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发布时间: 2022-02-24 10:58:50

Ⅰ 泰国的.泰国人 英语怎么讲啊! 我只知道泰国是thailand..

泰国的 Thai
泰国人 Thai 或 Thai people

Ⅱ 我想认识泰国人 可是英语要好啊 但是我英语不怎么好


Ⅲ 泰国人说英语标准吗

不过老实说,一开始我也不是很适应,毕竟相比母语是英语的国家来说差距还是比较大的. 但是后面发现,当你自己的英语到了一个高度以后,其实这些口音都已经不会是障碍了,反而成为提高你英语的另外一种途径. 因为泰国是个很开放的国家,世界各地的人都有,这也意味者你将会接触到世界各地不同的口音,比如说印度口音(个人感觉印度的说英语的口音比泰国口音难懂多了),还有韩国口音,日本口音,非洲口音等等等等. 不过也会遇到纯正的英英,美英,澳洲口音. 现在的我差不多那些难听的口音都基本听得懂了,感觉不错呵呵,至少以后有机会环游世界的时候不在需要从新学习其他英语.

Ⅳ 想知道关于泰国的所有英文!



Ⅳ “泰国人”的英文怎么写

“泰国人”的英文:Thailander;Thai people

Thai读法 英[taɪ] 美[taɪ]




1、thai restaurant泰式餐厅

2、thai boxing泰国拳

3、Orient Thai泰国东方航空

people读法 英['piːpl]美['piːpl]




1、city people 城市居民

2、country people 乡下人

3、customhouse people 海关人员









1、common people 普通人,老百姓

2、cruel people 残酷的人

3、distinguished people 杰出人士

4、enterprising people 有进取心的人

5、frugal people 节俭的民族

6、instrious people 勤劳的民族

Ⅵ “泰国人”这个词语的英文

Thai 复数是 thais

Ⅶ 英语翻译

The so-called translation, by no more than one language to another language to convey the culture of information, it can be said that any translation can not be separated from culture. Ever experienced translator or translation researchers have compared with the attention to the cultural translation. As Mr. Wang Zuoliang said: "... the translation must be a real cultural significance." ( "Translation of culture", 1984.1. "Translation communication").
The color of the above words, it is not hard to see that the national psychology as a result, different standards of beauty and the many other factors are English learners and translators have to overcome a major crisis. To our knowledge, different ethnic groups from different angles (perspective) to start to observe, such as English-oriented background from the start. Blue movies such as a symbol of romantic, therefore, should pay attention to the practice of translation can not be divorced from the context of the specific circumstances of isolation and understanding of the translation, must understand the original meaning of the word color on the basis of the original combination of the overall color of the word for flexibility in order to avoid Dead wrong translation or translation.
Under normal circumstances, the color of the meaning of the word no more than two-fold: that is, the basic meaning and cultural meaning extended. Accurate understanding of the meaning of the word is the color of good and faithful translation of the word color. I think that the color of the word can be translated roughly into two kinds of literal and free translation:

First, literal translation method
The so-called literal translation (literary translation), is to convey the meaning of the original text, so that translations in the form of expression and syntax with the original structure as much as possible, fully equal to the full, and so on, can not have more or less equal, and so on. The main goal for the original language and cultural similarities between, to create the same situation think a lot of them can be found in the target language corresponding to the color of the word translation, and some in the target language in the corresponding color words There are similar cultural meaning of the extension, it can also be used literal translation method.
For example:

Second, the translation method
The so-called free translation (free translation), refers to the original text through in-depth understanding of the implication of digestion and will break the surface structure of the original text and reorganization, and then asked into the natural flow of surface structures; In other words, is to break through the language of the shell Its real meaning of the excavation. The care can be divided into a variety of translation, translation, including Cultural Equivalence

English, of course, the color of the word, as well as the translation of the method is far more than these, space is limited, there is not much involved, but from the above we can clearly see that the color words in the language of a wide range of applications. The color of the word translation, we all know that translation involves not only the spoken and written language, but also to culture. The Special colors is the right word or not the translation of color involved in many walks of life have an important impact, such as in the present international trade, commodities and decorating is very particular about color, like yellow anti-Japanese, anti-human Billy Blue Color, such as Europe and the United States to avoid black, red, and so Thai people free. If we do not understand this lack of respect for their customs and habits, you can not sell these countries on commodities, and can not earn foreign exchange. Therefore, we should seriously study these colors on the use of the term ability to acquire knowledge, so that the right to use real life.

Ⅷ 请问泰国人是说英语哇


Ⅸ 泰国人用英文怎么翻译

泰国人的英文是: Thai/Thais

Ⅹ 泰国人怎么说你好


但是需要注意的是,这个词仅限女性使用。如果你是男性,当你遇见泰国人,或者要去泰国旅游的时候,记得要说成sawatdee krub(萨瓦迪卡不)而不是sawatdee ka(萨瓦迪卡),要不然你就有可能被当成泰国特殊的性别种类来看待。



1、几乎全世界人民都会讲泰语“萨瓦迪卡”,殊不知50%的人可能都用错了!其实真正泰语中“你好”的说法是“Sawadee”(萨瓦迪),而“ka”(卡)则是泰语中的尾音,用来----- 辨!雌!雄!



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