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发布时间: 2023-08-24 04:46:26

⑴ 新加坡的学生证在中国丢了怎么办

不是学生签证 不用紧张

⑵ 我弄丢了一张新加坡学生证还能出境和入境吗


⑶ 在国内把新加坡的学生证丢了

找个PR或者是公民给你办理一个visit pass 两个工作日就可以办下来 30块钱 需要你的护照复印件和护照照片 让他把申请的那个表格给你以邮件发过去 打印出来 拿着那个打印出来的pass就可以入境了 入境期限是30天 尽快补办学生证就可以了。

⑷ 十万火急:在新加坡丢了学生证 去ICA补办 需要先make e-appointment吗如果要,能把网址发给我吗

估计丢失学生证/长期签证的太多了,新加坡ICA网站有一页专门描述如何补办学生证/长期签证的。你需要找你学校写一封信证明你还是他们的学生,并需要向新加坡警察报失。 然后带你的护照,一张照片,并从网站打印一份同意书/签名,直接去ICA4楼COUNTER 11 旁拿号码。不需要make e-appointment。

To report Loss Within 7 Days
Student's Pass (STP) / Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) card holders who have lost their STP / LTVP card and Disembarkation/Embarkation card are required to apply for a replacement in person within 7 days from the date of loss.
Documents Required
(a) Valid travel document and a recent photograph;
(b) A letter from the school stating that the applicant is currently a registered student (if applicable);
(c) A Statutory Declaration signed by the holder or a police report (original );
(d) Applicant has to acknowledge a of the Terms & Conditions of Issue for Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) Card. For a of the form, Please click here.

Re-issuance fees : S$60

Student's Pass Card Holders
STP card holder applying for the replacement card should proceed to the self-service Ticketing Kiosk located beside Counter 11, Information Counter at Visitor Services Centre (4th Storey), ICA Building to obtain a Miscellaneous Service queue ticket. This service is available from 8.00am to 4.30pm from Mondays to Fridays and 8.00am to 12.30pm on Saturdays (except Public Holidays).

The replacement card will be ready for collection on the next working day.

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