A. 西班牙特点
(1)西班牙美食:火腿(Cordero)、瓦伦西亚海鲜饭(Paella)、卡斯蒂亚汤(Sopa Castellana),中部地区的烤乳猪(Cochinillo)、烤乳羊(Cordero),西北部地区的海鲜汤(Cordero)等。
(5)西班牙名人:克里斯托弗·哥伦布(1451-1506年,出生在意大利,后成为西班牙着名航海家,是地理大发现的先驱者),米盖尔·德·塞万提斯·萨阿维德拉 (是西班牙文学黄金时代的代表作家,被誉为现代小说之父,代表作《堂吉诃德》),巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索(西班牙伟大画家,立体派的先驱)。
B. 英国,意大利,西班牙留学各有什么特点
C. 西班牙的人文特色是怎样的
D. 西班牙人既性格
西班牙人的民族血统和性格 西班牙不像北美洲的美国,也不像中欧的瑞士那样是民族独特或多民族构成的国家。西班牙民族比较单一,是一个由占人口比例多数的主体民族和若干个少数民族共同构成的国家。总的来说,西班牙大致可分为四个民族,其中最大的民族要算是卡斯蒂利亚人了,他们大约占全国总人口的80%以上;其次是加泰罗尼亚人,占总人口10%左右;再其次是巴斯克人,约占总人口5%;最后是加利西亚人,约占总人口的3%。此外,还有瓦伦西亚人、安达鲁西亚人、吉卜赛人等,但他们大多早已同其他民族同代,至今已不算单独的民族了。目前,在西班牙境内还生活着少量吉卜赛人(约不到一万人),由于人数少,在西班牙社会并未形成较有影响的种族群体。 那些称之为少数民族的加泰罗尼亚人、巴斯克人和加利西亚人,本质上同卡斯蒂利亚人没有甚么大的区别,无论是他们的思维方式,还是生活习惯,基本上大同小异。如果他们生活在一起,外人很难辨别其属性。所不同的只是他们的语言和文化。这些民族的语言和文化之所以存在差别,其主要原因是在历史上西班牙有许多的封建王朝,尽管后来这些王朝被统一了,但各自所形成的文化都被完整地保存下来。 现代意义上的西班牙人,是由利古里亚人、伊比利亚人、克尔特人、日耳曼人等结合而成。尽管其祖先已无法考证,但有一点是可以肯定的,那就是在几千年的漫长岁月中,各民族同外来的罗马人、西哥特人、尤其是摩尔人进行了融合和同化。所以可以说,今天西班牙人的身体里在某种程度上流淌着 *** 人的血液。因此,许多西班牙人的形体和外貌不完全如欧洲人那样人高马大、金头发、蓝眼睛,反而同 *** 人酷似;身体中等,皮肤白晰,头发乌黑,高鼻梁,长睫毛,大眼睛,生性活泼,乐观大方。 西班牙人的性格是典型的南欧人的性格,热情奔放,乐观向上,无拘无束,讲求实际,与英国人的矜持,德国人的古板,美国人的好动,日本人的认真有较大差别。西班牙人常常生活在诗情梦里,浪漫幽默;也常常生活在童话里花环下,无优无虑。当然,他们也有发愁和发脾气的时候,但那只是短暂的,一会儿就会雨过天晴。 西班牙人性格的最大一个特点是乐观向上。只要您在西班牙住上一段时间,您就会发现,西班牙人生活安定,悠闲自得,不紧不慢,充份享受生活的乐趣。他们认为人活着不应成为生活的奴隶,而要成为生活的主人,要善于驾驭生活,把生活安排得丰富多采,这才能其乐无穷。 西班牙人性格的第二个特点是热情大方。凡同西班牙人接触前慎过的人都会有这样的印象;他们开朗坦诚,容易接近和交朋友。即使你初次结交一位西班牙人,他也会像老朋友那样无拘无束地和您畅谈说上半天,使您有一种亲近感。西班牙人还乐于助人,假如您在大街上迷了路,他们非常乐意为您指点,甚至有的干脆带领您去找您要找的地方。 西班牙人热情奔放的性格,决定了慧备敬他们好交朋友和会交朋友。每个西班牙人,尤其是青年人都有许多朋友。他们认为,一个没有朋友的人是孤独的,也是不幸的。因此,他们从小就养成了交朋友的习惯。每到周末、假期或节日,他们经常与朋友相聚,以叙友情,乐而忘返。交朋友时他们不大讲究对方的家庭出身或社会地地,也不分男女老少,只要彼此合得来,在一起觉得投机,就能长期相处下去。交朋友的出发点不是建立在“熟人好办事”的思想上的。他们交朋友比较单纯,大多是为了友情,为了增加自己的阅历和知识。所以,在西班牙有“朋友即财富”的说法。西班牙人不像美国人那样交朋友快,忘记朋友也快,而是比较重感情、重义气。 西班牙人性格的第三个特点是自强自立。他们做甚么事总喜欢自己亲自去做,不大愿意求人、依赖人。即使做不好,或力不从心,也决意要去尝试,哪怕失败了也不懊丧。他们认为投入了,努力了就是收获。尤其是对那些富于挑战和 *** 的事,他们更有一种冒险和勇往直前的勇气。无论是家教,还是社教,都鼓励这种压倒一切困难,自强不息的民族精神。 西班牙人从小便养成奋斗、开拓进取的习惯。做父母的认为让孩子从小自强自立,对其将来走向社会生活大有裨益。在努力奋斗的同时,西班牙人都设法在各方面体现和实现自己的价值,也很看重自己成功的价值。在充满角逐和竞争的社会里,他们推崇的是强者,是胜利者。他们不喜欢眼泪,不喜欢懦弱者。斗牛士洒在沙场上的鲜血会进一步激发他们的斗志。 有关西班牙人滚棚其他资料:flamenco.idv/learn/spain/spain 2008-11-02 12:32:02 补充: Spanish's national blood relationship and disposition Spain does not look like North America's US
also does not look like Central Europe's Swiss such is the country which the nationality unique or the multi-nationalities constitute.The Spanish nationality quite is unitary
2008-11-02 12:32:58 补充: 继续第一段 is one by occupies the country which the population proportion most main body nationality and certain national minorities constitute together.Generally speaking
Spain might divide into four nationalities approximately
2008-11-02 12:33:33 补充: 继续第一段 in which biggest nationality must be the Custy advantage Asia person
they probably accounted for the national total population above 80%; Next adds the Taylor Nepal Asia person
accounts for the total population about 10%; 2008-11-02 12:34:22 补充: 继续第一段 Again next is the Busk person
approximately poses the total population 5%; Finally is the Gallie west Asia person
approximately poses the total population 3%. 2008-11-02 12:34:48 补充: 继续第一段 In addition
but also has the Valencia person
the Anda Lu west Asia person
lucky Bo Sairen and so on
but they with other nationalities with the generation
until now have mostly already not calculated the independent nationality. 2008-11-02 12:35:09 补充: 继续第一段 At present
also is living within the boundaries of Spain few lucky Bo Sairen (approximately not to 10
000 people)
because the population are few
forms the influential race munity by no me in the Spanish society. 2008-11-02 12:36:03 补充: 第二段 These called it national minority's Canadian Taylor Nepal Asia people
the Busk person and the Gallie west Asia people
essentially does not have what big difference with the Custy advantage Asia person
2008-11-02 12:36:45 补充: 继续第二段 regardless of is their thinking mode
habits and customs
basically mostly the same except for minor differences.If they live in
the bystander very is together difficult to distinguish its attribute.Different only is their language and the culture. 2008-11-02 12:37:11 补充: 继续第二段 These nationality's language and the culture the reason that have the difference
its primary cause is Spain has many independent feudal dynasties in the history
although these dynasties were unified afterwards
but each one forms the culture all pletely is preserved. 2008-11-02 12:37:47 补充: 第三段 In the modern significance Spanish
is by advantage ancient in Asia unions and so on person
Iberia person
Kerr special person
germanic people bees. 2008-11-02 12:38:41 补充: 继续第三段 Although his/her ancestor has been unable to textually research
but has point is may affirmative
that is in several millennium long years
various nationalities with the external roman
west the goth
a mole of person have carried on the fusion and the assimilation in particular. 2008-11-02 12:39:16 补充: 继续第三段 Therefore may say
today in Spanish's body to a certain extent flow Arab's blood.Therefore
many Spanish's physique and appearance inpletely like European such tall and sturdy
golden hair
blue eye
instead resembles with the Arab; 2008-11-02 12:39:38 补充: 继续第三段 Body medium
skin white clear
hair pitch-black
the high nose
the long eyelash
the big eye
the natural disposition is lively
optimistic natural. 2008-11-02 12:40:30 补充: 第四段 Spanish's disposition is the typical southern Europe person's disposition
is overflowing with enthusia ***
optimistic upward
emphasizes the reality
with English's acting with constraint
German's old-fashioned
American's active
the Japanese has the wide difference earnestly. 2008-11-02 12:40:58 补充: 继续第四段 The Spanish lives frequently in the poetic appeal dream
romantic humorous; Also lives frequently in the fairy tale under the garland
not superior approximately.Certainly
they also have worries and has a fit of temper
but that only is short
a while can the calm after the storm. 2008-11-02 12:41:31 补充: 第五段 The Spanish disposition most major characteristic is optimistic upward.So long as you live period of time in Spain
you can discover
the Spanish lives the stability
leisurely and carefree contented
at a moderate pace
the sufficient share enjoys the life the pleasure. 2008-11-02 12:41:59 补充: 继续第五段 They thought the human is living the slave who should not bee the life
but must bee the life the master
wants to be good at controlling the life
the arrangements for daily life varied and colorful
now at last can the endless enjoyment。 2008-11-02 12:42:31 补充: 第六段 The Spanish disposition second characteristic is warm natural.Every the human all can have such impression with the Spanish has contacted; They open and bright honest
easy to approach and to bee friends. 2008-11-02 12:43:08 补充: 继续第六段 Even if you first bee friends with a Spanish
he also can look like the old friend such unrestrained and you spoke freely about said the morning
enable you to have one kind to be intimate with the feeling. 2008-11-02 12:43:30 补充: 继续第六段 The Spanish is also glad helps the human
if you became lost on the avenue
they are glad for you to direct extremely
even some simply leads the place which you ask you to have to look. 2008-11-02 12:44:32 补充: 第七段 The Spanish is overflowing with enthusia *** the disposition
had decided they good bee friends and can bee friends.Each Spanish
the young people all have many friends in particular.They believed that
does not have friend's person is lonely
also is unfortunate. 2008-11-02 12:45:04 补充: 继续第七段 Therefore
they have since childhood formed the habit which bees friends.Whenever the weekend
the vacation or the holiday
they gather frequently with the friend
narrates the friendship
too merry to be homesick. 2008-11-02 12:45:25 补充: 继续第七段 Bees friends when they are fastidious not greatly opposite party family background or the social place
also does not divide everybody
so long as each other patibles
is thinking together congenially
can be together for a long time. 2008-11-02 12:45:59 补充: 继续第七段 Bees friends the starting point is not the establishment in “the acquaintance good handles matters” the thought.They bee friends quite purely
mostly are for the friendship
in order to increase own reviewing in succession with the knowledge. 2008-11-02 12:46:20 补充: 继续第七段 Therefore
has in Spain “The friend is the wealth” View.The Spanish does not look like the American such to bee friends quickly
fot the friend is also quick
but is the quite heavy sentiment
the heavy loyalty. 2008-11-02 12:46:49 补充: 第八段 The Spanish disposition third characteristic is striving to improve supports oneself.What matter do they make always to like oneself doing personally
is willing to ask others for help
to rely on the human not greatly. 2008-11-02 12:48:16 补充: 继续第八段 Even if cannot plete
or lacks the ability to do what one would like
also has made up mind to have to attempt
even if were defeated has not been depressed.They thought invested
was diligently the harvest. 2008-11-02 12:48:40 补充: 继续第八段 In particular is rich in the challenge and the stimulation matter to these
they have the courage which one kind take risks and marches forward courageously. 2008-11-02 12:49:08 补充: 继续第八段 Regardless of is the family ecation
the socialist ecation
all encourages this kind to crush all difficulties
strives constantly for self-improvement national spirit. 2008-11-02 12:50:04 补充: 第九段 The Spanish since childhood then forms the habit which the independent struggle
explores and develops.Is the parents to think lets the child strive to improve since childhood supports oneself
will move towards the social independent life to its future to be of great help. 2008-11-02 12:50:29 补充: 继续第八段 While which struggles diligently
the Spanishs all try in various ects to manifest and to realize own value
also very much regards as important the value which oneself succeeds. 2008-11-02 12:51:56 补充: 更正: 继续第九段 While which struggles diligently
the Spanishs all try in various ects to manifest and to realize own value
also very much regards as important the value which oneself succeeds. 系第九段 唔系第八段 2008-11-02 12:52:18 补充: 继续第九段 Contends in the society in the fill which and petes
they esteem are the powerhouse
is the victor.They do not like the tear
does not like the yellowbelly.The matador sprinkles in the sandy plain the blood can further stimulate their fighting spirit.
E. 西班牙的民风民俗
F. 为什么说西班牙的斗牛和歌曲展示了西班牙人热情奔放,浪漫多情的性格特征
G. 西班牙人有什么性格特点