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发布时间: 2023-01-12 20:20:13

A. 买东西不出门,新加坡有不少在线超市你知道吗


B. 新加坡的超市里有什么值得买的当地食物


C. 有谁知道新加坡7――11 超市



遍布新加坡大街小巷的7-11(下图),很好诠释了711的经营宗旨,不但很好把握市场的每一个脉搏,还能够在适当的时 候能准确判断市场走向.同全球各地的每一个加盟商一样,经营业者无不为加盟7-11而自豪,高兴,用7-11日本加盟主的一句话:加盟7-11就是选择了对的人生.


7-Eleven设有新加坡总部:Contact Singapore,7-Eleven

Customer Service Hotline:1800-891-8100

Operating Hours:Mondays To Fridays, 9am - 5.30pm (Excluding Public Holidays)

Address:No. 21 Tampines North Drive 2 #03-01, Singapore 528765

Email: [email protected] Or Submit Feedback Form


D. 新加坡nutc超市东西贵吗


E. 新加坡逛街购物区在哪里

义安城(Ngee Ann City)



威士马广场(Wisma Atria)



邵氏大厦(Shaw House)






新达城(Suntec City)


交通:乘地铁到政府大厦站(C2City Wall)往南走十五分钟。




百丽宫(The Paragon)



唐城坊(Chinatown Point)



珍珠坊(People's Park)









福南中心(Funan City)


交通:乘地铁到政府大厦站(C2City Wall)步行过去。

莱佛士城(Raffles City)


交通:乘地铁到政府大厦站(C2City Wall)

滨海广场(Marina Square)


交通:乘地铁到政府大厦站(C2City Wall)往南走十五分钟
我在新加坡上过四年的学,平时也蛮喜欢逛街的说 XD 新加坡主要逛的地方大致分为乌节路地带和滨海地带。乌节路地带主要包括有义安城、威士马、诗家董、百利宫、麒麟大厦等等。而滨海地带就有武吉士(Bugis)、莱福士城、新达城跟滨海广场。
如果是想买年轻人的东西的话就去乌节路的麒麟大厦(The Heeren),那里有一间3层楼的HMV,好怀念啊~乌节路的远东广场(Far East)也卖很多价格便宜又新潮的衣服~或者是靠近滨海地区的武吉士,那边主要卖一些年轻人喜欢的小物件还有衣服什么的,相对比较便宜,而且有很多好吃的东西,我和同学都喜欢逛那里~
另外乌节路那边还新开了一间ION Orchard,我还没去过。听说也是走中高档名牌路线的~~
另外除了这两个集中地带之外,坐落在Harbour front的怡丰城(Vivo City)是大概前年才新开的大百货,由于与新加坡着名旅游景点圣淘沙岛只有一桥之隔,成了很多游客的必到的百货。我个人也是很喜欢那里哦!
希望能帮到你 呵呵~~

F. 新加坡FAIR PRICE 超市的简单介绍

NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative (Chinese: 新加坡职工总会平价合作社) is a supermarket chain based in Singapore and the largest in the country. The company is a co-operative of the National Trades Union Congress or NTUC. The group has 100 supermarkets across the island, with over 50 outlets of Cheers convenience stores island-wide. NTUC FairPrice has partnered with ExxonMobil to run several stations with a FairPrice branding at the minimarts at their stations. The supermarket has a slogan known as Singapore's very own. The head of the company is Ng Ser Miang.

An Esso petrol station run by NTUC FairPrice. It is operated by the company with a FairPrice Xpress store, the station was the first to be converted to the new format.
An Esso petrol station run by NTUC FairPrice. It is operated by the company with a FairPrice Xpress store, the station was the first to be converted to the new format.

NTUC FairPrice was first established in 1973 as NTUC Welcome Supermarket in Toa Payoh, in order to solve the rising oil and daily prices then e to inflation. The then prime minister Lee Kuan Yew opened the first supermarket at Toa Payoh. Around the same time, other unions such as the Singapore Instrial Labour Organisation and Pioneer Instries Employees Union also set up co-operatives to run supermarkets. The two organisations later merged in the early 1980s to form the Singapore Employees Co-operative (SEC).

In May 1983, e to competition, NTUC Welcome and SEC merged to form a larger co-operative which was known as NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative Limited.

The company started a central-distribution system to change the way goods were delivered to stores, to enhance efficiency. This was owned by another company, but in 1998, FairPrice took full ownership of the warehouse and distribution company. It was renamed Grocery Logistics of Singapore (GLS). In 2003, FairPrice opened a new 13,000-square-metre Fresh Food Distribution Centre. The refrigerated-distribution facility centralises the distributions of fresh and chilled procts to all the outlets in the chain. It is the first supermarket retailer in Singapore to build, own and operate its own fresh-food distribution centre.

That same year, FairPrice tied up with oil company ExxonMobil to open FairPrice Express and Cheers convenience outlets at seven Esso and Mobil stations as a pilot project. The station will be run by NTUC FairPrice Co-operative, which sets the fuel prices and run the station's minimart. ExxonMobil will supply the fuel, and will sell its oil procts inside the FairPrice-run stations. If this pilot project proves successful, all stations will be converted to either FairPrice Express or Cheers with the co-operative taking over the management of each station. ExxonMobil also announced that all the stations will be renamed "Esso" by year-end. [1]
FairPrice's largest branch in Singapore, the FairPrice Xtra hypermarket, at Ang Mo Kio Hub.
FairPrice's largest branch in Singapore, the FairPrice Xtra hypermarket, at Ang Mo Kio Hub.

On December 28, 2006, FairPrice opened its largest branch in Singapore, the 7,150-square metre (77,000 square feet) FairPrice Xtra hypermarket, at Ang Mo Kio Hub. The new S$12 million outlet offers a wider range of goods than the typical FairPrice supermarket, and includes new lines like electronic procts and fashion wear.[2]

In August 2007, FairPrice opened its upmarket outlet at Bukit Timah Plaza named FairPrice Finest, after five months of refurbishment. The move was to cater to the changing tastes of Singaporeans who are increasingly well-travelled. The 4,000 m² (43,100 ft²), two-storey outlet has an offering of procts different from other FairPrice stores, and also features a Swiss-style delicatessen, a wine cellar and a European bakery. FairPrice has plans to open more Finest outlets.[3]

[edit] Regional expansion

FairPrice has ventured into the People's Republic of China to open supermarkets in various parts. It will be a joint venture with DBS Private Equity, New Hope Group, Silver Tie and Taiwan's Apex Group. The venture will be known as Nextmall, and will provide merchandising, management and logistics for a fee to Nextmart which is a China incorporated hypermarket. It has opened seven hypermarkets in China, with its first in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.


In recent years, NTUC FairPrice has launched numerous in-store and indivial-outlet concepts.

[edit] Indivial outlets

* Liberty Market — Started out in 1998 as an American-themed supermarket, it sells procts from the United States. It opened its first supermarket at Jurong Point and later at Plaza Singapura. Both have closed and the latter has moved to a smaller location at Orchard Grand Court, located at Killiney Road.
* Cheers by FairPrice — This convenience store run by NTUC FairPrice was introced in 1999. It offers 24 hour shopping convenience, and similar facilities to rival 7-Eleven. Cheers can also be found at selected ExxonMobil stations around the island, in which NTUC FairPrice co-operative runs the station, instead of ExxonMobil itself.
* FairPrice Express — A concept which can be found only at ExxonMobil stations, it is larger than Cheers and sells things like fresh proce, meat and seafood. It also sells more procts meeting daily needs than a Cheers convenience store.
* FairPrice Homemart — This is a separate store selling non-food items, which include videos, electronics, furniture and household equipment.
* FairPrice Finest — This is a separate store offering up-market food supplies. It was officially opened in September 2007.

[edit] In-store concepts

* Australian Pavilion — A section in selected NTUC FairPrice supermarkets selling procts from Australia. The format was introced in 2000 at the Bukit Timah Plaza outlet.
* Thai Street — Selling food procts from Thailand, such as Thai cuisine. Also introced in 2000 at Rochor Centre.
* Peranakan Corner — A corner selling Peranakan foodstuff which is found only in the Marine Parade NTUC FairPrice outlet.
* Liberty Market — A section in selected NTUC FairPrice supermarkets selling American food procts.
* Korean Section — A corner selling Korean food procts at selected supermarkets.

[edit] Membership programmes

Every year, FairPrice offers NTUC Union Members (NTUC Cardholders) and FairPrice shareholders dividends, along with cash-back rebates for all purchases made at FairPrice supermarkets island-wide, including FairPrice Xtra, FairPrice Homemart, FairPrice Finest and FairPrice Express - excluding Cheers outlets. Such payout rates are subject to approval at Annual General Meetings (typically in the month of August). In 2007, FairPrice declared rebates amounting to 4% of purchases of up to S$6,000 made in the last financial year, as well as a dividend of 5% and special dividend of 3%. [4]

NTUC Cardholders, max Cardholders and PAssion Cardholders are entitled to 2 LinkPoints for every S$1 spent (for a minimum spending of S$20 in receipts issued on the same day) under the LinkPoints programme by NTUC Link.

In collaboration with OCBC Bank, FairPrice launched its FairPrice Plus membership programme in April 2007, offering banking solutions and promotions at all FairPrice supermarkets islandwide for all supermarket customers. [5] For a minimum transaction of S$30, VISA payment is now accepted at all FairPrice supermarkets for the FairPrice Plus Card and the NTUC-OCBC Visa Card (soon to be rebranded as the NTUC Plus Card) for NTUC Union Members.

G. 新加坡超市里有面粉吗



NTUC FAIRPRICE是新加坡自己的连锁超市,遍布岛国的各个地点,在我家楼下附近就有4个之多,大的、小的、中的各不相同,最小的是开在加油站里面的,24小时的店铺,无休息,但是,东西的价钱稍稍高一些,但是也很新鲜,适合夜间饥饿或者临时需要买东西时,再大一些的店铺,里面的东西就十分全了,价钱也很便宜,超级大的超市,东西就高级一些,可能是进货渠道不同,最大的faerpeice里面的茶品和巧克力特别多,适合回国时代给家里人,瑞士巧克力,新加坡自己的巧克力,形状像鱼尾狮的,里面还有坚果,很讨喜,价钱也不贵。水果什么的也很全,小饼干,各种酱料,还有回国要买一些的新加坡卤煮聊,肉骨茶料,咖喱料,等等。

I. 买日用品到哪个新加坡超市好

天道教育小编提醒广大留学生,与此同时,Cold Storage 还经营着6家市集店(MarketPlace): Jason’s the Gourmet Grocer(豪杰大厦)、Tanglin MarketPlace(东陵购物中心)、Paragon MarketPlace(百丽宫)、Jason’s MarketPlace(莱佛士城购物中心)、Naturally MarketPlace(怡丰城)以及 ThreeSixty Market Place(ION Orchard 商场)。您可以在这些超市选购到包括有机农产品在内的各类高档日用品。(获得更多留学咨询请咨询天道免费在线咨询顾问) 新加坡最大的连锁超市职总平价超市(NTUC FairPrice)遍布大多数政府组屋区里的大型购物中心。除此之外,职总平价超市还负责经营着为数不多的高档超市——“Fairprice Finest”。此外,Giant 和晟菘超市(Sheng Siong)两大连锁超市巨头也备受民众亲睐。如果想买点国货以聊解思乡之情,那就不妨去唐人街(也就是新加坡人俗称的“牛车水”)的裕华国货(Yue Hwa)逛逛,这家百货商场颇受海外华人的亲睐。 如果您想和新加坡当地人一样购物,那就到集贸市场转转吧。天道教育小编表示,在新加坡,集贸市场也被称作 “湿巴刹”,通常坐落于大型的政府组屋住宅区(HDB),营业时间为凌晨零时至中午十二点,周一暂停营业。新鲜的活鱼、肉类、海鲜、水果、蔬菜以及鲜花可谓是应有尽有,令您眼花缭乱,但各种气味交杂在一起,因此去之前一定要做好心理准备。当地人平日里去菜场买东西时往往穿着非常随意。

J. 新加坡物价,要去新加坡工作了,想知到一个月花销要多少



在新加坡工作最大的生活成本主要是房租,新加坡是寸土寸金的地方 ,房租必定是要占很大比例的。刚到新加坡一般是中介提供的房屋,250新币基本上可以租到2-4人合租一间的房屋。














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