㈠ 为什么西班牙的日照时间那么长
补充: 呵呵,楼下的朋友说的没错。可是祈连山东西两面的日出日落时间(人眼可见)一样么? 楼主所问的是为何可见的日出日落不同。假设再一马平川的沙漠,所看见的日落时间和在海边所看见的日落时间是有一定差的。
㈡ 有一个欧洲国家夜晚可以看到满天的星星,是哪个国家的什么地方
挪威的马格尔岛 是个旅游看星星的好地方。
㈢ 西班牙五月份晚上十点还有太阳,为什么
㈣ 为什么西班牙人的作息时间和欧洲其他国家不一样
2011年7月17日,在西班牙马德里市,厨师将海鲜饭盛盘摆放在桌子上,准备发放给民众免费品尝。海鲜饭是西班牙饮食中最具代表性的主食之一,以平底铁锅烹制。除大米外,配料包括虾、鱿鱼、牡蛎等各类海鲜,也有肉类和时令蔬菜等。 新华社记者陈海通摄
It is 10pm in the Madrid neighbourhood of La Latina, one of the city’s oldest areas, and the cobbled streets thrum with the sounds of people enjoying plates of gambas al ajillo and cocido Madrileño. Restaurants are bustling at an hour when, in most other countries, chefs would be hanging up their aprons for the night.
While travellers might attribute Spain’s late mealtimes to the country’s laidback Mediterranean attitude, the real reason is a little more peculiar. Spaniards are living in the wrong time zone, and have been for more than 70 years.
Glance at a map and you’ll realise that Spain – sitting, as it does, along the same longitude as the UK, Portugal and Morocco – should be in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). But Spain goes by Central European Time (CET), putting it in sync with the Serbian capital Belgrade, more than 2,500km east of Madrid.
So why are Spaniards living behind their geographic time zone?
In 1940, General Francisco Franco changed Spain’s time zone, moving the clocks one hour forward in solidarity with Nazi Germany.
For Spaniards, who at the time were utterly devastated by the Spanish Civil War, complaining about the change did not even cross their minds. They continued to eat at the same time, but because the clocks had changed, their 1pm lunches became 2pm lunches, and they were suddenly eating their 8pm dinners at 9pm.
After World War II ended, the clocks were never changed back. However, in 2016, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced that the government was working on a plan to implement a new workday schele ending at 6pm as opposed to 8pm. One important element of the plan was evaluating the possibility of changing Spain’s time zone from CET to GMT – something that has sparked a heated discussion throughout the country.
Being 60 minutes behind the correct time zone means the sun rises later and sets later, bestowing Spain with gloriously long summer evenings and 10pm sunsets. Those who run Spain’s tourist resorts believe that more sunlight is a large draw for visitors. The regional government of the Balearic Islands is strongly against returning to GMT and has even campaigned to maintain year-round summer time to allow visitors to take full advantage of the region’s mild winter climate.
But for many Spaniards, living in the wrong time zone has resulted in sleep deprivation and decreased proctivity. The typical Spanish work day begins at 9am; after a two-hour lunch break between 2 and 4pm, employees return to work, ending their day around 8pm. The later working hours force Spaniards to save their social lives for the late hours. Prime-time television doesn’t start until 10:30pm.
Meanwhile, in the northwestern region of Galicia, the sun doesn’t rise until after 9am in winter, meaning that residents are starting their day in the dark.
“The fact that the time