代着名的朦胧诗人。“南舒”“北顾”的说法,反映了他的江湖地位。1993年10月8日,在新西兰奥克兰激流岛,顾城杀妻后自缢于一棵大树之上,这就是震惊世界的“顾 城事件”。 很多人第一次知道新西兰,就是因为这一事件。大多数造访新西兰的50后、60后,甚至70后,都有瞻仰顾城故居的冲动。为找到顾城故居,我做一些功课。在网络上搜素相关主题,可以得到成千上万的网页,内容各不相同,但对于故居的具体位置,几乎没人提及。我写这篇文章,留下故居的地址,就是希望能为想去的驴友们提供具体线路,省去查找的烦恼。去过的人可能希望大家不要去打搅故去的人,所以没提供线索。但想去的人应该是带着崇敬的心情去瞻仰的。我在这里提供线索,希望顾先生的在天之灵不会怪罪。从奥克兰轮渡站的2号码头,坐30分钟轮渡就可以到达Waiheke岛(激流岛)。轮渡在白天发出,基本上每小时一趟,正点起航。往返票价是32新西兰元(2010年6月的价格),回程也是正点起航。幸运的话,你在路途中,可以看到海豚群在轮渡旁边巡游。概率比较高,我们就碰上了。从奥克兰市中心到轮渡码头非常方便,沿着艾尔波特街(Albert Street)或皇后街(Queen Street),向海边方向,一直走到头,就是码头。从天空塔(Sky City)走过去,大约需要15分钟。到了Waiheke岛(激流岛)以后,可以租一辆汽车,再找租车公司要一份地图。如果你英文不是太差,那么,根据我在上面提供的地址,离找到顾城的故居就不远了。开车向地图上标的Rocky Bay 方向出发,然后找到Fairview Cres., 沿路仔细观察(在山的那边而不是海的那一边,取决于你开车的方向,正常的话在你的左手边),就能发现编号为 128, 126, 和122的邮政信箱,唯独没有124。这时,你就把车停下来,你离故居的距离不超过20米了。往128, 126号所在的山坡边走边看,向右手边观察,按下图示意,你就能找到顾城的小屋了。 站在小屋外的露台上,可以欣赏到不远处的美丽海景。这时,你不得不佩服顾城在上世纪80年代就已经具有的独特品味。 小屋破败,人已故去,可代表中国元素的竹子,依然在健康地成长。对新西兰来说,竹子是外来植物。可以猜测一下,也许在顾城那个年代,新西兰的植物检疫制度尚没有这么严格,顾城自己或托友人,将这类中国的植物带上了岛,种植在居所附件。中国人对竹子司空见怪,并不敏感。是我的朋友,来自梅西大学的David tweed先生告诉我,竹子不是新西兰的本土植物。 这使我对顾城故居旁边的竹子产生了兴趣。 与顾城故居相隔不远的112号,正在出售,售价32.5万新元,约合不到150万人民币。两层的小楼,依山而建,含800平方米的土地,拾阶而上,土地上除房子外,全由各种美丽的树木覆盖。从房屋的露台,眺望不远处的海岸线,各个岛屿,风景美得让你真想卖了国内的房子,过来定居。这房子要在北京,至少也要乘30倍。从故居出来,回到O’Brien Road, 走一小段后,左转上te Whau Dr.,行驶不远,就会看到左手边有一些奇怪的羊群。这是一个由老两口经营的橄榄油农场。这里出的橄榄油品质奇佳,20新元一小瓶。离开农场再向前走到尽头,是 te Whau 葡萄庄园。由兄妹俩经营。12公顷的土地,种了3公顷的各种不同品种的葡萄,用于生产葡萄酒。在最佳风景处,他们还经营一个小餐厅。品尝着美酒、精制美食(海鲜为主),欣赏着落地玻璃窗外的无敌海景。人生美好,就在此时此刻!岛上风景最美之处,是 Orapiu Road 沿线。无法用语言来描述,还是自己去体会吧。路的尽头是一个轮渡码头,每周三班,开往奥克兰等地。岛上有不少沙滩、公园,风景各不相同,请各位自己体验。

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