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发布时间: 2023-02-16 11:01:10

‘壹’ 用简短的英语介绍土耳其的几个景点 字数不用多 求精 在线等 加分

10 Unmissable Ottoman Sights
Turkey is one of the oldest and most historically rich country in the world. There is so much to see and do it, here is a list of 10 unmissable Ottoman sights in Istanbul, Edirne, Bursa and Agri provinces of Turkey.

It is quite hard to choose between all of Ottoman sights in Turkey. This Top 10 is just a quick glimpse of Turkey, only to give you the idea of the richness of the Ottoman architecture, diversity culture, and daily life.
List of 10 Unmissable Ottoman Sights
Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque), Istanbul
Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul
Topkapi Palace, Istanbul
Rustem Pasha Kervansaray, Edirne
Ishak Pasha Palace, Agri
Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex, Edirne
Sultan Beyazit II Mosque, Edirne
Green Mosque and Tomb, Bursa
Koza Han, Bursa

‘贰’ 土耳其特产有哪些呢




‘叁’ 土耳其有哪些特色动物







土耳其梵猫,英文名:Turkish Van,原产土耳其国,长型而结实体型,中长度长毛,被毛白而发亮,毛质如同丝绸般十分光滑。





‘肆’ 求一篇土耳其的英文介绍 七分钟左右

Agri Ishak Pasha Palace Though named as a "palace," the Ishak Pasha palace is more a kulliye. The palace is the most famous building after the Topkapi palace built in the 18th Century, ring the Lale period, in the classical style. The building is located on the slopes of a hill 5 km. From the Dogubeyazit town. Besides displaying one of the finest examples of the Ottoman architecture, the palace is also known for its diverse history. According to the inscription on the Takkapi gate in the Harem quarter, the palace is built in 1199 Hicri (the Moslem calendar), or 1784 A.D. The building hovers on firm, stony ground because of its location on a slope. Although the palace is located within the centre of the Dogu Beyazit region, three sides of the building (the northern, western, and southern sides) are surrounded by steep rocks. The only access to the palace is through a slightly flat pass. The main gate, the Cumle gate, of the palace is erected against this pass. Since the palace is erected at a time when the castles lost their geographical advantage and when firearms began to be used instead of the sword, the palace’s eastern wing defense is weak. The Cumle gate is made of traditionally carved and sculptured stone. Not many palaces built in the classical Turkish architectural style are left today. The Ishak Pasa Palace is one of them. The Carain Cave The cave is located 27 km. From Antalya at the Katran Mountains. The cave is a natural formation and was inhabited ring the prehistoric ages (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, chalcolithic). The cave yielded skeletons and objects, like dressed stone tools and weapons, processed flintstones, that shed light on life in the prehistoric ages. The Bust of Alexander the Great The bust of Alexander the Great was discovered ring the excavation of Pergamum. The bust found in Pergamum is part of a of the original statue of Alexander, a work by Lysippos, the personal sculptor of Alexander the Great. The bust dates from the 3rd Century B.C. The original Lysippos statue of Alexander has never been found, instead, there are several copies of the statue made in Greek and Roman periods. The Pergamum bust, the only piece remaining from the statue, is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Relief on Ivriz Hill The relief can be found at the spring of the Ivriz stream, 12 km. From Eregli - Konya. The 6.08 metres high relief was a religious sanctuary which dates back to the Late Hittite period in the 8th Century B.C. and depicts king Warpalavas giving offerings to Santaj, the Hittite god of fertility. For more information about the Hittites please refer to the Yazilikaya section of this site. Anadoluhisari Fortress Anadoluhisari on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus is the oldest Turkish building in Istanbul. It was constructed by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I Yildirim in 1395, and later enlarged by Mehmet II (1451-1481) who built the outer walls. At the centre is a 25 m high square tower of four storeys, surrounded by a 20 m high wall 1.5 m thick in the form of an irregular pentagon. The 2 m thick outer wall measures 80 m from north to south and 65 m from east to west. As well as accommodation for the garrison the fortress contained its own mosque. Van Castle The Urartians constructed dozens of castles in this mountainous region of eastern Turkey, such as Toprakkale, Kalecik, Cavustepe, Edremit, Asagi Anfaz, Yukari Anfaz, Zengibar, Muradiye, Kecikiran, Hosap, Agarti, Delicay and Zernakitepe. The most important of all is undoubtedly Van Castle, which was built in the year 834 BC by King Sarr I of Urartu. The northern side rests against steep slopes and to the south are rocky cliffs. The castle measures 1800 m long by 1200 m wide, and within its walls are many royal tombs and inscriptions. Four walls surround the castle, two of Urartian construction, and two built nearly two thousand years later by the Akkoyunlu and Ottomans. In front of the north walls is an open air temple carved into the rock, and within the walls are a mosque, medrese, barracks and cisterns. Sultan Han (Alaeddin Kervansarai) The kervansarai is located in the town of Sultanhani, 40 km. From Aksaray. The han is one of the best examples of Selcuq architecture. As the greatest han built ring the Selcuq period, it was construv-cted by Alaeddin Keykubat I. In 1229. The han was renovated and expanded to a greater size in 1278 after a fire broke out. The architecture of the han is Muhammed bin Havlan el-Dimiski. The han is built on a plan of 50x110 m., and consists of a winter and a summer residence. The most significant part of the han are the reliefs on the Main Gate. Grand Bazaar Throughout the Byzantine period, the grand bazaar was a hectic open air centre for trade. Mehmet II. Continued this tradition but added two covered bedesten (the older version of the modern shopping malls today). The bazaar extended to an even greater scale by Suleyman I. (1520-1566). The last additions of bedesten shops in the bazaar were made in 1701. Misir Carsisi (Egyptian Bazaar) The Egyptian Bazaar (Misir Carsisi) It is the second covered bazaar of Istan- bul. Was built ring the era of Mehmet IV, in compliance with the request of Queen Mother Hatice Turhan. Built in 1660 by the architect Kasim Aga as part of the Yeni Camii Mosque Complex, the bazaar lies today next to the mosque. The bazaar has an ’L’ shape with six gates and 86 shops operating in the bazaar today. Kizkalesi The Castle of Korykos on shore faces another fort, Kizkalesi (Maiden’s Castle), that stands on a tiny island 200 meters offshore. Formerly a sea wall joined the two fortresses. The Maiden’s Castle is located 60 km. From Mersin, near the Erdemli town. It is assumed that the castle originally had a road connecting the castle to the mainland. The road eroded with time and the the castle remains separated from the mainland. The Maiden’s Castle, together with the Castle of Korykos, were built in the IV. Century B.C. by the Greek settlers to prevent assaults to the city of Korykos from the sea. The city of Korykos remained an important harbour in Southeastern Meditteranean until the XIII. Century A.D. The castle passed into Turkish hands when it was conquered by Ibrahim Bey of the Karamanoglu Principality in 1448 and was extensively renovated. The castle has a circumference of 900 m and eight towers 能不能把分给我?!

‘伍’ 关于土耳其的风俗,服饰,饮食,语言,音乐,舞蹈(要求文字减短)

中文名称: 土耳其共和国
英文名称: The Republic of Turkey
简称: 土耳其
所属洲: 欧洲
首都: 安卡拉
主要城市: 安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔
国歌: 《独立进行曲》
国家代码: TR
官方语言: 土耳其语
货币: 土耳其里拉
政治体制: 代议民主共和制
国家领袖: 总统阿卜杜拉·居尔
人口数量: 7200 万(2006年)
主要民族: 土耳其人,库尔德人
主要宗教: 伊斯兰教
国土面积: 780576平方千米
娱乐场和赌场: 与利比爱拉、蒙地卡罗、阿托兰提克城和拉斯维加斯同样,在土耳其可以合法地进赌场进行赌博。喜欢冒险的旅游者可以在主要城市或旅游观光地的娱乐场和赌场尽兴游玩。娱乐场一般设在高级饭店,入场时需出示护照。 夜生活: 土耳其晚上有各种各样的夜生活可供人们享受。在伊斯坦布尔,安卡拉,伊兹米尔等大城市,国家交响乐团,歌剧,芭蕾舞剧团等在世界有名的土耳其人或外国指挥家的指挥下,公演土耳其或其他国家作曲家的作品。在伊斯坦布尔,安卡拉,伊兹米尔不仅有土耳其的各种艺术团体的演出,还经常进行外国艺术团体的公演。另外,还有夜总会和各种豪华的歌舞表演。不管在哪个大街,都可以在夜总会一边品尝土耳其料理一边玩到第二天早晨。在旅游胜地和大城市的迪斯克舞厅都装备有最新的设备。

‘陆’ 土耳其特产是什么




‘柒’ 土耳其旅游英语景点介绍阅读

土耳其是一个横跨欧亚大陆的伊斯兰教国家,被称为"文明的摇篮",是全世界十大旅游国家行列。下面我为大家带来土耳其 旅游英语 景点介绍,欢迎大家阅读!


Though named as a "palace," the Ishak Pasha palace is more a kulliye. The palace is the mostfamous building after the Topkapi palace built in the 18th Century, ring the Lale period, inthe classical style. The building is located on the slopes of a hill 5 km. From the Dogubeyazittown. Besides displaying one of the finest examples of the Ottoman architecture, the palace isalso known for its diverse history. According to the inscription on the Takkapi gate in theHarem quarter, the palace is built in 1199 Hicri (the Moslem calendar), or 1784 A.D. Thebuilding hovers on firm, stony ground because of its location on a slope. Although the palace islocated within the centre of the Dogu Beyazit region, three sides of the building (the northern,western, and southern sides) are surrounded by steep rocks. The only access to the palace isthrough a slightly flat pass. The main gate, the Cumle gate, of the palace is erected againstthis pass. Since the palace is erected at a time when the castles lost their geographicaladvantage and when firearms began to be used instead of the sword, the palace's easternwing defense is weak. The Cumle gate is made of traditionally carved and sculptured stone.Not many palaces built in the classical Turkish architectural style are left today. The Ishak PasaPalace is one of them.

土耳其景点:The Carain Cave

The cave is located 27 km. From Antalya at the Katran Mountains. The cave is a naturalformation and was inhabited ring the prehistoric ages (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic,chalcolithic). The cave yielded skeletons and objects, like dressed stone tools and weapons,processed flintstones, that shed light on life in the prehistoric ages.

土耳其景点:The Relief on Ivriz Hill

The relief can be found at the spring of the Ivriz stream, 12 km. From Eregli - Konya. The6.08 metres high relief was a religious sanctuary which dates back to the Late Hittite period inthe 8th Century B.C. and depicts king Warpalavas giving offerings to Santaj, the Hittite god offertility. For more information about the Hittites please refer to the Yazilikaya section of thissite.

土耳其景点:Anadoluhisari Fortress

Anadoluhisari on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus is the oldest Turkish building in Istanbul. Itwas constructed by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I Yildirim in 1395, and later enlarged byMehmet II (1451-1481) who built the outer walls. At the centre is a 25 m high square tower offour storeys, surrounded by a 20 m high wall 1.5 m thick in the form of an irregular pentagon.The 2 m thick outer wall measures 80 m from north to south and 65 m from east to west. Aswell as accommodation for the garrison the fortress contained its own mosque.

土耳其景点:Van Castle

The Urartians constructed dozens of castles in this mountainous region of eastern Turkey,such as Toprakkale, Kalecik, Cavustepe, Edremit, Asagi Anfaz, Yukari Anfaz, Zengibar,Muradiye, Kecikiran, Hosap, Agarti, Delicay and Zernakitepe. The most important of all isundoubtedly Van Castle, which was built in the year 834 BC by King Sarr I of Urartu. Thenorthern side rests against steep slopes and to the south are rocky cliffs. The castle measures1800 m long by 1200 m wide, and within its walls are many royal tombs and inscriptions. Fourwalls surround the castle, two of Urartian construction, and two built nearly two thousandyears later by the Akkoyunlu and Ottomans. In front of the north walls is an open air templecarved into the rock, and within the walls are a mosque, medrese, barracks and cisterns.

土耳其景点:Grand Bazaar

Throughout the Byzantine period, the grand bazaar was a hectic open air centre for trade.Mehmet II. Continued this tradition but added two covered bedesten (the older version of themodern shopping malls today). The bazaar extended to an even greater scale by Suleyman I. (1520-1566). The last additions of bedesten shops in the bazaar were made in 1701.


1. 世界着名旅游景点名称(中英文)

2. 世界各地着名的旅游景点

3. 世界旅游景点中英文对照

4. 莫斯科英文介绍及景点推荐

5. 旅游景点英文介绍

‘捌’ 土耳其的特产有哪些



土耳其共和国(土耳其语:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti,英语:The Republic of Turkey),简称土耳其,是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。土耳其地理位置和地缘政治战略意义极为重要,是连接欧亚的十字路口。





1、蓝白是最受欢迎的色彩,还有一种称为伊兹尼红(Iznik Red)的,也是代表土耳其风格的色泽。


红茶托盘及红茶杯组——红茶店外送红茶的托盘是最受欢迎的纪念品,配一整套的杯、盘、汤匙,更是土耳其味十足,放在家中赏心悦目,而且有实用价值。到伊斯坦布尔Grand Bazaar买比较便宜,这里还可买到煮咖啡的铜壶、两段式的煮咖啡壶等。


‘玖’ 土耳其有什么特色















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